Providing a Voided Check – Even if You Don’t Have a Checkbook  

voided check app - even if you don't have a checkbook | The Enterprise World
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Almost 50 percent of Americans have not written a check in the past year. That’s according to a recent survey by US personal finance site GoBankingRates, and it demonstrates a decline in check use that started with the credit card age and has accelerated with the rise of contactless payments. But although checks are no longer a popular choice for making payments, Americans often need to hand over a voided check to an employer or lender.  That presents a potential problem in the digital era.

Few of us carry a checkbook with us anymore, and a study by FinanceBuzz found that only a third of Americans in their 20s even own one. There is, however, a way to provide a voided check app in a matter of minutes, even if you don’t have a checkbook. 

Using a voided check app online 

voided check app - even if you don't have a checkbook | The Enterprise World

The safest and most straightforward way to create a voided check showing your US bank details is to visit a voided check website and use an online generator. You can access the generator from any web browser, either from a desktop or mobile device, and it only takes a couple of minutes to select your bank, enter your personal details, and order the voided check, all on a secure and encrypted server. The voided check is then sent to your personal email address, and you can either send it electronically or print it out.  

In an age when banks are closing or repurposing branches by the thousand every year and fewer people than ever carry a checkbook, it is a good idea to bookmark a voided check app on your smartphone. It solves what can appear to be a tricky problem if you suddenly need to provide a voided check at a critical moment.  

Why voided checks are so important?

voided check app - even if you don't have a checkbook | The Enterprise World

That eventuality might seem unlikely at first glance. But voided checks are used more often than you might think, and often at some of the most important moments in life. For example, starting a new job, taking out a mortgage or getting a car loan are all serious and life-changing events. In every case, there is the possibility that you will be asked for a voided check when putting the final details in place.  

Imagine being asked for a voided check so that your new employer can pay your salary or to finalize a carefully negotiated mortgage deal and being unable to provide one because you don’t have a checkbook. With a voided check app, there is nothing to worry about. You can simply pull out your smartphone, call up the voided check generator on your smartphone, and provide the voided check on the spot.  

Prioritizing security and avoiding fraud 

voided check app - even if you don't have a checkbook | The Enterprise World

Even if you are among the minority of Americans who still carry a checkbook, you should give a voided check generator serious consideration. It might seem easier to tear out a paper check and write “void” across it, but it needs to be done properly, using permanent ink and covering all the correct sections of the check.  

These days, we all need to be extra cautious about avoiding fraud and keeping our personal data safe. Using an online voided check generator eliminates even the small risk of a genuine check being pilfered and misused after you have marked it void and handed it to a third party in good faith.  

It is also worth noting that while check use is declining, check fraud is rising. Those of us who still use a checkbook are best advised to keep it at home under lock and key. With a voided check app to hand, there is no need to carry a checkbook “just in case” and run the risk of having it stolen from a wallet, pocket, or purse.  

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