Creative Ways to Use Stickers to Promote Your Brand

5 Creative Ways to Use Stickers to Promote Your Brand

People love stickers especially because of their colorfulness. They use stickers when decorating their refrigerators, notebooks, laptops, cars, and water bottles among other things.

However, did you know that stickers can also be used to promote your business? Well, the truth is that businesses can use stickers to share messages about their operations or even to reach potential customers, and this is even easier nowadays given how easy it is to create your own stickers to sell your brand. They play an important role in product and brand exposure on both offline and online platforms. You can deploy the following creative ways when using stickers to promote your brand.

They play an important role in product and brand exposure in both offline and online platforms. You can deploy the following creative ways when using stickers to promote your brand.

1. Product Labels

Some customers judge products depending on how they are packaged. A creative product label is one of the ways through which businesses can personalize their packaging through the use of custom designs.

You can label almost everything with stickers, from drinks to foods, and other items. You can even use die cut stickers to ensure that they remain in place even when your packaging comes into contact with water or any other liquid.

The first impression when it comes to your products makes a lot of difference when convincing customers to buy from you. 

When they read what the sticker says, they are left with no option but to buy if the product meets their demands. Product labels using stickers are very essential when promoting your brand.

2. Branding Merchandise With Stickers

You can also use stickers to show the creativity of your brand. For instance, if your business is holding an event or maybe attending one, you can give away merchandise such as water bottles and mugs branded with your logo.

This is one of the effective ways of promoting your brand especially because of the access to crowds. Giving away stickers creates a lot of buzz and excitement for the attendees. Especially die cut stickers are great for this. 

In addition, you will easily get people to talk about your services, products, and the business at large. You can even get potential customers and ambassadors here, something that is crucial when it comes to the success of your business.

3. Sticker Seals

Businesses can also use stickers to promote their brand by using sticker seals that showcase their logos, art, or any other custom designs. For instance, you can seal your packages with stickers showcasing your business logo.

Social media growth has driven people to share most of their experiences online. Using a custom logo when sealing your packages will expose your business to even more people when a person is sharing their unboxing experience online.

This is one of the strategies you can use to boost your creativity in your marketing campaigns. It allows you to let someone else market your products without paying them.

In addition, you will not only be promoting your brand with sticker seals but also the products that you offer. Customers will see how you approach customer service and chances are that you will end up promoting your business.

4. Window Stickers

What do you use on your windows and glass doors, especially for those who have a walk-in or storefront office? Did you know that these are among the perfect spaces you can use to notify your customers about discounts and promotions that you might have?

Well, door and window stickers are one of the easiest and most creative ways through which businesses can tell their customers and potential customers about different offers that they have.

In addition, you can use these stickers to share information such as your social media handles and things that you provide such as WiFi among others. This way, you will easily be promoting your brand.

5. Use of QR Code Stickers

Technology has made our lives easy. As a business owner, you should also invest in innovations that make things easy for your customers.

For instance, if a customer wants to visit your website to see the products that you offer, they should not have to type in the website URL for them to gain access to the website. You can use QR codes to provide a shortcut for this.

Using stickers, you can create beautiful free QR codes that are easy to access for your customers. They can use these codes when accessing your online services and unlocking promotional codes among others.


If you want your business to be successful in an increasingly competitive environment and one that is also getting affected by different things such as pandemics and global insecurities, you need to find a creative way of promoting your brand.

Technology advancement has made things easy and created different avenues for businesses to achieve this. One of the easiest ways of promoting your brand is through the use of stickers.

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