When you’re looking to find vulnerability protection for your online storage spaces, servers and your company’s website, it’s important to understand what types of attacks you are seeking to prevent. Without the right know-how, you may find yourself vulnerable to attacks that you did not know where possible. There are a lot of loops to jump through, but they will keep you, your employees and your customers safe. Here are just ten of the most common business website security vulnerabilities you’ll need to be prepared for:
1. Cross Site Scripting
Also known as XXS, website security vulnerabilities in this aspect of web design can allow attackers to target scripts embedded in a page on your client’s end. This allows them to execute malicious scripts on the users visiting a website, and can embed their computers with malware while redirecting them to unwanted, malicious and bait-and-switch style websites. When an XXS attack occurs, it allows the attacker to stealthily execute these dangerous scripts on the victim’s web browser.
2. SQL Injection
Injection refers to a website security vulnerability which allows attackers to modify the backend of SQL statements, and they use this execution to manipulate the user supplied data they gain access to. When the user input is sent to an interpreter as a part of query or command, they can trick the interpreter software into performing commands that will then allow them access to sensitive, unauthorized data. This type of attack works by exploiting and exposing the back-end database of a site.
3. Insecure Direct Object References
This website security vulnerability occurs when a developer exposes a reference to an internal implementation object on accident. Files, database keys, directories and other such sensitive files are most commonly exposed by this mistake. Attackers can use this sensitive information to access other vulnerable objects that can help them position future attacks that will allow them access to more unauthorized data. Investing in vulnerability protection for your company’s website and online spaces is critical.
4. Security Misconfiguration
When website security configuration is not properly defined, it can leave applications, frameworks, web servers, application servers, database servers and platforms deeply exposed. Attackers can use this unauthorized access to gain sensitive data, and can even alter the functionality of a website. These flaws, when severe, can result in complete system compromise, so keeping them intact and secure is crucial.
5. Insecure Cryptographic Storage
This common website security vulnerability occurs when sensitive data is not served on servers and online storage spaces properly. User credentials, credit card information, health details, and sensitive data information are all put at risk when this oversight happens. Data is stored on application databases, and when this is not properly encrypted, it can be easy for attackers to gain access to your website’s backend.
6. Broken Authentication and Session Management
When a session results in cookies and session IDS being suddenly cut off or corrupted, attackers have the potential ability to create invalidated, false cookies in their place. When this happens, the attacker is sometimes able to gain access to sensitive user data. Public computers, and networks that are used by a wide-range of users, are particularly vulnerable to this security issue.
7. Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
If your website is not using a proper validation method while redirecting users from one page to another, an attacker may take advantage of the vulnerability and create false links that will infect users with phishing or malware sites. These unauthorized pages can quickly corrupt files, and expose sensitive information that will make these cyberattacks that much more potentially devastating.
8. Failure to Restrict URL Access
When rendering protected links and buttons, web applications will check for URL access beforehand. Each time pages are accessed, these rendered links and buttons are potentially vulnerable, and if they are not set up properly, privileged pages and user profiles can be overtaken by attackers. This will allow them to invoke functions that make confidential information visible and editable.
9. Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
This error occurs when information exchanges between the client and application (or user and server) are insecure. Applications transmit sensitive information between these channels, allowing credit card information, session tokens and other important authentication details to be accessed over insecure networks. If you have an invalid certificate problem, expired certifications, or other mistakes present in your links between users and servers, you will be vulnerable to this potential security issue.
Knowledge is Safety
With the right knowledge under your belt, and a cybersecurity consulting service to back you up, you can keep your website, and your company’s online servers, as safe as humanly possible. The work you’ll do in keeping your online spaces safe will ensure your business does not fall into a costly, devastating and potentially reputation-ruining situation where your material (and your users’ information) becomes compromised.