Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé: Leading Through Cultures and Diversity in the Communications and Crisis Management Industry

Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé: Leading Through Cultures and Diversity | The Enterprise World

Building a strong reputation is crucial for ensuring the stability, sustainability, and long-term success of any organization. Brand value and reputation have emerged as some of the most valuable intangible assets a company can possess, positioning communications as a strategic and cross-functional priority that is gaining increasing importance within executive boards.

Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé, vice president of ATREVIA in Latin America, is a recognized expert in crisis management and reputation, with a leadership style that generates both impact and credibility. Highly results-driven, yet deeply grounded in a strong human touch that influences every aspect of her work. Her genuine passion for what she does is palpable, and after a conversation with her, you leave convinced of the vital role communication plays in shaping the society we aspire to create.

The Transformative Power of Communication

Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé studied journalism out of a deep sense of vocation. She has always believed that access to information is fundamental to fostering development, safeguarding democracy, and advancing equality and equity. Over time, she recognized that significant contributions can also come from the corporate world, as the private sector plays a pivotal role in shaping the future. She advocates that clear communication, empathy, and mutual understanding elevate everything—from business and politics to personal relationships and professional interactions. 

She highlights that she is fortunate to dedicate herself to her passion, which she deeply believes in. Her father taught her two invaluable lessons. 

“We spend too much of our lives working to waste it on something we don’t enjoy.” 

“It is essential to live according to your principles, sleep peacefully at night, and be able to look at yourself in the mirror.”

Her mother, who retired after 47 years of work and raised four children during a time when there was neither work-life balance nor shared responsibilities in marriage, has also been a source of inspiration and a role model. “She never gives up or sets aside her dreams. In fact, she’s still active as a volunteer in a social organization and has even enrolled in university.”

Over the past 17 years, she has had the opportunity of working with and advising organizations across both the private and public sectors, spanning multiple industries and countries. The twists and turns of life have allowed her to reconnect with her idealistic roots, leading to her return to the media as a columnist.

In recent years, using her voice to champion diversity has become one of her defining traits, particularly in countries where achieving milestones like gender equality still demands substantial work and progress. Empowering those around her to dream big and trust in their abilities is part of this change and, for her, communication is the key tool that turns these aspirations into reality.

From Passion to Purpose building reputation

This senior executive states that she can’t imagine doing anything else; it’s what she does naturally, sometimes even instinctively. Beyond pursuing something that genuinely motivates her, she also wanted to make a difference. “Even the smallest positive action can spark another of equal value.”

She found that communications offer her both. Even though she acknowledges that expressions like “changing the world” or “making the world a better place” might sound clichéd and even pretentious, she considers that the reality is that everyone has the power to improve their environment in some way. This applies in a real way to the corporate world in the private sector.

Effective communication is a fundamental and pervasive element in any organization. Achieving strategic objectives is nearly impossible without an aligned, committed team and a deep connection to the needs and interests of the target audience. Communication is key to building a strong reputation. Reputation is the most valuable intangible asset an organization possesses and acts as a shield in times of crisis. An organization with a solid reputation is far better equipped to navigate challenging situations, minimizing both impact and costs. 

Building on the above, there are additional positive impacts of effective and well-managed communication. These include a clear and aligned vision of the organization’s goals, paired with a consistent and coherent message to all stakeholders; more motivated and engaged employees with an enhanced ability to work as a team, leading to direct improvements in performance and productivity; and greater ease in identifying and resolving issues, providing a culture of innovation. 

Strategic Communications in Crisis

Every situation that jeopardizes the normal operations, performance, and reputation of an organization demands robust communication support. Even when such situations aren’t publicly disclosed, there will always be stakeholders invariably affected”. Over the years, Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé has observed major companies execute stellar crisis management strategies that have allowed them to emerge stronger. Conversely, there have been poorly managed crises that have led to losses amounting to millions of dollars. 

Prioritizing communication, alongside other technical considerations, and implementing an effective, well-targeted strategy are often what differentiate successful outcomes. It’s not merely about resolving the situation at its source; it’s also about managing the collateral effects on the organization’s image and reputation, maintaining the organization’s credibility, and preserving the trust that people place in it.

Key Pillars for Effective Crisis Management

Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé says that effective crisis management rests on four fundamental key pillars:

  • Comprehensive Analysis

It’s essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the situation, assessing the impact and identifying potential risks. Understanding the scope and potential fallout of the crisis is crucial for formulating an appropriate response strategy.

  • Rapid Decision-Making

Agility and immediacy in decision-making are critical during a crisis. Quick, decisive actions are necessary to mitigate damage and navigate the situation effectively.

  • Flexibility and adaptability

Sticking to the usual procedures might not be effective in a crisis. Adapting to the unique challenges and demands of the situation is necessary. 

  • Transparency 

In an era of information overload, transparency is paramount. Misleading or unclear information is likely to be scrutinized and exposed. Stakeholders may forgive errors, but they will not tolerate being misled or underestimated.

Leading a Team through Crisis

According to this expert, during a crisis, the company needs to maintain credibility and trust through transparent communication and a consistent message that addresses the doubts and concerns arising among the multiple stakeholders because of the crisis. Proactivity and taking control of the narrative significantly impact perception, as does maintaining a continuous flow of information to keep interested parties updated. Managed with empathy and responsibility, this approach showcases clear leadership that sustains credibility and helps preserve the trust of the organization’s stakeholders.

To Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé, crises require keeping a cool head, good analytical abilities, and swift decision-making. Beyond mere knowledge, these capabilities are largely honed through experience. In this process, there’s a continuous learning curve marked by both successes and mistakes, as is in any area of expertise. 

In her experience, two scenarios consistently complicate crisis management and heighten difficulty. The first is when the advisors are not provided with all the necessary information, which hinders their work and jeopardizes the outcomes. The second scenario involves political elements. In these cases, the facts often become secondary to other interests, and one finds oneself working in an environment driven by strong emotional and visceral reactions.

People at the heart of the strategy

Preceded by a reputation for upholding high standards and building reliable teams, this senior executive explains that without maintaining an impeccable image, a communications consultancy or agency cannot expect someone to trust it with its own image. In the marcomms industry, you must stay ahead of trends and understand the needs of others. Aligning the team is also essential for success and growth. “The team’s work brings the value promise of the organization to life, making it tangible”

Furthermore, promoting a culture of continuous improvement is important. This culture should be based on listening, feedback, innovation, and recognition. However, none of this can be achieved without instilling a strong sense of responsibility for actions. Leaders must lead by example. You cannot ask the team to do something that you are not willing to do yourself. 

Women as Leaders in the Private Sector

The perception of women in leadership roles varies across different countries. This has influenced not only Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé’s career path but also her purpose and how she does certain tasks, particularly regarding their potential impact. She says, “Globally, we still have a long way to go – not just in terms of women’s roles but in creating truly diverse and equitable environments.

As a woman, I’ve encountered challenging situations, and I hope the progress we’re making now will spare future generations from the same struggles. We are still questioned, and we often have to work harder than men to reach the same level. In my view, talent knows no gender, but unfortunately, the barriers still do.”

There will always be people who claim that women already have equal rights under the law. They believe there is nothing left to fight for. However, every day, news reports show abuse, violence, and the erosion of rights that were once taken for granted. These reports highlight the stark reality that there is still much to fight for. As women who attain positions of visibility and influence, we carry a significant responsibility. It is important for us to speak up for those who do not have the same opportunities, to lend our voice in service to those who are not heard.

Implementation of AI in Crisis Management

Artificial intelligence has brought a significant change to the crisis management industry. Its use is set to grow, with new tools playing a pivotal role in shaping how organizations communicate. However, this also presents the challenge of not sacrificing the human element for the sake of convenience. The emotional depth and authenticity that come from human interaction are irreplaceable. Listening is more critical than ever. In today’s time, effective communication is less about speaking and more about truly listening. Without this, an organization can risk losing the connection with its audiences.

Dynamism is essential. New methods and formats are constantly emerging, and an organization can’t afford to overlook them. It enables an organization to communicate in a personalized and meaningful way with its various audiences. 

Unfortunately, misinformation and fake news will probably remain prevalent, with far-reaching consequences that impact society, politics, and the economy. Staying prepared, building a solid reputation, and educating the public are more crucial than ever. This is closely linked to society’s increasing demand for businesses to prioritize ethics, transparency, and sustainability. Communication is essential in driving all of these efforts.

Work-Life Balance and Advice for Leaders

Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé says that maintaining a work-life balance is not easy. She feels incredibly fortunate to work with an amazing team: “They are the ones that truly make things happen”. Without them, she would not be able to accomplish everything she does. On a personal level, she considers herself lucky to have people around her who understand how demanding her job is. They also recognize that her job fulfills her ambitions and that she enjoys it. Moreover, her job helps her grow both professionally and personally. Their unconditional support serves as a crucial foundation for her.

Carmen Sánchez-Laulhé’s advice for aspiring leaders who wish to excel in the industry is to invest in talent and stay true to their principles, putting people and values at the core of everything one does.

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