Improving Employee Morale Amid Return to Office Policies

Improve Employee Morale During Return to Office Policies | The Enterprise World


During the global pandemic, many businesses were forced to close their offices and shift primarily to remote work. However, with the health crisis largely behind us now, many of those same organizations are looking to transition back to working in person. But it isn’t as simple as telling your team one day that they need to show up at the office tomorrow.

People have grown accustomed to working from home, and as such, organizations need comprehensive Return to Office (RTO) policies that map out the transition process. One key element of your RTO policies should be to improve employee morale during this time.

Give Employees Flexibility When Possible

To start, you should examine your RTO policies to see if there is any room for flexibility. Many people enjoy the benefits of working from home and would rather work virtually than return to the office. However, many managers feel that teams are more productive in the office. To strike a balance, see if you can offer employees flexibility between working from home and working in the office.

For instance, perhaps you can have a requirement of working in the office on certain days or a certain number of days each week. You can also define the in-office work requirements based on a person’s role, with more vital roles spending more time in the office. Giving your employees the option to work from home occasionally should boost morale and make the transition back to the office a little easier.

Improve the Office Space

Improve Employee Morale During Return to Office Policies | The Enterprise World

Next, spend some time focusing on the office space itself. Your team will enjoy working in the office more if it’s a comfortable and inviting space. For example, maybe you can upgrade the office chairs so that working at a desk for long hours isn’t a strain, or add some new equipment that makes day-to-day work easier.

At the very least, you should make sure your office space is a clean and organized environment. According to Compass Cleaning Solutions, a commercial cleaning service in Phoenix, “A clean workplace is essential for maintaining a happy, healthy workforce. Employees spend a significant portion of their day in the office, and a professionally cleaned office can boost morale, increase productivity, and reduce health risks associated with infectious diseases.”

Introduce Team Building Exercises

Team building exercises are a great way to improve camaraderie among employees while also adding some fun to their daily routine. While many organizations implemented virtual team-building exercises over the past few years, in-person team-building is often more fun and more effective. Organize events for your teams, such as completing a local Escape Room challenge or going out for dinner. You can also play fun games, like creating an office-wide fantasy football league. When your employees enjoy working together, they won’t mind coming into the office as often.

Provide Regular Recognition

Improve Employee Morale During Return to Office Policies | The Enterprise World

A key way to improve employee morale is by providing regular recognition for achievements and hard work. Everyone likes to feel that their work isn’t going unnoticed, and some simple recognition can go a long way. For example, you can send out a company-wide email when someone reaches a milestone with your company, like working there for ten years. You can also give out awards every quarter to top-performing salespeople or customer service agents.

There are many other ways you can recognize hard work, like gift cards, bonuses, and “Employee of the Month” awards. Choose a method that’s best for your team and your organization’s budget.

Increase Incentives and Benefits

Next, if your organization has the financial ability, consider increasing your staff’s incentives and benefits. Going back into the office is a major transition for some people, especially on their finances, and an increase in benefits could go a long way toward making it easier. For example, someone who is used to working from home may not have plans in place for extra childcare. By providing a childcare incentive or even setting up a childcare facility in your office, you help to ease this burden.

Ask for Feedback

Improve Employee Morale During Return to Office Policies | The Enterprise World

Finally, ask for feedback from your team. Discuss your RTO policies with them and see if they have any suggestions for how you can implement them with less friction. You’ll not only learn about how to best improve employee morale amid your transition back to work in person, but your team will appreciate that you listened to and implemented their feedback.

There are many ways to get feedback from your team, such as sending out a company-wide survey, conducting a small focus group, or holding individual meetings. Pick a method that works best based on the size of your company. Then, adapt your RTO policies based on the feedback you received to better handle the transition.

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