Dustin Moskovitz - Asana Review

Asana Review


Asana is a project management tool that helps to increase work productivity and the quality of work. This tool can be used in multiple sectors like marketing, IT, operations, and sales. They offer a number of key features in their products like setting goals, checking the workload, scheduling tasks on the calendar, and helping to build a workflow. It helps to build efficiency in the work and saves precious time. They have also given a demo on their website on how it works. Basically, it helps in project coordination that finishes the same without any hassles. It has a cloud-based platform, that helps to access projects from anywhere in the world. It knows the importance it holds as the need for digital facilities keeps on increasing.

Pros and Cons



Task tracking

Needs a considerable internet speed

Efficient work management

Technical glitches which disturb the hierarchy

Manage work on a single dashboard

No cloud storage facility


Asana allows you to align your team’s goals with AI. Here are some features of Asana:

  • You can create automated processes for easier co-ordination between teams. 
  • You can set strategic goals and track goals accordingly. 
  • Various forms are available to submit and manage work requests in one place. 
  • The workload feature offers the tracking of how much workload is shared across various teams present in the organization. 
  • The board feature offers to select an option from the three present in there. 
  • Whether a task is done, in process, or instructing someone to do it, can be handled via this software tool. An easy and confusion-free way to communicate with each other.  

Customer Reviews:

Be it a small-scale or a large-scale business unit, all of them are in favor of using Asana. People have said it brings ease in their lives and has increased their quality of work. Customers have accepted the tool and how. A lot of positive responses have made the tool quite popular. Let’s have a look at some of the reviews:

  • A useful management tool for demanding organizations: The tool helped me to organize the team’s tasks in a comprehensive manner. It allowed them to be more effective and efficient. Reason for choosing Asana was the features it avails and the ease of use them. Also due to the characteristics and structure of the team, Asana was my go-to tool. The organization needed a tool that had more options to change the way the projects were organized and the way different tools could be integrated. 
  • Break any flow into manageable tasks: A reliable project management tool with dynamic functionalities and automation tools that can help organize projects, view sections, create new tasks, and collaborate with others via messages and this will certainly help productivity and excellence at work. With few clicks, you can manage any workload with ease. Also, we like the lightning speed of Asana when creating new tasks, milestones, and projects. We can easily duplicate and add our own custom fields and forms. 


A detailed video has been uploaded on the website in order to help the beginner users. Each feature is explained and the benefits it offers are explained too. 

To create a team via the admin console:

  • From your admin console, navigate to Teams on the sidebar
  • Click on the Create Team button in the top-right corner
  • A Create New Team popup window will ask you to add your team’s name
  • You can then add a description for your team
  • Add members
  • Choose the team’s privacy settings
  • Click Create team

Add an email address

  • You can add multiple email addresses to your Asana account. With multiple email addresses associated with your account, you can:
  • Have additional options for emailing tasks to Asana
  • Have additional options for receiving email notifications
  • Log into your account using any of your email addresses
  • Get invitations from other people to join their workspace or organization using any of your email addresses

Remove an email address

You can only remove an email address if you already have more than one email address associated with your account, if you no longer use that email address or if it belongs to someone else.

From the Notifications, under Email notifications scroll down and click Remove Email.


  • Basic plan: The basic plan is basically a free plan. It offers some services free of cost which gives a glimpse of their tool. It helps the user to know about the whereabouts of various features and how to use the tool. Gives a basic idea about the usage and the feel of it. It is designed such that users get to know about the project management tool and get the hang of it. Storage of 100MB per file is given to the users in order to keep important files stored. 
  • Premium plan: The premium plan includes everything in the basic plan, plus additional benefits. Like workflow builder, unlimited number of free guests, templates of tasks to increase productivity, and admin console to control and manage operations easily. Small-scale and medium size organizations are the ones who use this one as it is made while keeping them as a target group. 
  • Business plan: Similar to the premium plan, the business plan includes everything that is in the premium plan, with more additional features to make work-life easier than ever before. Organizations that have multiple departments and their seniors who work on a multi-task basis, prefer these tools. It helps to give productive outputs with increasing efficiency and efficacy too. 

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