Whether you currently work for a large and national, or even international, company and are one in a long line of team members whose job resembles one another, or else part of a smaller and more intimate team in a local business, proper workplace etiquette is both expected and the law. Should you have an issue, either with your direct manager themselves, or the company in general, this guide will surely help.
With this in mind, here are the top compelling reasons and common methods of bringing a case against your employer.
1. You Have Suffered Police Brutality
Depending on the industry in which your company is based in and, indeed, the specific nature of your job role, it may be common for you to work closely with, or indeed, be interviewed by, members of law enforcement regularly.
The vast majority of police officers do everything in their professional and personal power to uphold the law and do everything ‘to the letter’, but as in any profession, there are always bad apples that slip through the net. This is one of the compelling reason for bringing a case against your employer.
In this situation, and should you intend on seeking justice beyond raising a grievance through the tamer and more traditional means, do make sure you do your homework and hire one of the respected and dependable injury lawyers to help.
2. You Are Being Sexually Harassed
If you were to believe many politicians and more than a few national media outlets, sexual harassment at work has all but been resigned to the history books. Unfortunately, however, even though the issue has been highlighted and such incidents occur less frequently, sexual harassment happens.
For those people who have experienced sexual harassment, either by a colleague in the same department, a virtual stranger from an entirely different team, or indeed, your direct manager or team leader, this is wholly unacceptable and should be reported.
Anyone who sexually harasses another person, in any capacity and in any context, should always be held accountable for their actions to stop them from being able to harass anyone else in the future. Sexual Harassement could be a top compelling reasons for bringing a case against your employer.
3. You Are Being Discriminated Against
Alternatively, perhaps you feel as if you are constantly passed over for a promotion, even though you have worked for the company the longest in your department and consistently produce top-quality and thorough work; this may mean you are being discriminated against.
If, when applying for a new job within the company or, indeed, at a brand-new one, you feel as if the language the interview is using is inappropriate or condescending, if the questions you are asked feel entirely out of place in an interview or you are offered a lower level of pay, you may well be a victim of workplace discrimination.
By far, the first and best course of action would be to go directly to your employer, ideally in an official and formal capacity and even more ideally, not to the person holding the interview and raising a grievance.