Beyond the Mainstream: Influencers Making Waves in Unique Niches 

10 Content Creators Who Influence Audiences | The Enterprise World

The world of online influencing is now a cornerstone of business marketing and, indeed, the wider economy. Once considered a small demographic, there are an estimated 3.7 million influencers on the Instagram platform alone. Add in video content creators on TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch, and you are talking about tens of millions of creators practicing the ‘art’ of influencing.  

Yet, for those looking to enter the space, it’s worth noting that picking a niche subject can help you stand out. Topics like video games and cooking are done so often that they are arguably reaching a point of saturation. But if you have a passion for something niche, you can really make waves.

Check out these 10 content creators who influence audiences on some underrepresented topics:  

1. Dr. Becky Smethurst – Astrophysics 

Main Platform: YouTube 

10 Content Creators Who Influence Audiences | The Enterprise World

Dr. Becky Smethurst is an astrophysicist at the prestigious Oxford University. She creates videos that make complex topics in astrophysics accessible to an audience that wouldn’t have the first clue about dark matter or neutron stars. Smethurst makes topics that we usually deem out of reach accessible, guiding her audience to understand the mysteries of the universe. She always keeps the audience updated on the latest discoveries in astrophysics.  

2. Alys Fowler – Urban Gardening 

Platform: Instagram 

Alys Fowler is an urban gardener and author who shares tips on growing plants in small spaces, promoting sustainability, and DIY gardening projects. This content creator really hits home with those of us who don’t see a lot of green in our quotidian activities, i.e., those of us who live in cities, particularly apartments. You’ll be surprised as to how much you can do on a balcony or tiny garden space.   

3. Narek Gharibyan 

Platform: YouTube 

10 Content Creators Who Influence Audiences | The Enterprise World

The hugely popular NG Slot channel on YouTube sees the influencer highlighting the entertainment aspect of many modern casino games. Gharibyan plays both offline and online, explaining the latest iGaming trends to his 540K subscribers. Casino streaming might seem niche, but it’s actually growing massively in popularity as the industry evolves with more complex and entertaining games. The affable NG Slot is one of the best in the business.  

4. Jonna Jinton – Scandinavian Culture and Nature 

Platform: YouTube 

In global indices of happiness and well-being, Scandinavian countries often come out on top, and Jonna Jinton’s content on YouTube will probably tell you why. She is a Swedish artist, musician, and filmmaker who documents her life in the Swedish countryside. Her videos capture the beauty of nature, traditional Scandinavian crafts, and the serenity of rural living, providing a peaceful escape for her viewers. Aesthetically, she produces some of the most beautiful videos you’ll find anywhere online.  

5. Binging with Babish (Andrew Rea) – Culinary Arts  

Platform: YouTube 

The chocolate cake from Matilda? The Lembas bread from Lord of the Rings?  The Krabby Patty from Spongebob Squarepants? If you’ve ever wanted the literal taste of the movies and television shows, this channel has you sorted. Andrew Rea, known as Binging with Babish, recreates iconic dishes from movies and TV shows. His channel combines culinary arts with pop culture, offering detailed recipes and entertaining commentary that appeal to both foodies and film buffs. 

6. Ali Abdaal – Productivity and Study Advice 

Platform: YouTube 

Ali Abdaal is a former doctor turned YouTuber who shares productivity hacks, study techniques, and insights on personal development. Of course, there is no end of videos offering productivity hacks, but Abdaal has a unique, engaging approach to his content. It is aimed at students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their efficiency and work-life balance. If you feel you just can’t get on top of things, Abdaal’s channel should be your shot at changing your life.  

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7. Nathaniel Drew – Minimalism and Mindfulness 

Platform: YouTube 

Your story is truly inspirational and we are honored to feature you in this issue.
The Enterprise World wishes you all the very best in your future endeavors.

We live in a world of noise – phones, social media, constant emails – and many of us would like to find some perspective, slow down, and catch our breath. Nathaniel Drew creates reflective and creative videos exploring minimalism, mindfulness, and personal growth. This content creator encourages viewers to simplify their lives, focus on what truly matters, and cultivate a more mindful approach to daily living. It sounds simple, and Drew won’t work for everyone, but his novel approach has worked wonders for his army of followers.  

8. Rachel Maksy – Vintage and Sustainable Fashion  

Platform: YouTube 

Rachel Maksy is a content creator who specializes in vintage fashion and DIY costumes. She shares tutorials on recreating historical garments and accessories, as well as lifestyle tips inspired by different eras, appealing to fans of vintage aesthetics. Her work is particularly important in this era of throwaway fashion. Maksy makes you think about the true cost of what you wear.  

9. Seb Lester – Calligraphy  

Platform: Instagram 

Beautiful handwriting is not the first thing you would think about when it comes to art, but it can be just as engaging as painting when created by a true artist. Seb Lester is a calligrapher and lettering artist known for his intricate and beautiful hand-lettering work. He shares videos and tutorials showcasing his craft, offering inspiration and education to those interested in typography and calligraphy. Try it – you’ll soon be hooked.  

10. Shirin Yoku – Forest Bathing and Nature Therapy 

Platform: Instagram 

Similar to Jonna Jinton in theme, Shirin Yoku explores how getting outside and connecting with nature can really change your life. Yoku promotes the practice of forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku) and nature therapy, which involves immersing oneself in nature to improve mental and physical well-being. While her content can become a little repetitive after a while, there is so much to gain from it if you buy into the idea that nature can heal the soul.  

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