From Bruises to Sprains: Different Types Of Slip & Fall Injuries

Different Types Of Slip and Fall Injuries | The Enterprise World

Slip and fall is one of the most common forms of injury. However, the extent and area impacted might vary depending on the reasons that led to the incident.

We have broadly categorized the different types of slip and fall injuries:

1. Traumatic Brain Injury

Different Types Of Slip and Fall Injuries | The Enterprise World

This can occur whether or not you hit your head against a hard object from a fall. You might face serious harm when your brain receives a jolt because of the impact caused by the slip and fall injuries. Often, we fail to realize the severity of the injury following a fall. In such cases, there might be secondary injuries that are more dangerous than the initial trauma. On being left untreated, a traumatic brain injury can lead to continued pain for months to come.

2. Sprained Ankles or Wrists

We often take an uneven or unusual step whenever we try to avoid a fall. We aim to protect our faces, thus using our hands as a cushion. This can lead to a tear in your ankle or wrist, causing a strain or sprain. This type of injury takes a long time to heal as ligaments don’t receive much blood. Often, we neglect such injuries, but they can interfere with our daily lives. You will fail to cook, type, or even button a shirt for a prolonged time.

3. Cuts & Bruises

Different Types Of Slip and Fall Injuries | The Enterprise World

Falling can lead to internal or external damage, such as a cut or bruise. The bruise might not always seem very serious but might lead to more significant problems when left untreated. If you have sustained cuts and bruises due to the negligence of others, then it is necessary to take photos of your injuries. This will help document your injuries and increase the strength of your case as you seek the expertise of a Chicago personal injury lawyer.

4. Soft Tissue Injuries

You might not always break a bone following slip and fall injuries. There might be severe harm, such as soft tissue injuries. These injuries affect body parts like ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

5. Shoulder Dislocation

Different Types Of Slip and Fall Injuries | The Enterprise World

Our shoulder, the most mobile joint of our body, is also highly susceptible to injuries when we slip and fall. You might hit something or land on your shoulder when you fall unexpectedly. This is one of the most potent causes of a shoulder dislocation injury. Another type of injury is when the upper arm pops out from your shoulder blade socket.

6. Spinal Cord Damage

Spinal cord injuries can lead to catastrophic results and alter a person’s life trajectory permanently. It can lead to weakness, numbing, intense pain, tingling sensation, and paralysis in extreme cases. You will be eligible for compensation to carry out both current hospital expenses and your future medical costs if the spinal cord injury occurs due to the fault of the defendant.


If you experience injuries by falling on someone else’s property, you must primarily seek medical attention. If you smell foul play, document the accident scene by taking pictures, which can help file your lawsuit. Also, make sure to report the accident to the concerned authorities to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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