Essential Skills to Thrive in an Automated Business Landscape

Essential Skills to Thrive in an Automation Business | The Enterprise World
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Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and even robotics are changing the landscape of business at a rapid pace. You might have some misgivings about the rise of automation business, but have you ever considered the benefits?

Below, we will examine why automation is a good thing and the skills you can cultivate to get hired and enjoy job security in an automated environment. We will also discuss the skills automation business owners should learn or hire in to boost sales and the customer experience.

Why You Should Not Fear Being Replaced

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Computer automation is currently creating a shift in the workplace, leaving some people uneasy. Could an automated assistant replace you in your job?

To answer that question, it is beneficial to look at another time when machines started performing common workplace tasks. From approximately 1760 to 1840, a massive shift known as the Industrial Revolution occurred. Before the Industrial Revolution, most goods were painstakingly made by hand. During this time, machines were invented to take over repetitive and laborious tasks. Many goods were then made in factories.

Craftsmen of the time feared that these factory machines would take away their jobs. The net result, however, was the creation of more jobs. The work involved was different, but jobs were available.

Something similar happened when computers first came into use in the 1970s and 1980s, and it is happening now. AI and automation may make some jobs obsolete, but the technologies also create a host of jobs.

You can benefit from this pivot by adding the following to your skillset.

How Employees Can Thrive Alongside Automation?

The Role of Automation Technology and Customer Experience | The Enterprise World

More companies are using automation to handle mundane and repetitive tasks. This ultimately frees up time for many employees to focus on more creative or managerial duties—work that a computer can’t do.

But what if you are currently looking for a job? It is important to present yourself as someone having the technical skills and abilities needed to thrive amid automation—to utilize the technologies at hand. Because numbers don’t lie, a resume with metrics can be the tool you need.

Metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) record quantifiable, numerical evidence of past performance in your experience section. This might include statistics such as growth percentiles, sales increases, waste reduction, savings in time or money, increases in customers, and the like.

Consider a few key skills you can start cultivating today.

Stay Ahead of the Tech Game

Companies embracing automation want employees ready to do the same. Learn how to use AI text and image generators for brainstorming, proofreading, and document optimization. Familiarize yourself with time-saving digital strategies, like creating electronically signable PDF files. Try out simple automations for yourself—experiment with AI-enhanced smartphone apps, smart home appliances, and more.

Actively improve your data literacy. Use AI tools to analyze and gain insights from data. Automate some of your own administrative tasks so that you can focus your attention on higher-value activities.

This familiarity will give you confidence and an edge when your company introduces the next automation innovation into its workflow.

Soft Skills—Your “Human Advantage”

There will always be things that machines cannot do. You can future-proof your career by polishing in-demand soft skills. These include team building, client relationship building, creative problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.

How Businesses Can Thrive Via Automation?

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Above, we’ve considered what job seekers and employees need to know in order to ride the wave of automation successfully. But there are also skills and abilities automation businesses need to utilize.

If you’re a business owner, you might focus on automations that enhance customer experiences. You can learn about these technologies yourself or hire candidates with the necessary know-how.

One such automation is the customer service chatbot. Chatbots can be easily installed on your website. They draw on ChatGPT and similar technologies, and can be trained with the specifics of your automation business. Chatbots provide customers with the answers to common questions, alleviating long wait times. They can also get the ball rolling, collecting information human customer service reps may need to provide additional assistance.

In a similar vein, you can set up automation for email messaging and social media. Keep your company front-of-mind by programming automated emails and message responses. Automatic responses can assure customers that their request has been received.

Schedule regular social media posts to improve brand recognition and generate excitement. Facebook, for example, allows you to schedule posts up to 29 days in advance.

Depending on your industry, you may be able to automate some physical tasks. A robotic vacuum could keep your showroom tidy, or a robotic waiter could bring orders to the table. This can save your company the expense of hiring out these mundane duties.

Key Takeaways

Increased automation is nothing to fear. Job candidates and current employees can solidify their positions by enhancing their technological skills—automation business to improve customer service and save expenses regarding simple tasks.

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