How Established Brands Can Deal With SEO Fatigue?

How Established Brands Can Deal With SEO Fatigue in 2023? | The Enterprise World

Search engine optimization is a vital part of branding for startups and established brands. It keeps your website visible on the first page of search rankings, making it possible for your target audiences to spot you in the crowd. Even as a renowned brand, you need a robust strategy to stay ahead on the credibility front.

According to a recent survey, 90% of marketers consider SEO the most effective marketing channel. Moreover, SEO boasts an impressive lead close rate of 14.6%, which is far more than a 1.7% close rate for outbound leads. Not surprisingly, the industry is worth over $74.6 billion in 2023.

Going by these numbers, SEO is big and here to stay, but business owners need to understand that there’s another side to the picture. Pushing too hard can lead to SEO fatigue, which can happen even to big brands with hefty resources. Overcoming it sooner than later is critical to keep your digital marketing plan on track.

Let us highlight a few tips brands can adopt to deal with SEO Fatigue:

1. Understand SEO Fatigue

How Established Brands Can Deal With SEO Fatigue in 2023? | The Enterprise World

The first step is to understand the concept of SEO fatigue. For any business starting from scratch, the strategy can take 6 to 12 months to show results, provided everything is done the right way. Brands may see results faster if they have a good name and reputation in the market. But consistently staying on top of search rankings is the bigger challenge.

Remember that SEO is not a set-and-forget thing. It requires consistent effort. Additionally, the changing search algorithms mean you need to realign your plan more often than you imagine. Changes in customer expectations, competitor trends, and search volume also play a role. You can imagine how exhausting handling so much stuff can get. Undoubtedly, SEO fatigue is real, and you should accept it.

2. Know the Red Flags

Despite being consistent with SEO, you may probably find yourself thinking about why results are elusive at some points. That is always likely, specifically when there’s a big shuffle in Google’s search algorithm or a significant change in the competitive landscape. At times, you may just experience a slowdown or ranking drop without a reason.

Knowing the red flags of SEO fatigue can help you diagnose it and set things right before they get out of control. Outsourcing to professional SEO services is a good idea because outsiders can see your brand more objectively and find gaps you cannot see as an insider. Research shows that 81% of businesses prefer outsourcing these tasks instead of having an in-house team.

According to RK Web Solutions, maintaining your rankings is about white-hat strategies and consistent effort. Brands are far better at doing these with an agency because the approach costs less and reduces their workload. Moreover, seasoned professionals can quickly spot red flags and address them.

3. Always Be Ready to Realign

Did you know that Google refreshes its algorithms 500-600 times a year? Are you also aware that more than 200 factors can affect search rankings?

How Established Brands Can Deal With SEO Fatigue in 2023? | The Enterprise World

These numbers sound scary even to brands with massive SEO budgets. Juggling with updates and ranking factors can be exhausting, specifically when you are in a competitive landscape and have a reputation to maintain.

The only way to keep things moving and avoid SEO fatigue is to be ready to realign and adapt. For example, you can gain an edge by targeting long-tail search terms instead of chasing broad search terms all your competitors focus on. While specific keywords may get you only 100 people searching with them, these users are far more likely to convert. Achieving more with less can help you prevent fatigue.

4. Prioritize Relevant Content Over Everything Else

How Established Brands Can Deal With SEO Fatigue in 2023? | The Enterprise World

Working on constant research and keyword changes day in and day out can be tiring. Fatigue is around the corner when results are not visible and sustainable. Relevant content can be a game-changer in such a situation. Experts emphasize the significance of high-quality, informative, and relevant content for a successful SEO strategy.

Brands have a clear advantage when it comes to content. They can leverage user-generated content such as customer stories, reviews, and recommendations to add value to their website. Plus, they have tons of experience showing their authority through informative blog posts and website pages. Show Google what you have to get a ranking boost without tiring yourself out.


SEO fatigue is real, and brands can encounter it when results don’t come despite consistent effort. You need to be vigilant to check the red flags and address them quickly. At the same time, patience is a virtue you shouldn’t miss out on. SEO may get tricky sometimes, but persistence can help you get through.

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