Frank Huang: A Multifaceted Marketing Leader Fostering Dynamic Growth in the Finance Landscape

Frank Huang Genesis Wealth Management Corp Multifaceted Marketing Leader The Enterprise World

Marketing is an ever-evolving field that demands leaders who can continuously adapt and evolve as per the latest trends. Successful marketing in the contemporary landscape requires more than just a keen understanding of traditional strategies; it necessitates an ability to harness the power of data analytics, social media dynamics, and the rapidly changing digital ecosystem.

Hence, marketing leaders must stay informed about the latest trends and possess the foresight to anticipate the next wave of innovations. With a proven track record in adapting to changing market conditions and addressing evolving audience demands, Frank Huang (Chief Marketing Officer & Dealing Representative at Genesis Wealth Management Corp) is a recognized marketing leader who has also contributed to reshaping the print media landscape by offering specialized and personalized content.

Frank Huang has achieved significant milestones throughout a lucrative career spanning over 3 decades, from venturing into new industries to founding successful publications and marketing ventures. In the early 1990s, he embarked on a career in marketing and investment, as a Manager employed by a Hong Kong-based conglomerate. He was key in planning and developing various projects, from tourist attractions to innovative technologies. After nearly a decade in Hong Kong, he pursued an MBA in Paris, France, focusing on business management and marketing.

Upon completing the program, he entered the media industry in Vancouver, working for organizations like Radio Canada International and Global Chinese Press. His tenure as Editor-in-Chief earned him consecutive Jack Webster Awards, which recognize excellence in journalism in Canada.

Frank later founded publications, adapting to changing market demands. Transitioning to real estate, he became VP and Marketing Director at a major Vancouver company, overseeing marketing for large-scale integrated communities. In 2020, Frank Huang passed the Exempt Market Proficiency Course, joining Genesis Wealth Management Corp. as a registered exempt market dealing representative and assuming the role of the CMO. 

Frank Huang Turning Obstacles into Opportunities of Growth

Although Frank Huang faced significant challenges throughout his professional journey, he turned them into opportunities for growth and learning. Transitioning from tourism to media, real estate development, and asset management, each shift posed hurdles. Moving from a Vice President role in real estate to Genesis Wealth required acquiring financial knowledge and licenses. He navigated market dynamics and adapted to technological shifts in the media industry, pioneering news websites. Marketing challenges, including the rise of digital platforms, demanded ongoing efforts to craft effective strategies. Frank’s proactive approach to industry transformations, market dynamics, and marketing changes showcases his adaptability and commitment to staying ahead.

Nevertheless, these challenges have significantly influenced Frank’s career, equipping him with the resilience and adaptability essential for success in the dynamic business world and underscoring the significance of his proactive and strategic problem-solving approach. In his accomplished career, Frank Huang takes immense pride in several notable achievements that paved his way atop the ladder of industry success. While at Global Chinese Press, he led a team in shaping a distinctive editorial direction, gaining substantial market share and earning industry recognition. Awards, including “Global Chinese Press Day” proclaimed by the Mayor of Vancouver, underscored their success.

Joining Genesis Wealth Management, Frank Huang swiftly adapted, earning accolades like the “Best Administration Award” in 2021 and the “Outstanding Performance Advisor Award” in 2023. Recognized as one of “The Most Impactful CMOs to Watch in 2023,” he actively engages in community volunteer work, coordinating the Vancouver Chinatown Spring Festival Parade and receiving The Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for significant contributions.

Highlighting the factors piqued his interest in joining Genesis, Frank adds: “What initially drew me to Genesis was their commitment to wealth management, coupled with strong performance and investment returns, a fundamental necessity in today’s world.” The company’s specialization in the commercial real estate sector, particularly in the rapidly growing field of logistics warehousing, was another factor.

During his tenure in the real estate development industry, Frank Huang observed that many individuals investing in pre-sale properties were searching for opportunities to grow their wealth while prioritizing the safety of their investments. Genesis stood out with its focus on the steady accumulation of wealth and their ability to provide customized solutions to investors, guiding them in various aspects of investment management.

Moreover, despite being a relatively young company, Genesis distinguishes itself as one of Canada’s few professional and compliant investment institutions focused on the commercial real estate sector. With over 30 years of experience in managing large institutional investments and a team of dedicated, trusted, and knowledgeable professionals, Genesis exudes professionalism, credibility, and a dynamic team. 

Suite of Comprehensive Investment Management Services

Genesis, a leading financial services company in Vancouver, Canada, is a registered Exempt Market Dealer with Securities Commissions in British Columbia, Ontario, and Alberta (NRD: 64570). A proud Private Capital Markets Association of Canada (PCMA) member, the company is committed to delivering steady wealth growth and comprehensive investment management services. Its mission is rooted in positively impacting clients’ lives and communities, prioritizing clients’ interests with high-quality, value-added financial services.

Genesis promises rigorous screening of investment managers, in-depth research on underlying assets, and transparent, long-term communication. While it can’t guarantee final performance, the company upholds the highest standards of integrity, valuing client-centricity.

Essentially, Genesis stands out in the financial services industry with its resolute commitment to delivering exceptional value and personalized service. The company’s foundation is built on solid research and bolstered by the extensive experience of its founder, Nancy Wei, who has held executive positions in several prominent asset management firms and securities research institutions in Canada and Asia, including Quadrus Investment, HSBC Global Investment, and Ping An Securities. Genesis allocates substantial resources to in-depth research, thoroughly examining the long-term, medium-term, and short-term trends within the Canadian investment market.

With over three decades  of research experience, Genesis identifies investment tracks with steady, long-term potential, particularly in the surging e-commerce-driven industrial real estate sector. Rigorous due diligence sets the company apart, evaluating over 100 investment products and recommending the top 5 with a track record of positive returns. Genesis prioritizes steady wealth growth through a unique approach, focusing on investment categories backed by physical assets and avoiding high-risk products.

One of its key products is the Manna Industrial Fund, which is designed to target and invest in industrial real estate within the supply chain logistics sector and has been experiencing remarkable growth, especially with the rapid development of e-commerce. The Fund focuses on assets backed by tangible, income-generating properties. Manna Industrial Property (Value-Add) Limited Partner (the “Fund”) is a distinguished real estate fund dedicated to acquiring and managing income-producing industrial properties in Canada. 

Manna Industrial Fund, with extensive connections to major brokerages in Canada, uniquely accesses exclusive, off-market properties amid the current economic landscape. These acquisitions, aligning with strict criteria, minimize risk for the Fund and investors while holding substantial future value. Properties must generate income through existing tenants with above-average market capitalization rates or show potential for future value-added income.

The Manna Industrial Fund, a testament to Genesis’s client-centric approach, ensures steady income generation from its investments in industrial real estate. Focused on supply chain logistics, it offers stable cash flow, appealing to investors seeking regular returns. Additionally, the Fund aligns with Genesis’s goal of facilitating steady wealth growth by identifying sound investment opportunities with strong fundamentals and future potential. The Fund’s success in generating positive returns, even in challenging economic conditions, showcases Genesis’s commitment to quality and its ability to manage risk while providing attractive investment opportunities.

Driven by a Continuous Process of Learning and Growth

Although specific individuals and mentors have heavily influenced his leadership approach and style, Frank Huang strongly believes that leadership is an ongoing journey of learning and growth, and the guidance of these mentors has been invaluable. For instance, Warren Buffett, an influential figure in finance, has inspired Frank Huang with his wisdom and investment strategies. His disciplined, long-term approach to wealth management has greatly influenced Frank’s view on financial leadership, emphasizing the importance of putting clients at the center.

Frank further adds that the quote, “Life is like a snowball, all you need is wet snow and a really long hill,” reflects Buffett’s life philosophy and investment principles, leaving an indelible mark on him. “I have remained steadfast in my pursuit of identifying upward trajectories for our clients, aligning with the principles of sound investment practices,” says Frank. 

At Genesis, he adheres to a leadership philosophy grounded in several fundamental principles. He prioritizes a client-centric approach, placing the company’s clients at the core of all endeavors. He believes consistently understanding their unique needs and objectives, fostering trust, and building long-lasting relationships are integral. On the other hand, transparency and integrity are fundamental elements of his leadership, emphasizing open and honest communication with the team and clients and upholding the highest standards of integrity. 

Recognizing the dynamic nature of the financial services industry, Frank Huang promotes a culture of continuous learning and adaptability for himself and the team. He believes staying informed about industry trends, emerging technologies, and the latest financial regulatory developments enables them to make informed decisions and provide cutting-edge solutions to clients.

With a focus on clients’ long-term success, Frank Huang also emphasizes making decisions and crafting strategies that prioritize sustained growth and well-being. While short-term gains may be tempting, he maintains a commitment to keeping the company’s focus on the bigger picture and making decisions that contribute to its sustained growth and stability.

Wearing Multiple Hats at the Helm

Being at the helm, Frank Huang is primarily involved in developing elaborate and comprehensive marketing strategies aimed at establishing a strong brand presence while effectively attracting clients and fostering business growth based on the regulations and compliances of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He is also dedicated to building and maintaining a strong team. He believes a dedicated and cohesive team is essential for delivering exceptional client service and driving innovation in the financial services industry.

Additionally, Frank also oversees the overall marketing strategy, brand management and enhancement, digital marketing efforts, advertising campaigns, and promotional activities to raise brand awareness and attract potential clients, develop strategies to engage existing clients and foster long-term relationships, monitor market trends, competitor analysis, and client feedback to identify opportunities for growth and improvement. 

As the marketing leader, Frank Huang offers the marketing team leadership, guidance, and mentorship while ensuring effective collaboration, managing team resources, and fostering a creative and results-driven work environment. He is tasked with planning, organizing, and executing a wide range of activities in his role. He also takes on the responsibility of forging partnerships with institutions at a similar level, such as prominent financial institutions, investment firms, real estate developers, real estate agencies, and media organizations. 

Genesis prioritizes a thorough recruitment process, focusing on candidates’ qualifications and alignment with company values, where continuous training opportunities, including certifications, compliance,  and workshops, support ongoing professional growth. The company emphasizes effective communication, maintaining well-informed teams, and encouraging feedback to foster transparency.

Genesis also cultivates a collaborative work environment, recognizing team achievements and promoting a sense of value. While team-building activities enhance interpersonal relationships, the company encourages staying updated on industry trends, followed by regular performance evaluations with constructive feedback to empower team members to understand and improve their strengths and foster growth and excellence in their roles.

Leveraging the Latest Innovations for Long-term Success

Commercial real estate, especially within the industrial sector, is driven by several key trends and innovations shaping its future. In fact, these developments are poised to impact the industry’s perception of investment and asset management. The sustained increase in industrial real estate is due to three main factors. First, there’s strong demand, especially with the growth of online shopping, requiring three times more warehouse space than traditional stores.

Although Canada’s e-commerce rate is currently at 12%, it has double the growth potential to catch up with the United States. Second, there are significant shortages of industrial land in core cities like Greater Vancouver and Greater Toronto, with limited room for expansion.

Lastly, insufficient new development is a factor, as high costs and complex approval processes deter property owners, resulting in limited new space entering the market in the short term. Besides these, a short-term factor influencing industrial real estate is the pandemic, which has boosted e-commerce and warehouse demand. Pandemic-related closures of factories, schools, offices, and restaurants led to increased reliance on takeout and online shopping. These combined short-term and long-term factors contribute to the ongoing growth of the industrial real estate sector despite economic challenges.

Genesis acknowledges the need to adapt to industry changes and ensures staying at the forefront of evolving trends by implementing various strategies and practices. The company strongly emphasizes conducting ongoing market research, incorporates innovative investment strategies, leverages technology to streamline operational efficiency, diversifies investment offerings, prioritizes client education, includes environmentally responsible investment options and sustainable practices into its portfolio, and many more.

In addition, the leadership team remains flexible and adaptive, ready to pivot in response to new information or market shifts, ensuring a prompt response to changing circumstances. Despite short-term market fluctuations, the company is steadfast in its long-term focus, securing clients’ financial well-being even during challenging economic conditions. These strategies and practices allow Genesis to adapt and leverage changes for the client’s benefit. “Our ability to stay ahead of the curve is a testament to our commitment to client-centricity, innovation, and continuous improvement in the dynamic world of finance,” says Frank Huang. 

Roadmap to Success for Aspirants

Throughout his career, Frank Huang has significantly contributed to the continuous growth and development of Genesis. His approach to leadership and vast knowledge of the finance world has earned him a significant position among the top leaders–making him a source of inspiration for several aspirants seeking to make a mark in the industry. As a seasoned leader and a recognized face in financial leadership, Frank Huang believes the below pieces of advice are valuable, especially for emerging professionals seeking to excel in the financial services industry.

These include Continuous Learning, Mentorship, Ethical Conduct, Client-Centric Approach, Communication Skills,  Risk Management, Networking, Adaptability, Diversification, Resilience, Stay Informed, Patience and Long-Term Focus. He further adds that success in the financial industry is not only about making the right investment choices but also building trust with clients, adhering to ethical standards, and continually improving your knowledge and skills.

He concludes, “By following these principles and dedicating yourself to professional growth, you can excel in this challenging and rewarding field.”

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