Pros and Cons of Working as a Full Stack Developer in Freelance: What You Should Know?

Pros and Cons of Working as a Full Stack Developer in Freelance | The Enterprise World

In recent years, the demand for full stack developers in the freelance market has been increasing. Full stack developers can handle both front-end and back-end tasks. They have a versatile skill set that many companies find valuable. But, like any profession, there are both advantages and disadvantages to working as a developer in a freelance capacity. In this article, we’ll explore the good and bad of this career path. It will help you make an informed choice about whether it’s right for you.

What is Full Stack Development? 

Full stack development entails creating full applications. They cover the whole user experience, from the visible front-end to the underlying back-end. The front end, also known as the client side, has elements. Users interact with them. They include things like web pages and user interfaces. Meanwhile, the back end, or server-side, encompasses the logic and data handling processes that support the application’s functionality, including databases and APIs. 

The Role of a Full Stack Developer: 

Pros and Cons of Working as a Full Stack Developer in Freelance | The Enterprise World

A full stack developer is a versatile professional capable of handling both front-end and back-end development tasks. They have diverse skill sets. It lets them bridge the gap between design and function. They bring whole projects to life. By mastering various technologies and frameworks, developers play a pivotal role in the end-to-end development process. 

Businesses increasingly seek about the possibility of full stack developers to hire in order to handle the intricate server-side work required for online applications. Hiring such developers offers cost-effective solutions, accelerates testing processes, and enhances development pace and scalability. So, working as a freelance full stack developer offers diversity and the opportunity to work on multiple projects. However, it requires continuous learning and adaptation to stay competitive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Types of Full Stack Development Stacks: 

Before engaging a freelance developer, it’s essential to understand the different technology stacks they might specialize in. Here are some common types: 

  • MEVN Stack – MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, Node.js. 
  • MEAN Stack – MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js. 
  • LAMP Stack – Linux, Apache, MySQL, Python/PHP/Perl. 
  • MERN Stack – MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js. 
  • RoR Stack – Ruby on Rails, SQLite (plus a front-end framework). 

Each stack has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it crucial to align your project requirements with the appropriate technology stack. 

Reasons to Hire Freelance Full Stack Developers 

Pros and Cons of Working as a Full Stack Developer in Freelance | The Enterprise World

Companies, of any size, seek to grow online and build their reputation. This has raised the demand for developers. They must handle both front-end and back-end work. Almost every online industry needs applications. These need front-end development and content management systems (CMS). Both must have a lot of server-side work. This makes full stack developers essential. 

1. Lowering Development Costs 

Hiring a developer who can manage both front-end and back-end tasks offers a cost-effective solution. Choosing a freelance or part-time full stack developer helps companies. It lets them reduce employment expenses. These include overtime, sick leave, and vacation pay. Moreover, leveraging remote part-time engineers expands the geographic talent pool, providing access to the best talent at competitive rates across different countries. 

2. Speeding Up the Testing Process 

Freelance full stack web developers have comprehensive knowledge of both front-end and back-end technologies, eliminating any misunderstandings during code implementation. They have a deep understanding of the project’s logic. They are skilled at finding the root causes of problems that may arise during development. This skill streamlines testing. 

3. Increasing Development Pace 

Full-stack development streamlines the development process by requiring fewer developers. Working with a smaller team reduces communication overhead. This helps collaboration and task management. This streamlined approach allows teams to communicate, minimizing disruptions and optimizing task management. 

4. Improving Project Scalability 

Scalability is critical for organizations. It lets them handle more load or traffic without big changes to their programs. Full-stack development offers a robust and adaptable architecture that enhances scalability. With the expertise of freelance full stack engineers, organizations can integrate new features and capabilities into their applications as needed, ensuring continuous growth and flexibility. 

Full Stack Developer: Responsibilities, Skills, and Essential Tools 

Becoming a part-time full stack software engineer has many benefits. It offers diversity and the chance to work on many projects. As masters of all trades, full stack developers must update their technological skills and exhibit a thirst for learning, staying abreast of new programming languages and development methodologies. Let’s delve into the primary responsibilities of a full stadeveloper: 


  • Develop Client-Side and Server-Side Architecture. Design and tool both front-end and back-end architecture for web applications. 
  • Write APIs. Create robust Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to help communication between different software systems. 
  • Create the Front-End of Web Apps. Design and develop user interfaces that are appealing, intuitive, and responsive. 
  • Develop and Maintain Databases. Design, install, and maintain databases to store and manage application data. 
  • Test Apps. Conduct thorough testing to ensure the functionality, performance, and reliability of web applications. 
  • Debug and Upgrade Software: Identify and fix software bugs, as well as install updates and improvements. 
  • Build Security and Data Protection Settings. Put in place security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. 
  • Prepare Technical Documentation. Document software design, architecture, and code to ease collaboration and maintenance. 
  • Develop Application Workflows. Define and install the flow of tasks and processes within web applications. 
  • Build Application Logic. Develop the core logic and algorithms that drive the functionality of web applications. 
  • Create Integration Interfaces. Integrate various software components and third-party services into web applications. 

Top 5 Platforms for Hiring Freelance Full-Stack Developers 

Pros and Cons of Working as a Full Stack Developer in Freelance | The Enterprise World

1. Toptal 

  • Toptal is a professional hiring platform that focuses on IT talent but has since expanded its pool to include designers and finance professionals. 
  • It boasts a rigorous vetting process, with only 3% of applicants passing their extensive technical tests. 
  • Toptal creates a private community of top-tier talent for employers, ensuring access to skilled full-stack developers. 

2. Fiverr 

  • Fiverr is a well-known freelance job board offering a wide range of categories, including full-stack development. 
  • Employers can browse through profiles, ratings, reviews, and customer quotes to find suitable freelance full-stack developers. 
  • It serves as a convenient one-stop shop for hiring independent contractors, providing easy access to a diverse pool of talent. 

3. Upwork 

  • Upwork is a massive platform for hiring freelancers, including full-stack developers, with a robust developer hiring segment. 
  • Employers can search profiles, review work history, comments, and feedback, and collaborate with freelancers through Upwork’s workspace. 
  • The platform offers a streamlined payment process, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both employers and freelancers. 

4. Freelancer 

  • Freelancer is a platform with a large number of freelancers and job listings, including a significant presence of full-stack developers. 
  • Employers can search through a wide pool of independent full-stack developers, screen and interview candidates, and manage payments. 
  • It provides an interface for posting projects and communicating with freelancers throughout the hiring process. 

5. Mobilunity 

  • Mobilunity is a software development company specializing in flexible and useful outstaff services. 
  • With a vast CV database and well-established hiring procedures, Mobilunity offers full-stack web developers for freelance projects in short terms. 
  • The company handles all meetings and management concerns, providing professional services tailored to the needs of employers, like its 40+ satisfied users. 

Freelance vs. Staff Augmentation vs. In-House 

When searching for a full stack developer companie have three main options. They can work with freelancers, collaborate with an outstaffing agency for staff augmentation, or hire in-house developers. Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s explore these options in detail. We’ll use a comparison table to help you. It will help you determine which hiring model suits your company and project best. 

Aspect Freelancers Staff Augmentation In-House Developers 
Pros Cost-efficient A huge talent pool Guaranteed high quality of work 
 Flexible Project-based work Full control over the team 
  Experts in recruiting Good team communication 
   Wide talent pool 
   Part-time or full-time project-based work 
Cons No guarantee of quality Spending a lot of time for talent searching and hiring Highest cost 
  More costly than freelance but still budget-friendly due to the vast options Possible work gaps due to sickness or vacation 

Full-Stack Developer Hourly Rate 

Freelance full-stack developers’ hourly rate varies. It’s based on factors beyond their duties or expertise. Location is a significant determinant in setting wage expectations. Below is a table. It shows hourly wages for junior, middle, and senior full stack developers in five different countries. 

Level USA United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Ukraine* 
Junior $40 $23.18 $25.21 $28.22 $25* 
Middle $52.71 $32.30 $34 $40.41 $35* 
Senior $75.57 $39 $42.96 $50.17 $50* 


The demand for full-service freelance developers is growing. They offer companies the flexibility and versatility needed to navigate today’s dynamic digital landscape. Companies can weigh the pros and cons and explore different hiring models. These models include freelancing, staffing augmentation, or in-house development. Doing this can help them leverage full-stack developers’ expertise to advance their projects. Also, consider hourly rates and salary expectations in a location. This can further optimize hiring and ensure access to top talent at good rates.

Also Read: How To Hire Remote Developers?

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