Mathilda Schneider

Gamblizard - Mathilda Schneider | The Enterprise World

1. Can you share with us your journey to becoming the leader? What pivotal moments or experiences shaped your career path? 

Calling oneself a ‘leader’ can hardly be viewed as humble. But if under this term you see professional integrity, forming a team of like-minded professionals, and implementing the Japanese philosophy of ikigai at the workplace, I’ll leave aside the debate and agree with this label. 

Freshly out of the university, I had no clear vision of the point I wanted to land on. I knew everything related to an i- prefix attracted me. I knew I adored socialising around casino games. Besides, I couldn’t live without football (thanks to my dad for long evenings at the stadiums and several weeks of hoarse voice after cheering for Bayern Munich). But doing something that combined all? I doubted it. 

It was thanks to my first job at Tipico, a German sports betting provider, that I decided on the position and the niche that summed all of my passions into one. Content management in iGaming, that was it. 

Another pivotal moment in my career development was working abroad in Austria and Italy. In the Belpaese, as they call it, I had a hands-on approach to how content should target specific genders, ages, and even cultural groups. The Italians are one-of-a-kind content consumers from this perspective: every 50 km the country’s cultural paradigm shifts. One needs to carefully plan their content strategy to keep this patchwork of readers interested and answer their consumer needs. 

But it was at that I managed to realize my potential to the fullest. I finally have major freedom in shaping the content. Now, I lead and instruct a team of several colleagues, which is a great responsibility, but a great joy too, since we truly care about what we’re doing. And I get my grinning-from-ear-to-ear picture to be published on a serious gaming website, an even greater responsibility (you can check it out here: Mathilda Schneider). 

2. What inspired you to start the company? Can you walk us through the inception of the company and its founding principles? 

Though I didn’t kickstart myself Gamblizard Germany, joining the company felt very much like a new chapter of my life. The inception of the mother website, Gamblizard UK, was driven by the need to create a website that differentiates itself from the cluttered online gambling space. Our core principle is to provide genuinely valuable content — transparent and user-focused. All our work revolves around integrity, inclusivity, and safety. We strive to create an environment where every gamer, from the casual to the committed, can find valuable casino bonuses, reviews and expert evaluations without hubbub. This is like our mantra that guides not only our content strategy but also the culture within our team.  

3. How would you describe the mission and vision of your company? How do these values drive the decisions and actions of your team? 

Our mission is to demystify online gambling and to provide our audience with accurate and timely information. Our vision is to become the most trusted source of iGaming content that arms players with the optimal tools to orient in the niche confidently. In fact, the three whales on whom our content rests and that we always adjust our publishing strategy to are: to inform, to protect, and to divert. 

4. What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a leader, and how did you overcome them? 

It was and remains to steer the team through the rapidly evolving landscape of iGaming, where market dynamics change frequently. Staying ahead requires a flexibility of ideas, but a structured approach to planning. And, of course, a fresh eye. I overcome these challenges by building a team that is genuinely interested in our niche and that has a first-class expertise in what they do. Daniel Erber, our fact-checker, is a fantastic addition in this regard — responsive, pally, and ready to outperform himself. 

Also, I strive to foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability. Encouraging open communication and collaboration has been key in tackling these changes. 

5. Can you highlight some key milestones or achievements that the company has accomplished since its inception? 

Since the introduction of’s German sub-branch in 2021, we’ve reached several significant milestones that I’m very pleased with. For example, we had 20,000 visits per day and 60,000 daily impressions, which was an all-time high. We are confidently moving towards recognition in the iGaming, in no small part thanks to partnerships with major gaming websites like Mr.Play and MrQ. Our content reached and positively impacted tens of thousands of gamers, providing them with insights for safer gambling. 

6. How does your company differentiate itself from competitors in the industry? What unique value proposition do you offer to your customers or clients? 

In my opinion, Gamblizard differentiates itself because we’re not about quantity; we’re about quality. Unlike many rivals, we prioritise depth of research and quality of information above mere volume. 

Our unique selling point stems from our approach to content production, which rests on a solid understanding of our audience’s demands and preferences. Plus, I am proud to declare that in an age dominated by machine intelligence, we define ourselves by personal touch — all of our material is authored by humans. 

7. What are some important lessons you’ve learned throughout your journey as a leader, and how have they influenced your leadership style? 

Probably the essential one is the value of empathy and listening. Once again, I thank my working experience abroad for it. In Italy, if I couldn’t explain myself plainly, stumbling on language or cultural barriers, I would look for a more efficient approach. If I were the party who failed to perceive the communicated ideas, I would interact more proactively, listen more attentively, try to put myself into the shoes of the speaker and grasp the idea from their perspective. 

These qualities — empathy and listening — aren’t just nice-to-haves. Understanding the needs and perspectives of your fellow workers is crucial. It helps to build a team that’s not just working; it’s thriving. 

Currently, we unite experts across three countries: the already mentioned Gamblizard UK, Gamblizard Germany, and Gamblizard Canada in its English- and French-language versions. But our team is far more cross-cultural than that. In the ‘About Us’ section, the reader will see Eastern European and French names. That is to say, all of us have a unique way of thinking, often dictated by cultural background. For this reason, we try to implement the mentioned soft skills daily to generate more creative ideas and communicate more effectively. 

8. How do you foster a culture of innovation and creativity within the company? Can you share any specific initiatives or strategies you’ve implemented to encourage new ideas and solutions? 

I’m always trying to create a safe space for experimentation. We regularly hold brainstorming sessions and innovation workshops, where every remark is welcomed and considered. Another strategy is our ‘Innovation Lab’ days, where my team can work on projects outside their regular responsibilities. It’s an initiative that helps to distance ourselves a bit from the habitual workflow, and explore new technologies and content formats, even just for fun. It encourages curiosity and helps to look for new ideas from unusual perspectives. 

9. In what ways does your company prioritize corporate social responsibility and sustainability in its operations and decision-making? 

We’ve adopted an ethical content policy, which ensures that all of our articles and guidelines encourage responsible gaming behaviour. We also actively participate in projects to combat gambling addiction, donating 5% of our yearly revenues to groups that promote gambling awareness and recovery. Last year, we managed to lower our digital carbon footprint by 20% by improving website efficiency and hosting on environmentally friendly servers. Additionally, we encourage our team members to participate in community service by providing three paid days off each year for volunteering. It has resulted in over 500 hours of community service in 2023 alone. 

10. Can you share some insights into the future direction of the company? What are your goals and aspirations for the company in the coming years? 

As we move forward, our key aim is to broaden our worldwide presence, reaching a larger audience while retaining the quality and relevancy of our material. Gamblizard is actively investigating the incorporation of AI and machine learning to customise the designs of our websites and improve our analytical capabilities. 

I personally aim to enhance our community engagement by utilising interactive platforms and social media. The goal of our global team for the next two years is to significantly increase our audience and establish ourselves as the leading provider of iGaming content in Europe.  

11. Who are some leaders or figures that have inspired you throughout your career, and why? 

I’d probably choose two names based on their mindset. 

Sheryl Sandberg has been a source of professional inspiration due to her support of female leadership and her insights on managing workplace dynamics. Her book, Lean In, pushed me to take on my responsibilities at Gamblizard more confidently and drive gender balance and inclusion inside the company.  

An Italian writer and activist, Michela Murgia’s, fearless confrontation of societal norms and advocacy for a nuanced representation of women in culture and politics emboldened me. Murgia’s work, especially her critique of the Virgin Mary as an unattainable ideal in Ave Mary, showed me the power of challenging entrenched narratives. Her courage in reshaping the public discourse on feminism, blending eloquence with unapologetic boldness, encouraged me to create an environment where critical discussions pave the way for meaningful change. 

12. What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs or future leaders who aim to make a positive impact in their respective industries? 

My advice is twofold. First, embrace the power of listening. Your customers, team, and the broader community are your most valuable sources of insight. 

Second, cultivate resilience. I very much like a phrase coined by Winston Churchill: “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” The path to success has lots of challenges and setbacks. It’s your ability to persevere and learn from these experiences that will define your results. 

13. How do you maintain a work-life balance as a leader? Can you share any tips or practices that have helped you stay focused and energized? 

That’s a very good question. Probably the perfect recipe doesn’t exist — one should play with the ingredients to find what suits them best.  

In my case, balancing my work as a Content Strategist at Gamblizard with my personal life, particularly as a mother of a lively toddler, requires regular planning and flexibility. Integrating my love for football into family activities has proven to be a successful technique. It’s nice to be active and share my passion for the sport with my child. 

Also, I’ve learnt the value of setting boundaries between business and personal life. Being there at family meals and spending weekends with them without interruptions from work has been vital for me. 

I’ve discovered that sometimes you have to embrace the chaos, too. Unexpected job crises or baby meltdowns might occur, and learning to adjust and not be too harsh on yourself is critical to preserving sanity in every domain. Self-acceptance is the key. 

14. What motivates you to continue leading the company through both triumphs and challenges? 

The ikigai I mentioned earlier. I genuinely believe that in this position all the four components of what is called a ‘vocation’ meet for me. That is, doing what you love; doing what you’re good at; doing what the world needs; and doing what you can be paid for. 

I also feel that it’s cheering for Bayern Munich that taught me the value of celebrating successes and sailing through storms, no matter the scale. These lessons translate directly to leading Gamblizard through its ups and downs. 

Furthermore, the challenge of breaking stereotypes as a woman in a predominantly male industry drives me to push boundaries. 

15. Lastly, what legacy do you hope to leave behind as a leader of, and how do you envision the company contributing to the broader business landscape in the future? 

I want to leave a legacy that exemplifies a mix of creativity, ethics, and inclusion, not just in the gaming business but as a model for leadership. Drawing on my cultural experiences residing in Germany, Austria, and Italy, I want to instil a global perspective in our staff. To emphasise the significance of understanding and appreciating other points of view. 

My objective is for Gamblizard to be led with empathy, creating a work atmosphere in which everyone, regardless of background, feels respected and empowered to give their all. 

In the larger business environment, I see Gamblizard as a pioneer in encouraging responsible gaming and cultivating a community that values sound decisions. I believe that this strategy will motivate future leaders to prioritise ethical principles and cultural inclusion in their undertakings. 

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