Ignite Purpose – Harnessing the Power of Connection

Ignite Purpose-Power of Connection| Christina Foxwell | The Enterprise World

Ignite Purpose, founded in 2012 by Christina Foxwell, is a human-centered performance improvement, coaching, training, and consulting practice that supports organizational transformation. The Enterprise World is proud to introduce it to one of the Most Trusted Organizational Development Companies in 2023. 

With global teams working with organizations to support their success in different regions, Ignite Purpose equips people, leaders, and teams to turn their challenges into opportunities and opportunities into performance. Change and growth start in each person, and Ignite Purpose believes it is a journey that requires the right skills, practice, and focus.

Fostering collaboration and productivity is one of the core principles of Ignite Purpose’s approach to performance improvement. The company understands that in today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment, success is not achieved by individuals working in isolation, but rather through effective collaboration and teamwork.

Ignite Purpose helps organizations to create a culture of collaboration and productivity by developing strategies and initiatives that encourage open communication, knowledge sharing, and cross-functional cooperation. The company also provides training and coaching to help individuals and teams to develop the necessary skills and mindsets to work collaboratively.

Through its BEE HIVE concept, Ignite Purpose emphasizes the importance of creating an environment where each person contributes with their skills and talents every day, working alongside others to bring about the vision and purpose of the organization. This approach fosters a sense of shared ownership and accountability for outcomes, which is essential for achieving sustainable high-performance results.

Areas of growth

Ignite Purpose recognizes that there are three key areas of growth for organizations to focus on to deliver sustainable high-performance outcomes. These areas are Grow ME, Lead Others, and Better Together. 

The company’s program content and outcomes are practical, engaging, and have delivered success for individuals and the organization. With a decade of experience, Ignite Purpose has honed its expertise in these areas and has helped organizations across industries and geographies to achieve their goals.

Building a network of partners

Ignite Purpose currently has offices in Australia, Canada, and the UK. However, the company’s vision is to have a global expansion strategy to build a network of partners across the world supporting organizations in placing people at the heart of performance outcomes. 

This approach enables Ignite Purpose to tailor its solutions to local cultures and business environments while delivering consistent quality and outcomes.

Emerging in the industry

Emerging in the industry is a challenging task for any company. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to make a name for oneself in the market. 

Ignite Purpose has been able to do just that. It has emerged as one of the leading companies in its field. Its commitment to excellence and its focus on innovation has helped the company stay ahead of the competition. 

The company has been able to create a niche for itself in the market by providing quality products and services to its customers. The success can be attributed to its ability to adapt to changing market trends and its willingness to take risks when necessary. 

Ignite Purpose is a company that is poised for even greater success in the future.

Industry statistics

Ignite Purpose has grown exponentially since its inception. In the first year, the company recorded a turnover of $190,000.00, which increased to just shy of $1,000,000.00 pre-Covid. Despite the pandemic, Ignite Purpose launched a business App, pivoted its work to 80% Virtual, and released four books. 

Its work has been shared globally in various media such as podcasts, radio shows, and online articles. Ignite Purpose’s commitment to making a difference and fostering a culture of collaboration and productivity has allowed it to become a trusted partner for organizations seeking sustainable high-performance outcomes. 

The Ignite Purpose’s global presence and expanding network of partners are a testament to its success and unwavering dedication to its vision of unleashing potential in people, leaders, and teams.

Behind the curtains

Christina Foxwell

Global CEO & Founder

“My passion is performance improvement through people.”

Christina Foxwell, the founder of Ignite Purpose, has a passion for making the world a better place for everyone. Her entrepreneurial journey is a testament to the power of dreaming big, harnessing partnerships, continuous learning, and being purpose-driven.

With over 25 years of experience in Human Capital, Christina has held leadership positions on two Global Executive teams, led consulting practices, and worked in various regions, including Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and the UK. She has worked across industries, leveraging her expertise to help people unlock their potential and achieve sustainable high-performance outcomes.

As an Executive and Transformation Coach, Christina’s focus is on culture, alignment, and individual growth. Her dedication to helping people and organizations realize their full potential has been a driving force behind her continued success.

Christina’s entrepreneurial journey has been nothing short of remarkable. She has published four books, including her latest, “The Glass Angel: A Guide to Freedom, Peace, Transformation, and Growth. Unlocking Your Potential,” which has garnered international recognition and impacted readers with purpose and insights. Her work has been featured in media and podcast programs worldwide.

Christina adds, “Navigating a business through covid and also recognising that when I wanted to give up, I found new purpose, new direction and new opportunities. I have been able to pivot effectively through COVID and have also managed to bring my next 5-year strategy to life!”

Her journey is a testament to the power of purpose, dedication, and continuous learning. Her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the world has helped her become a great leader and a trusted partner for organizations seeking to achieve sustainable high-performance outcomes.

Getting to know Christina

Christina Foxwell is an avid reader with an impressive collection of books. Among them, she holds a special place in her heart for ‘The Gift: 14 Lessons to Save Your Life’ by Edith Eger. This book inspired Christina to lean into her healing and share her journey with others.

When it comes to what she admires most, Christina says it’s her children. She adds, “They have walked through my journey with me. They love me unconditionally and they remind me what matters most.” 

Oprah Winfrey’s story is another source of inspiration for Christina. She admires the way Oprah stepped into her potential and made a difference in people’s lives.

For Christina, the quote that resonates with her the most is by Maya Angelou, ‘Let nothing dim the light that shines from within’. It’s a reminder for her to always stay true to herself and never lose sight of what truly matters in life.

Through her love of books and the inspiring figures in her life, Christina has found the strength to share her own story and help others on their own journeys of healing and personal growth.

Strategy of the hour

Effective leadership requires a constant vigilance, where leaders reflect on their past, learn from their experiences, and plan for the future. 

Christina says, “I do believe this (Constant Vigilance) is strategy that requires reflection, I also believe that without practicing presence and gratitude this will not positively navigate organisations.” 

Christina emphasizes in taking care of oneself to enhance productivity and growth. To achieve this, she prioritizes rest, focus, and meditation. Practicing gratitude and mindfulness helps her stay present, reframe situations positively, and avoid feeling overwhelmed or negative. By making this a conscious choice, she has been able to transform her work, increase her impact, and fuel her personal growth.


Starting a new business is never easy, and Ignite Purpose was no exception. From the beginning, Christina faced a number of significant challenges. The first was building a practice without any clients, but with an unwavering belief in the difference she could make. 

The second was learning how to build financial strategies to ensure long-term success and manage cash flow. The third was bringing new ideas to life that would disrupt traditional ways of working and build a greater impact on people and performance outcomes. And finally, she had to prioritize her personal health and mental well-being in order to find the courage and wisdom to do the necessary work. 

Despite these challenges, Christina persevered, and her practice has grown to become a beacon of hope and inspiration for individuals and organizations

Triggers of growth

In the initial year of launching Ignite Purpose, Christina’s dedication and focus to set up the business for success led to burnout. She had to take a three-month break from work, which made her anxious about the future of her business. 

However, this period of rest helped her gain clarity and be more effective in her work. It also made her realize the importance of having support. To address this need, she created an internship program for university graduates, which proved to be a game-changer. The program enabled her to leverage her talents efficiently and get much-needed assistance with administration and logistics. 

“My business started growing and I started loving what I do. This created multiplication in how we grew.”

Long-standing success

To achieve long-standing success, Ignite Purpose follows a four-fold approach that involves a strong focus on financial and strategic planning, a growth-oriented mindset, transformative programs, and a commitment to living their purpose and working with others. 

By prioritizing these four key areas, the company has been able to build a successful and sustainable business model that has allowed them to make a meaningful impact on the lives of their clients. 

Whether it’s through its innovative programs or its commitment to fostering collaboration and productivity, Ignite Purpose has established itself as a leader in the field of executive and transformation coaching.

Company highlights

In the work done with Primary Health Care networks in Australia, a transformation in people has been witnessed. The individuals in these networks work tirelessly on the frontlines to support GP networks and improve health outcomes for communities. 

Throughout the challenges of Covid-19, they have taken a crucial role in supporting healthcare workers. In this context, Ignite Purpose has played a critical role in supporting these networks to grow their leadership abilities, shift to a wise and focused culture, and foster deep connections. 

The outcomes of this work have been impressive, with people growing and their ability to work cross-functionally increasing. This has resulted in a workplace culture that is both supportive and empowering, allowing individuals to make a meaningful difference.

Team for the win

“We invest in training, supporting our team and helping them maximise their potential.”

The company’s team is a globally distributed workforce, with members located in Australia, UK, Canada, South Africa, and the Philippines. Christina Foxwell, the founder and CEO, collaborates with her team on outcomes and projects, and most team members work remotely from their homes. 

The team is deeply committed to the company’s purpose, and they approach their work with passion and enthusiasm. They are incentivized with performance-based salaries and flexible work arrangements, which reflect the company’s values of putting people first. This culture of walking the talk has helped the team to thrive and achieve outstanding results.

Setting it apart

The company is dedicated to transforming culture and performance by harnessing the power of people. Its unique approach involves bringing love and wisdom back into the workplace, with a focus on building connections between people. Loneliness is a significant predictor of sickness, according to Vivek Murthy’s book ‘Together’, which underscores the importance of building connections to support mental and physical health. 

The company offers Team, Executive, and Organisational Alignment programs, as well as coaching, alignment facilitation, and mental fitness training. It has two focused projects underway, the first a research project  on CEO leadership in cultural and performance transformations, and the other on setting up offices worldwide to expand its network of partners. 

Through its work, the company strive to unlock the potential of individuals and teams to work better together and deliver meaningful outcomes.

A step ahead

Christina has developed a bold and ambitious 5-year strategy aimed at positively impacting organizations and communities around the globe. At the core of her vision is the belief that people can achieve great things when they work together, embracing the values of bravery, humility, creativity, innovation, and deep connection. 

Through their work, Christina and her team seek to disrupt traditional cultural transformation methods, shift mindsets, and save lives by placing love and connection back at the centre of the workplace. Their goal is to create a better world, one where psychologically safe workplaces with better mental health practices become the norm. 

With the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbating feelings of mental fatigue, stress, and a lack of control, people are increasingly struggling to connect and work together productively. This is where Christina and her team step in, providing guidance and support to leaders as they navigate complexity, build agility, and create clarity in an uncertain world. 

Their approach is centred on decreasing toxic fear and judgment while increasing self-love, acceptance, and presence. They aim to transform communities and organizations for the better by harnessing the power of connection, belonging, and wisdom. Their vision is a kinder, more peaceful world where fear is not feared, but accepted and overcome.

Through their work, Christina and her team are helping people heal, organizations transform, and the world be impacted for the better.

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