Your enterprise needs to have ways of dealing with threats – of the hacker and old-school burglar variety – and to always be fortified, come what may.
Here are some handy ways to keep your business safe and secure that truly fit into the 21st century!
1. Have A Fingerprint Reader Device
Gone are the days when a simple lock and key were all the protection you needed. There is a new sheriff in town. Enter the exciting world of biometric security. Fingerprint recognition systems have rapidly taken this new space by storm. They can safely scan a person’s fingerprint — a person’s fingerprint is unique to them, after all — and allow access. This simply means anyone whose identity isn’t registered cannot access your assets.
With a fingerprint reader device like those available through certified suppliers such as Biometric Supply, you will no longer be stymied by a mere misplaced key or a forgotten four-digit passcode. There are different types of fingerprint scanning devices available including 10-finger capture recognition, single or dual finger capture. Now, the door will only open for that one person identified by the system. Also, setting your office up with one of these devices looks cool, sophisticated, and savvy.
2. Implement Smart Access Control Systems
Sure, a regular camera is great, but why not get an AI-powered one that not only tells you someone is there but actually recognizes faces and other nifty things? The best part? You can see in real-time who is accessing your office and whoever is visiting. From there, you can decide what action to take. Also, this ensures any threat can be stopped before reaching their objective.
3. Invest in Surveillance Cameras with AI Capabilities
Say someone is outside your entrance and doesn’t have reason to be there besides loitering, you get an alert on your phone. Say someone is entering a room not labeled for them or a certain department, you get an alert on your computer. Do you see where we’re going with this? You can keep all the bad actors out of your company and also see who is going where when they think no one is looking!
4. The Whole Company Must Hop On A Virtual Private Network (VPN)
With so many devices floating about and being used on not-so-secure home and coffee shop networks, getting a VPN is just good business. A VPN essentially encrypts networks and makes sure no online burglars can enter your system through an employee’s gadget!
5. Engage in Regular Cybersecurity Training
In the security chain, the most vulnerable links are often human beings, and that is why security awareness training is so critical. Invest in full-fledged training programs for your employees to teach them how to detect phishing scams, manage passwords securely, and explain why keeping software updated is so important.
The rush of learning while simultaneously defending your company from bad actors will impart a sense of ownership to your employees, who will then become the front line of your company’s cybersecurity — capable of recognizing a threat and taking appropriate action.
6. Establish Strong Password Policies
Encourage your team to use password managers, which can create unique passwords for various applications and store them in a heavily encrypted digital vault. And two-factor authentication (2FA)—where one of the something-you-know factors is accompanied by an emailed or texted code—can also be an excellent way to further lock down secure access in the event that a password is exposed.
7. Use an Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
When it comes to ever-changing cyber threats, having an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in place is your network’s alarm system. This system oversees your network, watching for policy violations and malicious activity. If they see a potential malware attack, they’ll warn your IT team.
Using an IDS system with real-time monitoring allows your team to take a proactive stance when it comes to attackers. Regularly updating and improving your IDS system ensures your defenses are up-to-date and working effectively!
8. Regular Software Updates and Patching
Software vulnerabilities are like an open buffet for any hacker. You have to book regular updates and patches for all of your software, whether it’s an operating system, applications, or security software. Have a search for software updates, schedule a reminder, or automise where you can.
9. Develop an Incident Response Plan
Everyone should know their role when it hits the fan. This allows minimal damage done and the breach to be dealt with quickly. Run through a mock data breach to get your team acquainted with what to do. When the time arrives, you can all know what you’re doing straight away!
Making Sure Your Business Stays Fortified!
You already have to deal with making sure business stays lucrative and that is a full-time hands-on endeavor you also don’t want to worry about security– or lack thereof. Keeping your business safe really is as simple as these 9 steps. So why not look into it?