MaxWell Realty Inc: A Game Changer disrupting the Real Estate Industry with New Standards and Innovations

MaxWell Realty Inc- disrupting the Real Estate Industry | Bill Tarrabain

Real Estate is a highly competitive and lucrative industry. There are many undergoing challenges that the real estate industry faces regularly. Be it the changing demographics of the market, the constant modifications in rules and regulations, tackling the ever-changing price dimensions and market fluctuations, or evaluating the demand aspect, the challenges are endless. 

For the real estate company to distinguish itself from the competition, it needs to have a strong sense of passion and purpose, be highly organized and detail-oriented, deeply understand its client’s needs to cater accordingly, and have excellent communication skills and customer service mindset.    

In the past decade, there have been many small, big, and upcoming players disrupting the real estate market. One of them is MaxWell Realty, a full-service real estate franchise founded in 1999 under the principle of providing leading customer service, focused on the brand puillars of  honesty, knowledge, integrity and transparency to its clients while providing high-end tools, services, and training to help its brokerages and their associates in providing that service. 

MaxWell Realty Inc has several high-end services including some exclusive training systems and programs but the biggest service differentiator is its extensive support and training. Agents have a trainer available to book questions about any of MaxWell’s tools and systems as well as attending an in depth  MaxWell Realty Inc University . This training system not only shows them all the tools it has to offer but gets them actively using and implementing them to build their businesses.

Meet the Decorated Leaders

A resourceful personality, Bill Tarrabain is the President of MaxWell Realty. He is an Experienced and respected broker in Alberta.. With deep roots in Alberta, Bill has been actively involved in the real estate market and franchising for more than two decades. Bills right hand and Director of Franchise Development Brad Agnew has been licensed in real estate since 2006 and worked alongside Bill since 2013.

Currently, Brad manages the day-to-day operations and oversight of MaxWell’s Marketing, Communications, Training, Web, IT, and Admin departments. Bill and Brad work to build relationships with vendors, owners, brokers, agents, and other groups winthin the communities MaxWell Realty Inc has existing Franchises as well as in areas that the company has not expanded to yet.

MaxWells leadership is focused on the growth and success of all MaxWell Realty Inc offices and its over 1000 real estate professionals. They are committed to setting the standard for excellence and leadership in the real estate industry. Bill is also a licensed Broker in the province of Alberta. His offices are consistently award-winning for their growth and production levels. 

Rebirth and Renewal is the Reason for MaxWell Realty Inc Realty’s Success

MaxWell Realty Inc endeavors to remain ahead of the curve with changing real estate enviroment and continually looks to improve its systems, tools, services, and supports. 

The company’s growth started with the rebirth of MaxWell Realty Inc under its new leadership, technology and branding. Its new identity focuses on providing high level tools and supports within its offerings including its systems and technology all supported by in depth and continual training and coaching programs.

A Timeline of MaxWell’s Leadership

The leadership of MaxWell has included experienced industry professionals involved in many aspects of the industry and each has brought their skills in education, training, marketing, networking, operations, management, tech, compliance, and the industry in general. Each leader has successfully contributed and spearheaded their role with utmost honesty and dedication.

Today, the current team including brokers, owners, staff, head office and associates work together to take the solid foundation forward in order to help build the company and its ability to provide the high level service to new heights. 

Integration of Technology along with person-to-person Training  

In the past few years, there have been many remarkable technological innovations in every industry. The proliferation of technology in new business models and systems is commendable. 

When it comes to incorporating technology, MaxWell Realty Inc found that although technology is available everywhere, tools and system options saturate the sector, but the usage rates and the extent of the usage of these tools is often minimal.  

Hence, it not only provides tech services and tools but also takes a hands-on person-to-person approach to training each owner, broker, and their associates on how to use them and getting them started. Through its training, it can ensure high usage rates, and continue to develop its offerings by watching and learning from agent questions, comments, and suggestions. 

These high usage rates ensure that the real estate professionals on the front line not only have acccess to but are actively using the extensive technology to simplify thier businesses as well as provide the additional services these products allow.

Upscaling and Growing a Notch-Up 

MaxWell Realty Inc continues to push into new territory with its tech systems including building in new programs and revamping, updating, and developing its existing systems. By demonstrating this continual growth and development it has been able to show a concentrated focus and determination to bring its franchisees and their associates the best services so they can focus on providing world-class real estate services to their clients.

Effectively Tackling Challenges

Real estate is a competitive field with numerous companies and endless offerings in terms of both options for agents and tools for brokerages and franchises. Finding the right mixture of tools and services was and is an ongoing challenge; the right cost to be extremely competitive without overwhelming or overdrawing resources is always a difficult balance. However, with the help of several skilled and experienced leaders, MaxWell Realty Inc has been able to develop a large portfolio over time of top industry tools and services at a very competitive price point.

MaxWell’s Team Mantra: Strong Communication and Collaboration

The team at MaxWell Realty Inc is close-knitted. The team communicates daily with the department managers in the offices just down the hall, and it discusses projects and objectives, keeps up to date with the operations of each department, works to ensure objectives and goals are met as well as provides constant support to each member of the team.  

The team works together and often lends a hand in other departments when needed, the collaborative environment ensures that each group is not only aware of the others’ tasks and responsibilities but can assist when one department becomes overwhelmed. It’s a unique style an operation simply from the extent of collaboration. 

Brad himself has helped in each area. As well as the managers have also worked on projects in each area so that they can all understand and help each other as well as have valuable insight when opportunities to help or review come along. Overall, the team at MaxWell Realty Inc cherishes a valued and trustworthy bond, where everyone is each other’s support system, and celebrates shared success. 

Pivoting to the Franchising Model

MaxWell Realty Inc found new leadership in 2017 and moved the head office from Calgary, Alberta to Edmonton, Alberta. The new leadership revamped the tools and services, built out systems, and implemented top-end training. From there the reputation and results brought enormous growth quickly as the company grew from a few hundred agents in a handful of offices in one city to over 1000 agents in over 35 communities across Western Canada.

With Alterations come Advancements

The franchising sector is ever-changing and introduces a set of new rules and regulations now and then. Many of MaxWell’s tools and services are technological so as the tech sector develops and grows, it can utilize more tools to help its agents focus on providing the excellent service they are known for.  

The changes in franchising push MaxWell Realty Inc to ensure they continue hunting for better ideas, new tools, and advanced tech while developing their abilities on these new systems.

A Mini 101 Guide to becoming MaxWell’s Franchise Partner 

MaxWell Realty Inc is focused on finding the right fit in its systems and group. It has a very tight-knit structure where it collaborates with every other team member and department of the company. Many brokerages discuss and work together to ensure compliance in the heavily regulated real estate industry and MaxWell takes a collaborative and inclusive approach to its company direction. In that manner, it looks for individuals who can and will work well with its team, bring value to each other, and help each other in finding ways to build, develop, and grow.

Top Reasons to Franchise with MaxWell Realty Inc 

MaxWell’s top reasons for success in franchise growth are the same set of reasons why potential franchisees would want to be part of its system.  

It provides top-of-the-line tools and systems to help their associates succeed; it provides one on one training and support to ensure high usage of the tools and systems while also alleviating stress and focusing on them from the broker, allowing the broker-owners to focus their efforts on supporting and overseeing their agents.  

Finally, the most important and successful reason to partner with MaxWell Realty Inc is it works together to help, support, encourage, and develop its businesses. In this highly competitive industry, having a team is a huge differentiator, people you can rely on to bounce ideas, partner for events and training, as well as develop proper compliance.

Offering Constant Navigation and Guidance in Rough Times

When one becomes MaxWell’s franchise partner, the company welcomes them with open arms and guides them through from top to bottom in the many phases of business. Consistent communication has been the most important thing the company focused on during the past few years.  

“If you aren’t one of the first calls they make when they encounter difficulties, you may not hear about these challenges until they have become bigger problems. By being accessible, and friendly and the owner-operators being constantly reminded of (and experiencing) our sincere and consistent focus on helping them, we can ensure we can work together to solve these issues as a team.  

No problem has one solution so being part of the discussion and working together, we can help provide options and ensure these types of situations are supported in the manner that best suits and supports each group.”

A Look at the Future of the Franchise Industry

As a demonstrated leaders in the real estate franchise industry, Bill and Brad’s understanding of the market is on-point and holistic. 

They feel that franchising offers enough value that it should see growth in the next few years, even smaller local franchising brings extensive benefits which are difficult to attain as an independent business. Volume purchasing and discounts as well as brand recognition benefits are just the tip-of-the-iceberg for franchising although still a great benefit. 

Other benefits like sharing resources and allowing for more specialized and skilled task completion provide exceptional value only available to larger groups. There is the demonstrated franchise value allowing for easier financing while building a business with a well-defined and proven path to success. Finally, there is support from other franchises, owners, participants, and more, this means the franchisor is not ‘doing it alone’. They have groups of people to help, motivate, encourage, teach, support, and run ideas which makes a huge difference in building a business. 

It is because of those reasons that Brad sees Franchises, specifically those centered in specific regions (like MaxWell Realty Inc being 100% Canadian-owned and operated, with a tight-knit group and collaborative culture) seeing exceptional growth, expansion, and resurgence over the next five years as the value continues to grow in what it can offer. 

Brad’s Pearls of Wisdom for Budding Entrepreneurs

“Understanding in general is the most important thing I have learned in my experience. Understanding differences in culture and values, communication style and responses, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance as well as strengths and opportunities for growth. 

The biggest challenge and often the biggest way to build a cohesive team is a simple understanding of the individuals around you and how they think, understand, learn and feel. This approach makes an enormous difference in being able to support them and through that support, make them not only feel like a valued part of a team but also, have them perform to the best of their abilities.”

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