Michael Wojnowski: Unlocking Team Potential Through Mutual Respect

Michael Wojnowski Unlocking Team Potential | The Enterprise World

In today’s world, effective leaders prioritize listening to their teams and collaborating with them instead of just telling them what to do. They know it’s important to be involved and connected with their team members to understand their needs better. They respect team members’ knowledge and ideas and use them to make good decisions. By listening to everyone and including their experiences in their plans, leaders create a team where everyone feels respected and trusted. This kind of leadership is all about listening well, being flexible, and working together towards common goals.

Michael Wojnowski, Director at Marine Repair Services Container Maintenance Corporation (MRS-CMC) harmonizes the diverse voices within a team. He integrates the on-the-ground experiences into the broader strategic vision. This approach cultivates a culture of respect, trust, and shared purpose.

Role of Education in Shaping a Rewarding Career

In his early days during high school, Michael worked in his father’s restaurants. It was during this time that he acquired the fundamentals of business management and teamwork, laying the groundwork for his future endeavors. Growing up in Charleston, SC, where trade flourishes, Michael developed an early interest in logistics. His academic years at the College of Charleston led him to the Intermodal industry and a part-time job at Container Maintenance, where he gained hands-on experience. 

Concurrently, he studied Shipping and Logistics, advancing to a supervisory role at Charleston’s Wando Terminal. Within a year, he became Terminal Manager at MRS-CMC for Wando, eventually overseeing the Southeast Region. Michael Wojnowski’s journey, from his early working days to his current leadership position, exemplifies the importance of curiosity, adaptability, and the symbiotic relationship between education and hands-on experience in shaping a rewarding career.

Balancing Humility with Confidence

Stepping into a supervisory role at just 20 years old, Michael faced the daunting task of overseeing professionals with decades more experience. Acknowledging his relative youth in the field, Michael relied on his foundational leadership skills and openness to learning from his team.

His self-awareness, coupled with a keen eagerness to learn and adapt, allowed him to strike a balance between respecting the experience of his colleagues and asserting his leadership style. Supported by his team, Michael transformed potential obstacles into opportunities for success. This journey taught him the importance of balancing humility with confidence and recognizing the value of experience while also embracing his unique perspectives and skills.

Working alongside the International Longshoremen’s Association allowed Michael to gain an understanding of the workings of this new industry. This began an ongoing partnership and cooperation with the ILA that has remained strong throughout Michael’s career.

Insights from Influential Figures

Pete Wojnowski, Michael’s father, is the source of inspiration for him. Michael learned the importance of thorough involvement in business operations from his father. Pete’s ability to balance work ethic with paternal support has shaped Michael’s understanding of managing professional and personal responsibilities. Vincent Marino Sr., the founder of MRS-CMC, also left a lasting impact on Michael. Vincent’s legacy lives on through Vince Marino Jr., CEO of CMC-ITI-CCS, who has served as a mentor and exemplary leader in Michael’s life.

Davey Miller, whom Michael met during his teenage years while working at a local gym, stands out as another influential figure. Davey’s respectful treatment and demonstration of professionalism and maturity greatly influenced Michael’s development, both personally and professionally. These individuals, each contributing in their unique way, have played pivotal roles in Michael’s growth by exemplifying virtues such as hard work, respect, and leadership.

From Tradition to Technological Advancement

Michael Wojnowski embraces a holistic leadership approach shaped by lessons instilled by his father and mentors. His duties encompass ensuring employee safety, overseeing daily operations from frontline tasks to strategic planning, and managing financial aspects. At MRS-CMC, the company culture fosters autonomy for leaders to run their departments, locations, or regions akin to their businesses while aligning with overarching goals and values.

The focus lies on striking a balance between immediate operational needs and the company’s long-term vision, aiming not only to maintain but also enhance service quality, efficiency, and integrity. Michael Wojnowski is particularly enthusiastic about contributing to MRS-CMC’s integration of advanced technologies into its core operations. Playing a role in shaping this initiative has been immensely fulfilling, and he finds it fascinating to witness the potential impact on the business and industry as a whole.

Michael’s team is currently engaged in upgrading their technology and processes for the future. They are exploring various avenues to utilize IT solutions and programs to modernize what has traditionally been considered an old-school industry. While it’s a lengthy process, the impact it will have on the industry is expected to be transformative.

Active Engagement with a Broad Network 

Remaining attuned to the ever-changing dynamics of the market requires Michael’s active engagement with a broad network of industry partners and colleagues. Despite his relatively short tenure in the industry, Michael Wojnowski has cultivated valuable connections over time. Regular, direct discussions with these individuals prove invaluable, as they not only keep him informed but also often illuminate emerging trends or shifts that demand attention and adaptation.

Michael Wojnowski emphasizes the importance of fostering open, frequent communication among his team members, viewing these dialogues as essential for effectively navigating and leading through change. This proactive approach ensures that they are not merely reactive but instead proactive in responding to the evolving demands of the market.

Excellence in Action

Since its establishment in 1971, MRS-CMC has been committed to delivering exceptional maintenance and repair services to the marine and rail sectors, maintaining the utmost standards of quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. With a vision to become an industry leader from the outset, MRS-CMC has strived to achieve this goal by emphasizing innovation, expertise, and a customer-centric approach. This dedication has enabled the company to provide unparalleled solutions and forge lasting partnerships with its clients.

Michael Wojnowski: Unlocking Team Potential | The Enterprise World

MRS-CMC offers a comprehensive suite of products and services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. These include: 

  • Maintenance and Repair
  • Container Depot Storage
  • Over-the-Road Repair Services 
  • Refrigeration Services  
  • Generator Leasing
  • Intermodal Equipment Refurbishment
  • Intermodal Equipment Inspections
  • Trucking

Every Individual Feels Valued

The culture of MRS-CMC is deeply ingrained in the values of family and teamwork, stemming from its origins as a family-owned and operated business spanning over five decades. This legacy of respect and camaraderie resonates throughout the organization, instilling a sense of belonging and unity among its employees.

Michael Wojnowski maintains strong connections across all locations and emphasizes the importance of keeping everyone informed and engaged. Regular gatherings provide opportunities for collaboration, idea sharing, and relationship building, strengthening bonds as team members work towards common objectives.

Ultimately, mutual respect, support, and inclusivity define the company culture, creating an environment at CMC where every individual feels valued, connected, and part of a larger purpose.

Prioritising Customer Satisfaction

Alongside its team members, the company also values its clients, which is reflected through the experiences they share. Here are a couple of testimonials from the happy clients.

“Michael Wojnowski’s professionalism and driven nature make him a true asset to MRS-CMC and to the Intermodal industry as a whole.” – Carl Francis Director, SACP, Consolidated Chassis Management

“We are grateful to have Michael as the Director of MRS-CMC’s Operations in the Port of Charleston, SC. Michael is known for his honesty, integrity, fairness, and cooperative attitude. ILA 1422-A appreciates the relationship and we are proud of all that we have  accomplished together.” – Leonard A. Bailey, President, Local 1422-A, International Longshoremen Association

“I have worked with Michael Wojnowski for over 10 years and have been so impressed with his commitment to ALWAYS doing the “right thing” no matter what the situation is. He has never shied away from making the tough decision or taking the hard stand no matter what. The most inspiring thing about Michael is that he leads by example and his actions are always louder than his words. Anyone that knows Michael Wojnowski knows he inspires the people around him by his actions, the stands he takes, his unwavering character, and knowing no matter what is going on or the situation, he always puts the people that work for him first and never makes a selfish decision. If that doesn’t inspire people, I don’t what will.”- Paul De Maria

Cutting-Edge Approach to Intermodal Equipment

MRS-CMC is committed to furthering innovation and advancement in the maintenance and repair processes for intermodal equipment. The company is leveraging the latest technology in equipment and training to stay at the forefront of industry changes and developments. Additionally, as the sister company to Charleston Blast and Paint, the nation’s leading provider of intermodal equipment refurbishment services, MRS-CMC operates over 400,000 square feet of refurbishment space in Charleston. This extensive capacity enables the company to meet the growing demand for chassis, containers, and other intermodal equipment refurbishment needs. As it continues to evolve and expand its capabilities, mergers, and strategic partnerships may also be part of its future growth trajectory.

Acknowledging Personal Care 

Achieving a healthy work-life balance requires Michael Wojnowski to cultivate self-awareness, engage in reflection, and remain present in the moment. He must be mindful of the equilibrium between work and personal life, recognizing the need for adjustments when necessary. Delegation serves as a cornerstone in maintaining this balance for Michael; it enables him to develop a robust team, including promising young leaders, who can support each other and efficiently manage tasks. 

While attaining a perfect work-life balance may pose challenges, understanding when to press forward and when to take a step back is crucial for finding harmony in both spheres of life. Acknowledging personal care is essential for effectiveness and productivity in the workplace. Beyond work, Michael Wojnowski finds solace in physical activities such as attending the gym, spending time outdoors, and engaging in sports. These pursuits not only alleviate stress but also contribute to enhancing personal health and well-being.

Michael Wojnowski’s advice to young business leaders: 

  • Seize every opportunity to learn and get involved
  • Interact with individuals in leadership positions to absorb knowledge and insight
  • Ask for guidance and feedback from those with more experience
  • Maintain a positive attitude and embrace curiositySay yes to new challenges and opportunities
  • Insert yourself into various situations and projects for diverse experiences
  • Learn from mistakes and use them as valuable lessons for growth
  • Demonstrate capabilities and leadership potential through actions and contributions
  • Remain proactive, and open-minded, and continuously seek opportunities for growth and development

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