How Phoenix Authorities Can Ensure the Safety of Their Pedestrians?

How Phoenix Authorities Ensure Pedestrian Safety? | The Enterprise World

We often discuss the safety of drivers and motor vehicle passengers and we forget about the importance of pedestrian safety. Pedestrian safety is a growing concern in many urban areas, and Phoenix is no exception. With its expanding population, busy roadways, and a layout that encourages vehicular traffic, the city has seen a troubling increase in pedestrian accidents. 

That’s why it’s important to face the problem head on and promote initiatives that ensure pedestrian safety. To create safer streets, it’s crucial for local authorities to adopt effective strategies that prioritize the well-being of those on foot. The local government should be the one to highlight the issue while simultaneously promoting the right strategies to combat the issue. 

In this guide, we’ll explore actionable steps that Phoenix authorities can take to ensure the well-being of pedestrians.

1. The concern of pedestrian safety 

The city of Phoenix has been dealing with the increase in the number of pedestrian-related accidents and it’s earned the title as one of the most dangerous cities for pedestrians in the US. Luckily, the authorities have realized the severity of the problem and are doing what they can to combat it.

How Phoenix Authorities Ensure Pedestrian Safety? | The Enterprise World

To put things into perspective, according to data from recent years, approximately 1,000 to 1,200 pedestrians are injured annually in Phoenix. For instance, back in 2021, there were almost 650 pedestrian collisions and that number keeps rising each year.

Today, with the high traffic volume, the safety of pedestrians is at a higher risk from collisions and injuries caused by traffic.

2. Most common causes of pedestrian accidents

As a pedestrian, it’s important to be aware of the most common causes that threaten your safety. The top reasons are speeding, impaired driving and distracted driving.

Speeding is definitely a big issue as many vehicle drivers fail to adjust their speed to the roads and visibility. Once they’re faced with a hazard, they’re not able to react quickly and end up endangering someone’s life.

Additionally, driving under the influence, whether it be drugs or alcohol, can also pose a risk to everyone on the road. The same goes for distracted driving. 

3. The pedestrian’s responsibility

However, it’s also necessary to mention that pedestrians often make the mistake of not focusing on the road ahead. They often use their phones or listen to music without minding their surroundings. 

Pedestrians also need to take responsibility for their actions and make sure to use sidewalks and use crosswalks when crossing the street.

Additionally, they should never cross the street with the red lights on as this can definitely disrupt traffic and lead to accidents. Many have the nasty habit of breaking this rule but it’s high time everyone realized that the traffic lights are there for a reason. 

4. What the authorities can do?

How Phoenix Authorities Ensure Pedestrian Safety? | The Enterprise World

Naturally, no one is saying that the local governments can simply make the problem go away on its own. Even with the best strategies implemented, there’s only so much that the authorities can do. It’s important that pedestrians and other road participants take the problem seriously as well.

However, the authorities can definitely help promote safe practices and set up the necessary resources for their residents.

5. Improve infrastructure for optimized safety

One of the primary ways to ensure pedestrian safety is by improving crosswalk visibility and traffic signals. In high-traffic areas, crosswalks should be equipped with clear signage, lighting, and road markings that alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians.

As most accidents happen in dark lighting conditions, it’s necessary to have visible traffic signs for everyone to see. Another useful idea might be to implement pedestrian-controlled traffic lights that can give pedestrians a dedicated time to cross safely at busy intersections. 

In addition, countdown timers at intersections also help pedestrians see how much time they have to cross safely.

6. Make Phoenix legal support easy to reach

Victims of pedestrian accidents sometimes take a long time to recover from their injuries, not to mention the fact that most of them end up dealing with emotional trauma for years to follow. 

On top of that, most of these victims face financial challenges that include medical bills, lost wages and even long-term care costs in serious accidents. 

That’s why it’s important to set up a comprehensive knowledge base that the victims could refer to when seeking support. The resources could help injured pedestrians seek medical aid and connect with a pedestrian accident lawyer that can provide the necessary legal counsel.

As a victim of pedestrian accidents, you’ll need someone experienced in the matter and a pedestrian accident lawyer familiar with Arizona laws can help you deal with the insurance companies and the legal aftermath. 

7. Promote education and awareness campaigns

Education is key to creating a safer environment for pedestrians. Phoenix authorities can reduce the number of accidents per year by promotion campaigns that focus on road safety for both drivers and pedestrians. 

Some of the main points of these campaigns should emphasize: 

  • Driver responsibility: Reminding drivers to be vigilant in areas where pedestrians are common, especially near crosswalks, schools, and parks.
  • Pedestrian safety tips: Educating pedestrians about the importance of using crosswalks, avoiding jaywalking, and making eye contact with drivers before crossing.
  • Safe walking routes for children: Working with schools to map out and promote safe routes for children walking to and from school.

Why it’s necessary to enforce laws strictly?

How Phoenix Authorities Ensure Pedestrian Safety? | The Enterprise World

As mentioned, speeding and distracted driving are the leading causes of these accidents and that’s why it’s important for Phoenix authorities, namely the police department, to enforce traffic laws more strictly.

That’s why it’s necessary to install speed cameras in pedestrian-heavy zones and ensure that drivers abide by the speed limits. Also, each driver that fails to follow the speed limits, needs to be aware of the consequences they’ll face. A speeding ticket can go up to $1,000 depending on the severity of the violation.

Unfortunately, some people react best to punishment and the only way for them to change their driving habits is by knowing that their actions will have consequences. 

The key takeaways 

The local government has a vital role in protecting pedestrians and reducing accidents. By focusing on infrastructure improvements, setting up a resource hub and spreading awareness about the issue, they can create a safer environment for everyone who walks the city’s streets.

Pedestrian safety is a bug problem that won’t go away overnight and it requires a lot of effort and many proactive strategies.However, with the right approach in place, it’s definitely going to be easier to ensure pedestrian safety.

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