12 Essential Items to Have in Your Truck As a Professional HGV Driver  

12 Essential Items for Professional HGV Driver | The Enterprise World

When you’re working as a professional HGV driver, you might be away from home for multiple days at a time. During these periods, your truck is your home, and so, it matters what you take along for the ride. Whether talking about items that make your life safer, more convenient, or more comfortable a Professional HGV Driver there are some things that you simply can’t afford to leave behind.  

If you’re thinking of training for your class 2 or class 1 licence and you want to know what those must-have items are, we’ve got you covered. Stay tuned,

12 Essential items that you need to have in your truck as a Professional HGV driver.  

Item #1 – An Emergency Kit  

12 Essential Items for Professional HGV Driver | The Enterprise World

While you might not be able to predict emergencies, you can certainly prepare for them. And you can do that by making sure you have a well-furnished emergency kit. We’re talking about a kit that includes things like jump leads, a torch, some spare batteries, a hazard warning triangle, and some de-icer. The more prepared you are, the fewer troubles you’ll have. One of the most important Essential kits for professional HGV drivers.

Item #2 – A First Aid Kit 

The emergencies we just spoke about might include you or someone else near you getting hurt on the road. That’s why a first aid kit in your cab isn’t just a good thing to have, it’s a legal requirement according to UK Health & Safety regulations. Inside, you’ll need to have the basics, such as plasters, large dressings, sterile wipes, a resuscitation shield, and an emergency survival blanket. One of the most important Essential kits for professional HGV drivers.

Item #3 – Personal Hygiene Products 

Staying fit and healthy involves practising good personal hygiene and when you’re out on the road for days at a time, doing so gets a little tricker. Of course, you can freshen up at truck stops and service stations, but for those times when you’re not able to, a personal hygiene kit that includes products like baby wipes, nail scissors, and a toothbrush is a must.  

Item #4 – Comfort Items  

When you’re more comfortable in your cab, you tend to be happier. So, why not make the inside of it a bit more homely with a few cushions, a lumbar support pillow and a pair of slippers? It might seem like a little, but it can transform the way you feel after a hard day behind the wheel. 

Item #5 – A Small Tool Set 

12 Essential Items for Professional HGV Driver | The Enterprise World

While you do need to perform daily walkaround checks, you’re not going to need to make major repairs if a breakdown occurs. That said, it doesn’t hurt to carry a small set of tools in your cab in case any small jobs come up. Having a screwdriver, spanner and a multitool at hand to tighten something that’s worked loose can allow you to carry on when otherwise might not have been able to. 

Item #6 – Road Safety Gear  

Like it or not, when you’re driving for a living, there’s always a chance that you might break down – even if you’re super-prepared and carrying out all of the necessary checks. So, you need to keep in mind that it can happen when you least expect it, and having a high-visibility jacket can be a real lifesaver while you wait for help to arrive. A head torch, a thermal blanket, and a personal safety alarm can also be very handy things to have with you.  

Item #7 – Food Making Equipment  

There’s always a temptation while traveling to eat fast food, as it’s just so convenient. However, if you’re doing this consistently, it can majorly affect your general health, and in turn, your driving. Having items like insulated lunch bags, portable stoves, kettles and even microwave ovens can allow you to maintain your health by giving you access to the fresh food you need while out on the road. 

Item #8 – Traditional Paper Maps  

12 Essential Items for Professional HGV Driver | The Enterprise World

In the modern day, finding your way to your destination is made much easier thanks to GPS-enabled smartphones and other devices. That said, you can’t always rely on a phone signal being available, so it’s important to have a backup in the form of traditional folding paper maps, just in case.  

Item #9 – Unloading & Loading Gear 

When fulfilling your role as a class 1 license holder, another big part of your work is the loading and unloading of goods. In order to carry out these duties safely, you need to have suitable gear to ensure that you’re safe. This means having goggles, wheel chocks, a hard hat, gloves and a pair of sturdy boots in your truck.  

Item #10 – Spare Clothes 

Remaining comfortable when you’re driving for hours at a time is essential for enjoying your role, but that might be quite difficult to do if, for example, you become drenched because of heavy rain. However, with a set of clean, dry clothes on standby, you can change and feel like yourself once again.  

Item #11 – Things to Entertain You 

You won’t be driving all day every day, as it’s against the driver hours rules. The thing is, if you’ve got nothing to entertain yourself with during your downtime, you’re going to get bored pretty quickly.  

So, if you take an internet-connected tablet along for the ride, you can read books, watch movies and stay connected with your friends on WhatsApp. If you’re not so into tech, you could take some books or magazines instead.  

Item #12 – Portable Fan or Heater 

You may have noticed that the weather in Britain is changeable and these fluctuations can make you uncomfortable in your cab. The good news is that there are relatively inexpensive fans and heaters that you can buy to keep yourself at a nice temperature.  

Staying Happy & Comfortable While Working as an HGV Driver 

If you want to drive safely as a professional HGV driver, it’s important that you stay happy and comfortable while out on the road. As we’ve seen, there are plenty of things that you can do to stay safe while you work at the same time as ensuring that your cab is as close to being a home-from-home as it can be. What’s more, it doesn’t have to cost the earth.  

 Additionally, through HGVC’s HGV Bootcamp, funded by the government, you can access fully funded training to further enhance your skills and comfort on the road. 

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