Sales management and operations used to be one of the most challenging duties in the company, but breakthrough mobile sales apps have made them more accessible with GPS Tracking.
As a result, many companies have started purchasing a GPS tracker for sales reps to nurture their business growth.
But of course, no software is exempted from having its limitations. So for this article, we’ve listed down the pros and cons of GPS tracking, starting with:
Pro: Worldwide accessibility
It’s worth mentioning that GPS services are provided across the globe by 24 to 32 satellites in medium Earth orbit.
These satellites orbit the Earth to ensure complete coverage of diverse locations, making it easier to manage vehicle fleets.
Furthermore, having many satellites circling on different tracks and at various times improves geolocation accuracy even further.

Specialized GPS or GPS technology services are available globally through an enabled device due to the worldwide coverage of GPS tracking satellites.
Since it’s accessible, the global positioning system has become a dual-use technology that helps the United States’ non-military and military stakeholders worldwide.
Con: Privacy issues
Stalking activities may include the use of GPS tracking equipment.
For example, an accidentally implanted gadget in a person’s automobile may link with a complimentary device that allows a user to follow the person’s movements discreetly.
Illicit uses may be possible using this technology because these gadgets are widely accessible on the market.
When used in conjunction with Internet applications such as mobile apps or social media, GPS may efficiently monitor and record a user’s position.
This allows businesses to leverage information and geolocation data for commercial reasons such as geo-targeted advertising.
Pro: Independent operation
One of the main advantages of GPS is that it does not need users to submit data from their devices.
Furthermore, a GPS device often runs independently of communications infrastructures, which don’t utilize wireless communication data.
On the other hand, Telecommunications systems may enhance geolocation, time information, and GPS tracking positioning. Moreover, another critical benefit of GPS is that it’s completely free.
Apart from the fact that an enabled device doesn’t use wireless communication data from telecommunication service providers, the comprehensive technology is free of charge and doesn’t need any license or subscription.
Con: Accuracy concerns
Although multiple satellites circle the Earth to provide accuracy via comprehensive global coverage, interferences may pose substantial issues.
It should be noted that the troposphere and ionosphere may both slow down signal transmission. Electromagnetic and weather interference may also have an impact on data transmission.

Certain geological features may also hinder communication between receivers and GPS satellites or GPS-enabled devices.
Since signals can’t pass through solid things, high-rise buildings may hamper communication in cities. Or even limited areas like woods, mountains, and caverns.
Obstructions might result in incorrect geolocation data or coordinates.
Pro: Improved productivity rate
Since GPS technology is accessible, it has been used for several purposes and applications.
It should be noted that the technology has been employed for commercial purposes and military applications.
Different companies and sectors have benefited from refining customer service, tracking important assets using GPS localization, and monitoring staff to boost efficiency.
Con: Battery-dependent
A GPS tracking enabled gadget depletes the battery’s power. GPS chips use a lot of electricity. For example, when a smartphone’s global positioning system function is operating in the background.
Or, when geolocation-dependent apps are used, the pace of battery depletion might increase.

Also, keep in mind that one of GPS’s significant limitations is that the gadget is rendered worthless once the battery power goes out.
These gadgets are only as helpful as their battery capacity allows them to be. As a result, these gadgets must have power management functions and a larger battery capacity.
Outlook – GPS Tracking
It’s essential to assess the downsides and advantages of adopting these fleet monitoring systems.
The main downside is that employees despise them, and you should look for better methods to encourage them to embrace it.
These devices will cost you money, and if employees tamper with them or increase staff turnover, it will be squandered. As a consequence, carefully consider your options.