Quanda Francis- Helping Companies Execute and Lead with Data

Quanda Francis-Helping Companies Execute and Lead with Data- Sykes |The Enterprise World

Over the past few decades, women have made tremendous strides in the world of finance, including in the fields of financial management and advisory. While historically male-dominated, these areas have seen a significant increase in the number of women leaders, with many making a significant impact on the industry as a whole.

One reason for this shift is the increased emphasis on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, which has led to greater recognition of the value of having a diverse workforce. Women have also demonstrated their abilities in these fields, proving to be just as capable as their male counterparts in managing finances and providing financial advice.

Women leaders in financial management and advisory firms bring a unique perspective, offering insights that can help businesses make better decisions. They often bring a more collaborative approach to decision-making, prioritizing teamwork and communication to achieve success. This approach can be particularly effective in finance, where decisions often have far-reaching consequences and require careful consideration.

Additionally, women leaders in finance are often committed to promoting gender equality and creating opportunities for other women in the industry. They serve as role models and mentors for younger women looking to break into the field by creating a pipeline of talented professionals who can continue to advance the industry.

Despite the progress made in recent years, there is still a significant gender gap in finance. Women are continuously underrepresented in leadership positions and often face unique challenges while advancing their careers. However, the growing number of women leaders in financial management and advisory firms is a positive sign of progress and a testament to the crucial contributions that women can make in this field.

One such leader in this space is Quanda Francis. The Enterprise World has featured her story in its special issue, Enterprising Women of the Year

#Cognifunds #FiscalFriend is here! 

The development of the first AI-powered financial literacy coach by a woman of color represents a significant milestone in the advancement of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology. The woman in question, #Quanda Francis has achieved a remarkable feat by designing and training an AI-powered financial coach who can provide personalized financial advice to individuals and businesses.

The fact that this AI-powered financial coach was developed and trained by a black woman is noteworthy, given the lack of diversity in the tech industry. Women and people of color have historically been under-represented in the technology field. These include artificial intelligence and machine learning. Therefore, the success of this black woman in developing an AI-powered financial coach not only highlights her technical prowess but also serves as a positive example for other aspiring women and people of color interested in the field.

The development of the first AI-powered financial coach by a black woman is a significant achievement that serves as a positive example of diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. It demonstrates that with hard work, dedication, and access to the right resources, anyone, regardless of gender or race, can effectively contribute to developing innovative technologies. #ai 

#financialfreedom #innovation 

Quanda Francis- Leading the Way

“Entrepreneurs must have the courage to take bold actions, to try new things, and to push the boundaries of what is possible. They must also be willing to learn from their failures and adjust their strategies accordingly. 

Creating innovative solutions is another responsibility of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs must be creative and adaptable, able to come up with new ideas and solutions to meet the needs of their customers. They must be able to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom to create products and services that are truly unique and valuable,” says Quanda Francis. 

Building and maintaining relationships is also critical to the success of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs must be able to network, build partnerships, and establish connections with suppliers, customers, investors, and other stakeholders. They must communicate effectively, build trust, and maintain positive relationships over the long term.

Finally, inspiring people is achieved when entrepreneurs embody the attributes and display the behaviors/actions they espouse for others. Entrepreneurs must lead by example and set a high standard for themselves and their teams. They must be passionate about their work, be dedicated to their vision, and have a strong work ethic. When others see the dedication and drive of the entrepreneur, they will get inspired to follow in their footsteps and work towards achieving their shared goals.

Quanda S. Francis is the President of Sykes Capital Management and Founder and Chief Scientist of OrgIQ. Quanda Francis has an impressive educational background, including an undergraduate degree from NYU, an MBA from Long Island University, and ongoing Ph.D. studies.

Quanda Francis’s entrepreneurial journey has been that of challenges, opportunities, and accolades. Some of her accomplishments along the journey include,

  • Being named one of the Most Inspiring Women in Business in the World to Watch in 2022  
  • Being named by Global Women in Banking and Finance’s 2020 & 2021 Global Community Development Honoree on the African continent.

“I have never let my hardships define me.”

Challenges often pave the way for you to become the best version of yourself and rise above. 

“I have always used these experiences as a source of motivation and purpose. That is what kept me motivated to make history and become the first African American woman to run for Mayor of New York City as the nominee of a political party I established,”  

Quanda Francis

Her motto has been to Evolve. Excel. Empower. And make history and inspire change in the process. Quanda Francis is also a former candidate for New York State Comptroller and United States Congress and was elected to serve on the county committee representing New York’s 52nd Assembly District (Brooklyn Heights).

‘Chase Your Passions, Not Your Problems’- Inspiration for Quanda Francis’s Successful Journey

“Honestly, Elon Musk.”

In the early 20th century, the American economy was dominated by a group of business titans who pushed the boundaries of progress, experimentation, and speed and built unprecedented trust in the American business world. These titans, including Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and J. P. Morgan, were known for their ruthless business tactics and the ability to innovate and create new industries.

Today, we are witnessing the rise of a new titan in the business world, Elon Musk. Like the titans of old, Musk is pushing the boundaries of what is possible and creating new industries that will shape the future of our world.

Musk is the CEO of several innovative companies and like the titans of old, Musk has a grand vision for the future and is willing to take risks to achieve it. 

“In many ways, Musk is a product of our time. The world is changing rapidly, and Musk is at the forefront of that change,” says Quanda Francis.

Leading Sykes Capital Management

Sykes Capital Management is a financial management and advisory firm that provides services such as venture capital, business advisory, financial literacy, education analytics, and youth-based sports initiatives. Its mission is to empower businesses, individuals, and communities to achieve their full potential through innovative services and cutting-edge technology.

OrgIQ, Inc. is a company that focuses on utilizing real-world data and AI to create tools for human alignment in areas like education, sexual wellness, healthcare, and engineering. Its mission is to improve the overall well-being of humanity through safe, beneficial, and accessible solutions.   

Overcoming the Challenges

Starting a new company can be an exciting yet challenging journey. As an entrepreneur, one of the initial hurdles Quanda Francis had to overcome was getting started. Developing a business idea, creating a business plan, and launching a company can be daunting. 

With perseverance and determination, I could take the first steps towards making my dream a reality.”

After the company’s establishment, Quanda Francis’s next challenge was acquiring her first client. It required a lot of research and networking to find potential clients interested in the company’s services. 

“I had to be strategic in my approach and tailor my pitch to fit the needs of each prospective client. This involved building relationships, demonstrating the value of my services, and being patient,” says Quanda Francis. 

Despite these initial challenges, Quanda Francis remained focused and committed to the company’s success. Through hard work and dedication, Quanda Francis secured her first client and began building a reputation for delivering quality services. 

“This gave me the confidence to continue growing my business and pursuing my entrepreneurial goals.”

Exclusive Products and Services of Sykes Capital Management

Sykes Capital Management offers numerous consulting services to serve various businesses and clients. Whether you are a small, local business or a multinational corporation, the company can help you reach new levels of success. 

Business Advisory Services 

Hyper Personalized Consultancy

Get help with starting, growing, or transforming your business. Sykes Capital Management provides services that identify and solve complex financial, organizational, and operational problems. The company enables its customers to leverage front-end insights generated from all data. 

Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and data-driven decision-making.

Financial Literacy 


Sykes Capital Management believes in helping its clients make informed decisions that align with their needs. With the integration of CogniFunds, the company offers a comprehensive range of consulting services to help businesses of all sizes succeed and lets individuals take control of their financial future. 

From providing access to personalized financial advice and education to dedicated financial and business management offerings, Sykes Capital Management strives to ensure its clients have the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions and move confidently toward their financial goals.        

The company offers hyper-personalized innovative interactive financial literacy programming and collaborative financial management tools that teach America’s youth and individual households about money. It strategizes and uses various tools and global resources to help each client understand the implications of every financial decision.

AI Virtual Business and Academic Writing Coach

Writing Tool

Sykes Capital Management’s writing tool utilizes cutting-edge AI technology powered by OpenAI to help users create high-quality content that meets their needs. It is constantly learning algorithms that enable the company’s AI to understand context and intent, resulting in engaging and persuasive text. 

With a user-friendly interface and customizable templates, Aiwordwiz makes it easy to generate high-quality content for various purposes, from marketing to social media to website copies.

Education Analytics

A New Way to Learn, Let the Data Lead the Way

Preparing for the future means it is time to re-think education and utilize Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to enhance each student’s performance and ensure that every student receives academic content that is unique and targeted to that student’s learning style and ability. 

Constant Vigilance- A Need, a Strategy, or a Mindset? 

Nelson Mandela once said, “I never lose. I either win or learn.”

Talking about the need for constant vigilance, Quanda says, “Constant vigilance could be a need or a strategy depending on the situation or a mindset that requires an individual to remain focused, alert, and committed to their goals and aspirations, despite any obstacles or challenges that may arise. I see it as a mindset that means being aware of the risks and potential setbacks that may come with pursuing one’s goals and being prepared to handle them. However, you cannot be in pursuit of things all the time, you have to know how and when to turn that off.

Being in pursuit of your goals, a better lifestyle, professional success, and personal growth can be both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. It requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication to make meaningful progress, and this can take a toll on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Pursuing your goals requires you to push yourself to your limits, to work longer hours, to learn new skills, and to face new challenges. This can be exciting and motivating, but it can also be fatiguing. 

When you’re constantly striving for more, you may feel like you’re never quite good enough, and this can lead to feelings of burnout and stress.

In addition to the physical and mental demands of being in pursuit, you may face challenges in your personal life. Relationships with friends and family members can suffer when you focus on your goals, and you may find it tricky to balance work, play, and rest.

The key to maintaining your energy and avoiding burnout is to know when to turn off. Take regular breaks, allow yourself to recharge and refocus, and make time for the things that matter most to you. This is how you maintain constant vigilance as a mindset.”

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