Is It Time To Renew Your CompTIA A+ Certification?

6 Methods for Renew Your CompTIA A+ Certification | The Enterprise World

Congratulations on receiving your CompTIA A+ certification. You’ve successfully passed the exams and are part of a global community. 

Over an estimated 1 million people hold CompTIA+ certification and you should feel proud to be one of them. A question you may have is how long is CompTIA A+ certification valid? The certification is valid for three years before requiring renewal. 

So, what are the steps to take when renewing your CompTIA A+ certification? You have a few options, so you should be able to renew your CompTIA A+ certification without any issues. Who knows, you may have already completed a step without even realizing it.

How to Renew CompTIA A+ Certification?

As we previously mentioned, there are a few ways you can renew your CompTIA A+ certification. The method you choose should fit your timeline. For example, if valid certification is a requirement for your job. Your chosen method should also benefit your career, or at least, your current position.

Wondering how you can renew your CompTIA A+ certification? Here’s a look

6 Methods for Renew Your CompTIA A+ Certification

1. Earn CEU (Continuing Education Units)

6 Methods for Renew Your CompTIA A+ Certification | The Enterprise World

An easy way to renew your CompTIA A+ certification is by earning CEUs; these continuing education units demonstrate that you’re keeping up with IT advancements while also getting additional education. CompTIA offers a few renewal programs. You can get the necessary CEUs and renew your certification simultaneously. While there are several programs to choose from, a couple stand out. 

The 60CompTIA CEU training package is a self-paced, four-course program that renews your certificate upon successful completion. The course takes around 60 hours to complete from start to finish. Since it’s self-paced, you have some flexibility when you finish.

Another great option is the Free CompTIA CEU Training package. This package is free but there’s a catch. You still go over four courses, the difference is the program only runs for two years. The other CompTIA renewal package does have a cost but it also covers the courses over 60 hours. You get additional training with 60COmpTIA, but if you only need a quick refresher, the free package may be enough.

2. Receive Another CompTIA Certification

6 Methods for Renew Your CompTIA A+ Certification | The Enterprise World

Did you know you can actually renew your current CompTIA A+ certification by passing an exam for another topic? For example, you can earn a CompTIA Security+ or Network+ certificate. 

Now, you’ll have two CompTIA+ certifications to show off. Just imagine your career trajectory when you have more than one valid CompTIA+ certificate. So, what are some of the CompTIA+ certifications you may want to consider earning?

Along with Security+ and Network+, you can earn another core-level certificate for ITF+.  You can move on to certification dealing with infrastructure or cybersecurity. If you want to add some professional certificates to your resume, consider taking the CTT+, Project+, or Cloud Essentials+ exams. Your CompTIA A+ certificate is automatically renewed once you pass one of these exams.

3. Go For a Non-CompTIA Certification

Even though CompTIA certification is globally recognized, their courses aren’t your only option when it’s time to renew your certificate. You can earn your continuing education credits from other entities specializing in information technologies. However, before you start signing up for random IT classes, you need to meet a few conditions.

For CEUs from non-CompTIA courses to apply, your CompTIA A+ certificate must be valid, and this means you can’t wait until after the three-year expiration date to start taking non-CompTIA-sponsored classes. If you’re planning on using this method, it’s a good idea to get started on your classes at least a year before your CompTIA A+ certificate expires.

The other condition is the CEU must be approved by CompTIA, which is why you don’t want to start signing up for classes without doing some homework. CompTIA has a list of preapproved courses that include Apple, Amazon, McAfee, Linux, and Microsoft. 

Another thing to consider if you decide to go this route is that there’s a fee to renew your CompTIA A+ certificate. The fee is waived if you renew your certificate through one of CompTIA’s programs.

4. Become a Writer and Publisher

This method of renewing a CompTIA A+ certificate isn’t for everyone, as you must be able to craft an informative and relevant article, white paper, or blog post on IT material. The content must also be published either in print or online. Journals and guest posts on established IT blogs are a few ways you can get your work published.

Writing and publishing content relating to the IT industry can earn CEUs you can apply towards renewing your CompTIA A+ certification. You can also earn CEUs by writing and publishing technical books.

5. Join IT Industry Activities

6 Methods for Renew Your CompTIA A+ Certification | The Enterprise World

You can pick up CEUs just by participating in activities relating to CompTIA+ material. In other words, joining a swimming class with a group of other IT pros isn’t going to help with the CompTIA A+ renewal process.

However, you can join a mentoring or training program. You can use CompTIA+ materials to create a training program for other IT professionals, which can also apply to a mentoring program. Attending CompTIA webinars and workshops is another way you can earn CEUs. 

Best of all, workshops and webinars help you expand your network and this is almost always beneficial for your career.

6. Earn CEUs at Work

Simply showing up for work can result in CEUs you can use to renew your CompTIA A+ certification. However, your normal job duties are limited to the CEUs listed under CompTIA A+ certification renewal.

For example, simply using a mouse every day at work doesn’t count toward a CEU. However, if you resolve an issue with a company cell phone, you can earn CEUs.

Are You Ready to Renew Your CompTIA A+ Certification?

If it’s time to renew your CompTIA A+ certification, you have several options to earn the necessary CEUs. The easiest method is to take additional CompTIA+ courses. Upon completing the course and receiving certification, your CompTIA A+ certificate is automatically renewed. 

No matter which option you choose, you’re making a smart move to advance your IT career. Staying current with your certification not only keeps your skills sharp but also demonstrates your commitment to professional growth. 

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