Dr. Snehal Pinto: Empowering Nation through Education

Dr. Snehal Pinto-Empowering Nation| Ryan Group of Institutions | The Enterprise World

The business world has seen a surge in women leaders in recent years, breaking through the traditionally male-dominated industry. These women have demonstrated remarkable skills in navigating the corporate world and achieving unprecedented success. With their strategic thinking, resilience, and vision, they have become trailblazers and an inspiration to many aspiring business leaders. 

Among these extraordinary women is Dr. Snehal Pinto, Director of Ryan Group of Institutions, one of India’s largest privately-owned chains of schools. Dr. Snehal Pinto has established herself as a successful woman leader in business by spearheading the group’s growth and expansion, promoting quality education, and implementing innovative strategies to ensure the holistic development of students. Her contributions have earned her a prominent place among the most successful women leaders in business.

Responsibilities & Accomplishments

Dr. Snehal Pinto is the Director at the Ryan International Group of Institutions, India’s most prominent chain of K-12 institutions. She strongly believes teachers are crucial in shaping the country’s most valuable asset- Human Resources. Thus, her primary focus has been on professional development, assessments, and leadership.

Dr. Snehal Pinto has been instrumental in leveraging the strengths of all these boards to improve the school performance at Ryan Group. She has extensive experience across various state and national boards, including the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE/ISC), International Baccalaureate (IB), and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE).

Under her leadership, the schools under Ryan Group have consistently ranked among the top international schools in India for several years, according to various school surveys such as Times School, Brainfeed, and Education World. Dr. Snehal Pinto has brought a strong process orientation to maximize the schools’ efficiency by leveraging various methodologies, including those of IB (International Baccalaureate) and NABET (National Accreditation Board for Education and Training).

Dr. Snehal Pinto’s clear focus on nurturing 21st-century skills has led the Ryan Group to drive capacity-building and scaling innovations nationwide with various high-impact student-centric initiatives. She has also served as the President of the Association of Schools for the Indian Schools Certificate (ASISC) and a member of the Executive General Body of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). She has also been a member of the Advisory Committee of the South Asia International Baccalaureate Schools Association (SAIBSA).

Dr. Snehal Pinto thanks God for blessing the Ryan Group with a wonderful team. She also acknowledges that the group’s consistency in working together has been instrumental in achieving success.

Dr. Pinto has received the following recent awards and recognitions:

  • Global Innovator Leader Award at the Young Innovators Expo, WYIEXPO, organized by HSNC, University of Mumbai on 22nd January 2023.
  • Prof. Indira Parikh 50 Women in Education Leaders Award 2022 by the World Education Congress.
  • Most Admired Global Indians 2021 title by Passion Vista.
  • ATL Teachers of Change Award in Maharashtra State for her exemplary leadership in galvanizing innovation in education.

Ryan Group: Mission and Vision 

The Ryan Group of Institutions was founded in 1976 by Dr. A. F. Pinto, a renowned educationist who aimed to promote quality education throughout India.  With its presence in 18 states and 40 cities nationwide, the Group is widely recognized for its exceptional educational contribution.

The Ryan group’s motto is “Excellence in Education and All Round Development,” Its primary objective is to provide a holistic education that integrates academics and co-curricular activities while offering learning opportunities in various contexts beyond the classroom. The Group is committed to producing lifelong learners and responsible citizen leaders through its comprehensive approach to education.

The learning process at Ryan Group is designed to facilitate holistic development and growth. Recognizing the importance of technology in modern education, the group has been implementing technology-integrated pedagogy for several years. Its focus is to enhance the use of technology further and provide an immersive learning experience for its students.

Initial Hurdles – Long-standing success

Over the years, the Ryan Group has faced several challenges that have helped the organization stay grounded and rooted in values and faith in God. The group has viewed these challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. Despite various obstacles, it has successfully provided quality education, even in towns throughout India, with encouraging results. These challenges have helped the group align its efforts with its vision of providing holistic education to the country’s children.

The Ryan Group is an educational institution dedicated to nurturing young lives by providing diverse learning opportunities beyond classroom walls and textbooks. The group believes that education involves lifelong learning and has made it its mission to reinvent to stay relevant constantly. One of the group’s key strategies for achieving this goal has been to nurture inspiring educators capable of leveraging technology to weave ecosystems through their schools. Through these efforts, it aims to enable the overall development of every Ryanite.

The Ryan Group has always been at the forefront of pioneering activities that create opportunities for holistic development. This unique approach has kept it relevant over time and paved the way for other institutions to follow in its footsteps by integrating similar activities into the curriculum. Thanks to its efforts, the Group has received overwhelming responses and encouragement from parents who appreciate its commitment to serving the nation’s needs. The group continues to strive towards its goal of providing quality education that will help shape the leaders of tomorrow.

Offering Out of the Box Education 

The Ryan Group’s approach is to provide students with a hands-on learning experience, focusing on developing 21st Century Skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, entrepreneurship, and leadership. The group believes that practical knowledge and experience in these skills will help students transition smoothly into higher education to pursue their interests and develop their talents.

The Ryan Group has a reputation for offering exclusive products and services. It was the first in the country to host the International Theatre Festival and Indian Model United Nations (INMUN). They also hosted the prestigious World Scholar’s Cup with record-breaking participation. Additionally, the group arranges international cultural exchange programs with institutions based in the US, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, Germany, and the UK. The group has partnered with PennHub and the College Board to make available higher education opportunities for the students.  It also offers media studies with their own in house studios, and sports coaching to enhance its students’ overall development.

Accustomed Ways

The field of education is dynamic, and Ryan Group recognizes the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest teaching and learning practices to meet the diverse demands of its learners. The group ensures its teaching staff is continuously upgraded and equipped with the latest teaching tools and methods.  Ryan Group attributes its success to technology integration, teacher training, and holistic pedagogy, which have helped them remain ahead of the curve in the field of education. It acknowledges the support of its stakeholders, students, staff, parent community, and well-wishers, who continue to contribute to making education a meaningful and enjoyable experience.

Leveraging Technology

Ryan Group has always focused on integrating technology into education to provide a holistic learning experience to its students.  The Group is committed to bridging the gap through technological innovations, leveraging its tools, and bringing new learning methods to ensure children are engaged in an enriching learning experience. It understands the importance of incorporating technology in its offerings to keep up with the changing times and provide its students with the best possible learning opportunities.

Way Forward

Ryan Group believes in providing excellence in education and focuses on innovation and leveraging technology tools to ensure an immersive learning experience for students. The group has implemented good practices that align with India’s New National Education Policy and plan to build upon them.

Ryan Group is committed to making quality education accessible to all and has collaborated with various entities to ensure a smooth transition for their students into higher education. The group believes in providing vocational opportunities and skill-based education to help students pursue their interests and develop their talents. Ryan Group’s efforts are directed towards providing a comprehensive learning experience for its students, preparing them for a successful future.

Ideal Qualities

Dr. Pinto believes that women possess unique traits such as intuition, courage, and persistence, which can be valuable and powerful if constructively exercised. She believes that women bring different skill sets to leadership roles with their multi-tasking abilities and networking skills, which can produce excellent results if channeled well.

Dr. Pinto also believes that resilience, adaptability to change, willingness to learn, determination to turn challenges into opportunities, discipline, and being grounded in values and family with faith and trust in God are important qualities that women should possess.

Looking After its Own

In education, which is known for its dynamic nature, there is a strong focus on continual development and building teacher leaders through relevant professional development courses and training. Dr. Snehal Pinto and her team prioritize their teachers’ professional and academic growth by providing workshops and training throughout the year. The experts in the field are invited to conduct these sessions, and teachers are encouraged to take up different leadership roles to enhance their skills and grow within the ecosystem.

This approach creates a culture of lifelong learning and encourages team members to contribute their best to the betterment of society through education. This mindset motivates Dr. Snehal Pinto to inspire every team member to keep learning and provide the best learning opportunities for its students, helping them succeed in their lives.

Feminism & Source of Inspiration

According to Dr. Snehal Pinto, feminism is about recognizing one’s potential, being confident in one’s identity, and having faith in oneself as a woman. She believes that women should accept their unique skills and talents and use them effectively to make a worthwhile contribution to society. Dr. Snehal Pinto draws inspiration from Jesus Christ, who keeps her going every day. She feels a sense of wonder and fulfillment when she enters a classroom and sees young, bright eyes eager to learn.

Challenges & Maintaining work-life balance

Dr. Snehal Pinto feels blessed to be part of an organization where women dominate and lead teams at various levels. She has not confronted gender-related barriers in her career and has been fortunate to work with like-minded people. As a purpose-driven individual, her personal and professional goals align, making work-life balance challenging. However, she has built a strong support system to balance work and life over the years.

Guiding Words

Dr. Snehal Pinto believes that there was a time when women were considered shy, but emerging and developing nations have shown the economic potential and corporate stature that women possess. She firmly believes that every woman has the power to make a positive impact not only in her family but also on the entire society through her contributions as an employee or an entrepreneur.

Education has given women a new lease on life, and therefore, she encourages every woman to embrace their individuality happily and confidently. Dr. Snehal Pinto believes that every woman has immense potential within them, and they are born to win. She urges them to think, dream, and achieve big in life.


“The Ryan Group is an educational institution dedicated to nurturing young lives by providing diverse learning opportunities beyond classroom walls and textbooks.” 

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