Hosting a work event comes with a lot of pressure. You need to leave a great impression on a range of people who may have very different tastes and expectations. What can you do to please everybody?
It may sound surprising, but obtaining suitable lighting for a work event can make a larger difference than you may think. Whether you’re hosting a formal event for guest speakers, like a debate or commencement, a holiday party, a trade show, or whatever else, let’s explore some different lighting options to understand what makes the role of lighting so crucial.
Here are some ideas: Lighting for a work event
Podium Lighting

Sometimes, lighting requirements for an event are important but simple and straightforward. When one person speaks at a dais or podium, one spotlight is often just perfect. Spotlights highlight their presence on stage and add a sense of importance and significance.
Connect with your local AV rental supplier to get a spotlight if your event features speakers on a stage.
Lighting Systems

Gone are the days when every event features the same basic lighting rig, projecting the same primary colours in the same revolving patterns. Today’s lighting systems can create a range of effects to match your needs.
For example, sometimes, if there’s a dinner or ceremony, all you may need is a wall wash that casts flattering light on guests, heightening the atmosphere in the moment and making pictures look better. Perhaps the night starts this way, but afterward, there are cocktails, mingling, or even dancing.
When the evening pivots, so should the lighting. Moving head lights manage to shine a dazzling array of colours in mesmerizing patterns. Getting the most from your equipment console should be easy because the machines may be sophisticated, but they’re not difficult to program.
However, you may want to consult with somebody before the event to ensure you rent the best light, and you may decide to hire them to install and even run the console during the event. The leading AV suppliers are happy to guide you throughout the process and be at your side to provide any level of support you need.
They can also deliver the equipment to the event and let you handle it yourself.
3D Mapping

Modern lighting can do some incredible things that would have seemed inconceivable to people just years ago, and 3D mapping is one of them. Imagine seeing an incredible light display projected onto the building hosting the event itself! You can dazzle guests before they even enter the room.
3D mapping is an excellent way to signal to people that this event will be extraordinary. To get assistance before and during the event, partner with local AV consulting and engineering services that have lots of experience and a great track record.
Lighting has a stronger hold on us than we may think. Just like plants naturally gravitate to sunlight, instinctively moving to what gives them life, people too respond reflexively to lighting. Ensure your next event looks and feels its best by casting it in the best lighting for a work event.