The Impact of 5G on Mobile Gambling: Faster, Smoother, Better

The Impact of 5G on Mobile Gambling | The Enterprise World

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5G is the fifth generation of mobile Internet connectivity. Launched in 2019, it promised enhanced security, greater accessibility, improved bandwidth, and faster speeds: promises it subsequently delivered on. Approximately half of the world’s population is now covered by 5G, and the figure continues to rise. With the rise of people working from home or from remote locations, that coverage has become essential.

But 5G’s advances aren’t limited to professional communication. The impact of 5G on mobile gambling has enhanced the gaming and online gambling sectors, too, opening up markets and regions that previously had no access, and providing online gambling companies with access to bigger and broader markets. In this article, we look at the benefits that the rollout of 5G offers online bettors and the companies that provide betting services.

Here are 10 impact of 5G on Mobile gambling:

1. Greater Options For Online Gamblers

5G has seen more online casinos open their doors. In particular, the improved accessibility that it offers means that offshore casinos can provide their services to players from around the world. More casinos mean more options for players: options that include no registration and no KYC casinos for players who live in restricted jurisdictions. According to online casino expert Andrew O’Malley, these casinos offer simpler registration as well as access to a wide range of games and game types.

2. Better Connectivity

The Impact of 5G on Mobile Gambling | The Enterprise World

Whereas 4G was seen primarily as a means of improving on what 3G had to offer, 5G not only offers improvements on existing connections, it also opens up new connections. It can provide access in rural areas where difficult terrain prevents fixed digital connections. And because it does improve on 4G technology, it can reduce the lag and other connectivity issues that plague users in rural regions.

5G can even be used to provide home Internet connections where access has previously been unavailable. And, it can provide coverage outside a home broadband’s WiFi coverage range.

3. Improved Mobile Connection

Logging on to play online games can be incredibly frustrating if the connection keeps dropping midway through a game. 5G offers a more reliable connection, so players won’t get booted from lobbies while waiting for live games and they won’t have to reconnect and log back in to find out the result of their latest bet.

The impact of 5G on mobile gambling has improved connections and makes online gambling more accessible and more enjoyable for the players, and it will mean players will spend longer on sites, so it also benefits the company.  

4. Smoother Play

Greater bandwidth means data downloads to the user’s phone more quickly, and it enables more data to be downloaded in a shorter space of time: no more waiting for games to buffer, and delays between games are minimized. Players can move from one game to the next more easily and with less frustration, and the available games play more smoothly and without interruptions. 5G generally offers a better all-round online gambling experience for players.

5. Lower Lag

The Impact of 5G on Mobile Gambling | The Enterprise World

Lag is a delay between the user taking an action on their phone, and that action updating on the software. It can be frustrating. It can even be costly in some online games. This is especially true in live games like poker, or games with live dealers.

If it takes several seconds for a bet to be placed in online roulette, the wheel might have already started spinning and the bet could be void. At online poker, the player can even end up forfeiting their turn or being forced to take default actions that they wouldn’t have otherwise taken. 5G reduces the lag and, in most cases, eliminates this noticeable delay.  

6. Better Graphics

While a lot of online casino games can be run offering basic graphics and a very basic display, the user experience is enhanced with better visuals. It also makes the experience more believable and brings greater authenticity to the online experience. Effectively, it offers greater immersion so that the player feels like they are in a physical casino placing their bets.

Greater immersion means greater enjoyment, which is not only beneficial for the gambler but also means they will play more games, offering benefits to the site, too.

7. Live Gaming

One way of really ramping up immersion is through live games, and especially through the introduction of live dealers. Live dealers are a form of streaming service, where a dealer sits at a casino table and draws cards, spins wheels, and takes other game-based action. The player can place bets just as they would at a live casino and then watch the game results as they happen. It is as close to a real casino experience as a player can get without actually stepping foot inside a casino.

Popular live dealer games include:

  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
  • Baccarat
  • Poker

Streaming requires a lot of bandwidth and a strong connection, both of which are offered by 5G connections.

8. More Game Options

Improved connections mean that online casinos can offer more online gambling options and enhanced games. As well as live dealer games, players can access casino sites from around the world, meaning they can play games that might be popular on other continents and in other countries. Pai gow and pai gow poker aren’t that common in US casinos, for example, but they are very common gambling games in China. This makes a large impact of 5G on mobile gambling.

5G connectivity means that players can enjoy these and other games that would be otherwise unavailable. Crypto gambling sites are also becoming increasingly commonplace, allowing players to bet anonymously and enjoy faster transaction times.

9. Better Technology

The Impact of 5G on Mobile Gambling | The Enterprise World

As well as an increase in live dealer games, the impact of 5G on mobile gambling means that casino sites will be able to take more advantage of emerging technologies. We can expect to see an increase in the availability of virtual reality and even augmented reality casino games.

Virtual reality will enable players to virtually step into some of the most famous casinos in the world, while augmented reality will enable them to bring casino games to their own homes.

Both technologies are already available, and can even be accessed via mobile phones, but connectivity issues have previously posed a major stumbling block for their widespread application. The impact of 5G on mobile gambling will change that. And, as additional technologies also come to the fore, online casinos will be able to adopt and offer these to their players, too.

10. Better Security

As well as improved speeds and better bandwidth, 5G also has improved security compared to earlier generations. It encrypts connections between the user and the base station, whereas 4G makes the connection and does not encrypt the data used. So, while 4G encrypts information once the connection is made, it has some vulnerabilities compared to 5G.

Online gambling means submitting and receiving a lot of personal and private data: data that needs to be protected while the user is online. Using cryptocurrency as a payment method can help enhance security, and players should always check the security of any website they use, but the impact of 5G on mobile gambling offers another layer of protection.


5G is available to around half of the world’s population, with accessibility greater in developed nations than in other parts. This coverage continues to increase and experts expect 80% to 90% of the world to be covered by 2030. The latest generation of mobile Internet connectivity offers various benefits to users, including online gamblers, including better coverage, faster connections, and even enhanced security.

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