Securing Your Baby’s Identity: The Importance of Birth Certificates and Footprints 

The Importance of Birth Certificates and Footprints | The Enterprise World

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When your baby is born, their first mark on the world isn’t a cry or a smile (although those are special too!) — it’s their footprint. In fact, these tiny yet significant prints serve as an indispensable part of your baby’s identity right from the start. 

Equally important is securing a birth certificate, the first legal document that establishes your child’s identity, citizenship, and access to vital services. Without one, your baby could face unnecessary hurdles in accessing things like healthcare, education, and even travel!  

What’s even more interesting is how your baby’s footprints and birth certificate work together.  

Your baby’s footprints establish their identity in the hospital, while the birth certificate establishes their identity in the world

In this article, we’ll explore why footprints are taken, their connection to birth certificates, and practical tips for safeguarding these essential records. 

Why do hospitals take baby footprints?  

The Importance of Birth Certificates and Footprints | The Enterprise World

Before diving into the importance of footprints and their role in the birth certificate, let’s take a quick look at the history of this interesting practice. Hospitals in the United States began routinely taking newborn footprints in the 1960s as a quicker and more reliable way to identify babies… But what happened before then?  

In 1900, practically all births in the United States occurred at home. By the 1940s, however, more than 50% of births took place at a hospital. This shift introduced new challenges, especially in identifying newborns, as maternity wards often handled multiple births within the same timeframe. 

According to The Baby Historian, early methods of baby identification were creative but far from perfect. Some nurses and doctors manually filled out linen tags and adhered them to the baby’s chest, while others used matching metal bracelets given to both the mother and the infant. 

One particularly bizarre practice involved ‘UV Branding,’ where the baby’s name was tanned onto their skin using a special lamp — an idea that, unsurprisingly, didn’t last long.  

The introduction of baby footprints was a breakthrough in newborn identification.  

Much like fingerprints, footprints are unique to each individual, even in infancy. Hospitals quickly adopted the practice because it provided an efficient, non-invasive, and reliable method of identification. As a nice bonus, these footprints also became a cherished memento for parents.  

From Footprints to Birth Certificates 

The Importance of Birth Certificates and Footprints | The Enterprise World

The practice of taking baby footprints has evolved over the years — and especially since the 1960s. While some hospitals have continued to take footprints, others have phased out this practice in favor of more advanced technologies. 

For hospitals that still take footprints, this process usually happens within the first hour after birth, around the same time the Certificate of Live Birth is completed by a nurse or doctor.  

Historically, footprints were considered a reliable and straightforward way to identify newborns, but their use has been declining. In 2016, approximately 90% of hospitals in the United States took footprints. Today, that figure has dropped to about 65%. 

A growing number of hospitals are taking advantage of new technologies, such as a portable electronic scanning system for newborn footprints. At UCHealth, for example, “Minutes after birth, scans are taken of both the mom’s index fingers and the newborn’s footprints.”  

Jane Campbell, a mother who recently experienced this innovative approach, shared her perspective: “For me, being across the room and having those little footprints pop up on the screen was so cool.”  

Whether it’s traditional ink-and-paper footprints or digital footprints, these methods ensure that each newborn is properly linked to their medical records and birth certificate, reducing the risk of mix-ups and giving them a firm step forward in life!  

Securing Your Baby’s Records 

The Importance of Birth Certificates and Footprints | The Enterprise World

Now that we’ve explored their importance (as well as some fun facts!), let’s look at how you can secure your baby’s footprints and birth certificate. 

Double-check the information on the birth certificate: Before leaving the hospital, make sure that all of the details on the birth certificate, including your baby’s full name, date of birth, and parent information are accurate — and spelled correctly! A small mistake can lead to big challenges later in life, so it’s best to catch it before it becomes an issue.  

Request copies of the footprint record: Many hospitals will automatically provide a copy of your baby’s footprints alongside their birth certificate. If this isn’t offered automatically, ask for a copy to keep as a memento. 

Store documents securely: A birth certificate is an essential document and should be treated as such. It’s best to store it in a safe, waterproof, and fireproof location.  

Keep multiple copies: While it’s important to safeguard the original paper, having certified copies of the birth certificate on hand can be helpful for situations like school enrollment. 

Be aware of replacement options: If your baby’s original birth certificate is lost or damaged, don’t panic — you can easily apply for an official copy of your birth certificate. There are even websites where you can apply in just 5 minutes (and without the need to visit a government office!) 

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