What Are the Types of Website Scrolling and When to Use Them?

Top 4 Types of Website Scrolling And When To Use

Scrolling is the action of sliding text, images or video across a monitor or display, generally by using a scroll well. So in this article, you will get to know what are the Types of Website Scrolling and when to use them.

Did you know that an average social media user travels the equivalent of two marathons per year? That’s a whole lot of running through content, even per day!

And think about it: when you go out for a jog or a walk, do you think about the process of movement, or do you enjoy the nature and architecture surrounding you? The same goes with surfing the web.

In web design, exploration should be as delightful as the final destination.

Scrolling may seem like a simple element of a website, but it’s actually a highly important one. Your website’s scrolling pattern may either help your users or drive them absolutely crazy, making them rush to your rivals’ sites.

An enjoyable scrolling experience keeps users’ attention longer, which is crucial in the era of fleeting attention. That’s where creative scrolling patterns take over the stage. With them, you are able to control the pace of the content as well as its interactivity.

But how do you know which pattern suits you and your business the most?

Stick with us, as we will go through the four most dominant scrolling patterns, their characteristics, and their pros and cons.

Keeping It Simple Yet Immersive

Websites are more complex and content-rich than ever before, and when it comes to filling a screen, designers have come up with creative new ways to do it without overwhelming the user.

This is now important since people spend their time scrolling on their smartphones on their way to the office, during lunch breaks, before going to sleep, or simply put – any time they can. That is the main reason why web designers had to invent new ways of presenting big bits of content on different-sized phone displays.

And let’s not forget about the pleasurable feel of scrolling with your finger. The motion of swiping a finger is simple and accurate at the same time.

To get to the bottom of a page fast, users can swipe swiftly, or they can take their time to proceed to the next relevant information.

So why not utilize that?

The Most Common Types of Website Scrolling

The style of scrolling you should use on your website will depend on your brand image and consumer base. Consider how the approach you choose will relate to the information you offer while making your choice.

These are the four most common Website Scrolling patterns online:

1. Long Scrolling

Surfing shouldn’t only be a “black and white” presentation. It can also be a storytelling experience that sticks with you long after the little X is tapped.

The long-scrolling pattern offers a linear experience for users that just keeps on giving, immersing users into a story at a natural pace.

Many websites use a single page with long scrolling, yet this setup might have a negative impact on your site’s search engine optimization. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid it, as many companies offer affordable SEO for small businesses that can help your website stay high on the ranking pages, even with a long-scrolling implementation. 

This pattern is perfect for businesses that have a lot of content to offer and works great with user-generated content. As the content keeps on updating while you scroll through it, you get more and more engaged with every swipe.

Still not sure what this pattern looks like? Just check out our homepage again! Once you enter our website, an animation starts running, and as you scroll through the page, new content will appear, informing you about everything we do.

Long-scrolling is most suitable for:

  • Storytelling through animation;
  • One-page websites with stunning visuals and an easy-to-navigate interface;
  • Effortlessly presenting a large amount of data (infographics, galleries, etc.)

2. Fixed Long Scrolling

Some users prefer to have a fixed long-scrolling arrangement rather than a full-page scrolling. Static information can be shifted to a new segment when the user reaches a specified point in their journey.

With fixed-length scrolling, information that would normally need numerous sections can be shown in a single long-length scrolling section instead. “Scroll inside a scroll” is a good way to describe the look and feel of this pattern.

When creating a fixed long scrolling website, each fixed-scroll frame should have a CTA at the end of it, making it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for. And to hit the nail right on the head with this pattern, unify all the content that fits into a single theme or category.

3. Infinite Scrolling

Sites with a lot of information may take a long time to load because of the sheer volume. Creating a beat by using an infinite scrolling layout can help pack all this information into a satisfying experience.

You experience this pattern on a daily basis if you use Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr.

It’s an excellent option for sites with a lot of content that can’t fit on a single page, such as social networks, blogs, and online newspapers.

The single-page design allows customers to browse for as long as they like without interruption. Isn’t that better than having to start over?

Infinite scrolling has its drawbacks, but there are methods to avoid losing your place. In a deep sea of material, sticky navigation and jump-to sections are the best approaches to provide your users with mobility.

Although infinite scrolling isn’t suitable for all websites, here are some instances of how it may be used to its full potential:

  • Dealing with a colossal volume of information (articles, images, etc.);
  • Simplifying and speeding up the distribution of material to users without compromising their experience;
  • Helping visitors find fresh stuff;
  • Structuring information into categories, such as posts on social media.

4. Parallax Scrolling

Those who enjoy playing video games will be perfectly at home with parallax scrolling. The enormous, three-dimensional, hyper-realistic settings shown in current video games were not possible in two-dimensional games when they first appeared.

Sega’s “Sonic the Hedgehog,” “Mega Man,” and “Super Mario Bros.” were all examples of “side-scrollers” in their heyday. This is because, in order to complete a level, players had to travel from left to right, and the motion was used to generate depth.

When you can include scroll-triggered animations into your website design, parallax scrolling truly shines. It might be possible to provide a sense of depth by having different parts of the scene move at different rates.

However, parallax-scrolling might slow down your website’s load time. It can also make a page appear cluttered. If you have a content-heavy website, it’s not the best possible option for you.

Alternatively, “parallax” is a wide-ranging category. It may be anything from a modest, unobtrusive background effect to a full-blown animation. The possibilities are endless as far as where you can see them.

Choosing The Best Scrolling Option for Yourself

Your website’s scrolling style should be determined by the content you’re presenting. It’s vital to remember that the primary purpose of scrolling is to allow users to consume as much or as little of your information as they choose.

Consider infinite long-scrolling for content-heavy websites. A single page of material is just too much to consume on social networking networks, and trying to cram everything into separate pages would be both inconvenient and uninspiring.

You should allow your content to define how long your visitors have to scroll before they may exit.

You can use simple buttons that say “Scroll for More” or “See More” to reduce the amount of swiping and scrolling required. Your pages won’t only load faster, but customers’ natural curiosity will drive them to click on “more” if you give them the option.

Another great hack we can get you onto is using the “fold”. A user’s initial impression of your page is at the top. On the other hand, the bottom, a fold, is a great thing to utilize since Google Analytics can give you insights on how many people click or tap below it and how often.

You can learn a lot about how your visitors interact with your website and whether you need to reevaluate your scrolling setup.

Stick To Tried and Tested Tools

Regardless of the scrolling pattern you opt for, sticky navigation is an excellent approach to keep users feeling in control while they navigate through your website.

Even the popular platforms, like Gmail and YouTube, use sticky navigation in their interface. You may scroll through your inbox, recommended videos, or watchlist, but the left side of the page contains buttons for moving between accounts, folders, and playlists.

Sticky navigation is advantageous for all website types. If you implement endless scrolling, users will likely appreciate the option to return to the top of the page with a single tap, as opposed to repeatedly swiping.

In addition, you may construct a header that remains on screen regardless of how far down a user goes, providing quick access to critical tasks.


For websites, scrolling has become a natural choice as more people use mobile devices for online surfing. Even if tapping on numerous links takes just a few seconds, most visitors would rather have quick and simple access to the majority of a site’s material in the first place.

Even if tapping on numerous links takes just a few seconds, most visitors would rather have quick and simple access to the majority of a site’s material in the first place.

If you give your consumers some control over their experience, you can keep them engaged with a rich content offering without overwhelming them.

It’s crucial to keep in mind, though, that huge blocks of text or multimedia might slow down the loading speed of your website. Many of your visitors will be using cellular data or Wi-Fi connections that are less-than-ideal when on the road, which might have a negative impact on their mobile browsing experiences.

While scrolling may have certain disadvantages on mobile devices, the advantages vastly exceed the drawbacks if you build your website for mobile first.

A responsive web page design, which takes advantage of the natural interactivity of mobile devices, will allow your users to interact with your information in new and exciting ways.

And sometimes, you don’t even need to reinvent the wheel. It’s possible that your website won’t benefit from the additional effects and functionality. Using one of these scrolling styles may be ideal for a site that tells a story or has a lot to offer in terms of content.

Author bio

Travis Dillard is a business consultant and an organizational psychologist based in Arlington, Texas. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for SEO Thugs.

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