Why Won’t My iPhone Update Software?

Reasons Why Your iPhone Wont Update  (1)

Apple regularly releases software updates on all its devices. Installing the latest operating system fixes bugs, improves security, and sometime introduces new features. It’s essential to keep your iPhone up to date for smooth and optimal performance. You can run into serious issues if your phone won’t update to the newest software.   

Reasons Why Your iPhone Wont Update 

Typically, your iPhone automatically downloads the latest iOS update. It’s also easy to manually start the process by checking “Software Update” in the Settings. But if none of these methods work, you may have to troubleshoot your phone. Here are some possible reasons why your iPhone is unable to update software.   

1. Your iPhone Model Is Incompatible With the Update 

Not all iPhone models support the latest iOS software updates. If you have an older model, you can still receive decent updates that keep your phone free from bugs and security threats. But you won’t be able to take advantage of the newer features included in the recent updates. This is the main reason for iPhone wont update.

Apple lists downs which iOS versions and iPhones are compatible with each other. iOS 14, which is the latest operating system. It works with models starting from the iPhone 6s until the iPhone 12 lineup. Any iPhone older than these is incapable of upgrading to iOS 14 and all its further updates. If keeping your phone up to date is essential to you, you may want to consider switching to the newer models.   

2. Your iPhone Memory Space Is Insufficient 

Software updates tend to eat up a lot of storage space. Depending on how prominent the update is, this number can vary from a few megabytes to even a couple of gigabytes. You are more susceptible to encountering this issue if your iPhone model has lower memory, to begin with. Insufficient Space is also a reason for iPhone wont update.

You can check your phone’s available space by visiting “iPhone Storage” in the Settings. If you don’t have enough storage, you can easily free up space by deleting unnecessary apps or files. You can also opt to move existing files to your iCloud or other cloud storage systems.   

3. Your Wi-Fi Connection Is Unreliable 

Downloading a new update takes time, so staying connected to a reliable Wi-Fi network is essential. Your iPhone prompts a message reminding you to have a stable Wi-Fi connection before it begins installing an iOS update. Your wifi connection must not reliable and that’s why the iPhone wont update.

If your internet is slow, updating will take longer, especially if it’s a big file. Worse, it can even be abruptly halted in case your Wi-Fi disconnects. It’s best to avoid any data-intensive activities that can affect internet speed while an update is ongoing.   

4. You Need to Restart Your iPhone 

Your phone can be in good condition but still, suddenly glitch or fail to respond smoothly. In such cases, you can try restarting your phone to refresh it and resolve sudden internal issues. This may also work if you run into any software update problems. 

There are different ways to restart your iPhone, depending on the model. For iPhones X, 11, or 12, you need to simultaneously press the side button and either volume button. For iPhones SE (2nd generation), 8, 7, or 6, press only the side button. And for iPhone SE (1st generation), 5, or earlier, hold the top button instead. Then, drag the power off slider when it appears. Your device will turn off in 30 seconds. To turn it back on, just press and hold the same buttons.   

Bottom Line 

Your iPhone is valuable not just in terms of price but also convenience. We use our phones in multiple ways – to stay in touch with friends through social media, play solitaire, or manage our account passwords, just to name a few which are reasons for iPhone wont update. It’s an indispensable device that makes life easier for everyone, so it’s best to keep it healthy and secure through regular software updates.

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