A Lawyer’s Compact Guide To PPC Marketing

A Lawyer's Compact Guide To PPC Marketing

Lawyers today have to market themselves online to stand out to potential clients. This means having a website, choosing the right keywords for search engine optimization, and running pay-per-click or PPC campaigns.

What is PPC, and how does it work? Which networks should lawyers use, and how can they track their results? These are just some questions this compact guide will try to answer.

Law And PPC Marketing

Lawyers may not be required to have websites, but it’s always an advantage if they can market their practice online. This is where law firm PPC ads come in; they can help lawyers get in front of clients actively searching for their services.

PPC marketing is used to generate leads and customers for a business. It involves paying for ads that can direct people to a specific landing page. The landing page will usually contain a form or offer that they can fill out to learn more about your services or how to become a customer. These ads can allow lawyers to create a presence online without any long-term commitment. Lawyers may even only need to pay when someone clicks on their ad.

Other benefits of PPC to the practice of law are as follows:

  • Be one of the first choices of target audiences when they’re looking for a lawyer.
  • Target leads by location, age or demographic profile, and keywords related to the type of attorney you are.
  • Track ad performance with tools.

Thus, if you’re a lawyer and wondering which marketing hacks are good for you, then why not consider PPC marketing? However, you may want to consider the type of law practice you have first, as some may have higher demand than others.

You should also consider the size of your budget or how much you’re willing to spend on the campaign. That’s because PPC marketing can be a costly endeavor if you’re not careful.

How PPC Marketing Works

Understanding how it works is crucial if you’re a lawyer and wants to implement PPC marketing immediately. The process involves creating an ad, paying for keywords, and choosing the best places to display ads online. Here’s how it works in detail:

1. Creating An Ad

The first step in creating a PPC campaign is to create an ad. This can be done in several ways, but the most common is using a text ad. A text ad is a short text shown as a search engine result.

When creating an ad, it’s critical to think about what you want the person who sees it to do. Do you want them to find out more about your business? Do you want them to use your online contact form? Thus, a text ad should include a call to action (CTA), such as ‘learn more’ or ‘call us now.’

2. Using Keywords

Next, lawyers must decide which keywords they want the ads to display. To do this, start by looking at essential things in your practice area. For example, if you have a criminal law practice, you would want to target keywords like ‘criminal lawyer’ or ‘DUI lawyer.’ This way, your services can pop up in search results when potential clients are looking for them.

3. Placing Ads

The next step is to place the ads in places where people will likely see them. There are several different ad networks lawyers can use. Your choice will depend on your budget, preference, and familiarity with these networks.

4. How To Track Results

One of the biggest challenges in PPC marketing for lawyers is tracking results. There are many different ways you can do this, and they all depend on which networks and advertising channels you’re using. 

Although different, these channels are the same as they have tracking, retargeting, and conversion pixels that allow you to study visitor behavior. These three pixels that come with a code on your ads get automatically generated when someone clicks on them. They allow you to see how many leads you’re getting from your ads, as well as what kind of leads they are. This information can help determine whether or not PPC marketing is working for you.

5. Common Pitfalls: What To Avoid

One of the biggest pitfalls is not setting a budget or forgetting to set one at all. Another common mistake is failing to include a CTA in ads and landing pages. These are just two examples that aren’t exclusive to the legal industry. There are other things to avoid if you want to succeed with PPC marketing.

Bottom Line

Overall, PPC marketing can be an excellent way for lawyers to get more leads. However, do note that it takes time and effort to set up a successful campaign. Lawyers should also avoid making common mistakes and track their results to ensure they’re getting the most out of them.

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