As we all know, marketing is something that involves a broader range of services, where the ultimate goal is sales. Marketing strategies work with two marketing models- B2B and B2C. While both the models’ ultimate strategy is sales, it doesn’t make them both similar. here you get the Things That B2C can learn from B2B.
B2B is short for Business to Business, and as the name is, it is a commercial transaction where the purchase and sale of business goods are performed between business houses. B2C, which is short for Business to Customer, and like the name suggests, is the business model where the business sells the goods and services to the final customers. Here are a few things B2C can learn from B2B marketers.
1. Smart Customer Acquisition
For customer acquisition, B2C companies rely on advertising; and lots of it. They keep spending to bring in the same customer over and over. Instead what they can do is use the tools that are available to bring in a customer once and also keep them coming back and B2C Can Learn from B2B.
An easier solution to this is pop-up sign-up forms. But you need to make sure to place the pop-up in the right place. So the next time when someone visits your store, you need to make sure that they know about the online shopping options you provide.
2. Engaging the Customer
If the customers have signed up for the emails or text messages, it means that they are interested in you. So you can start this relationship on a better note. Introduce your customers to a welcome series, this will not only get the customers to buy something but will also introduce them to your brand This thing B2C Can Learn from B2B.
But these welcome series can’t be one-size-fits-all; i.e. you can’t expect one strategy to work for all the customers. It can be different for the customers who have purchased the product right away and different for the customers still deciding to buy. You can also ask the customer about their preferences. It can provide valuable information for the segmentation efforts.
3. Offering Problem Solving as a Way to Attract Prospects
Most of the time attracting prospects in B2C marketing is about the deals and discounts. As opposed to this, in the B2B market, the prospecting model involves providing a solution to a business problem. Practically, this is what content marketing is. This involves preparing an educational, objective, or non-sales material that will address the problem of the customer. For the B2B marketing models, it can be a white paper, a research report, or an infographic. For the B2C marketing models, it could be in the form of a recipe book, a blog, or a how-to video.
Such tools of marketing can be used as a means of the motivational offer to generate leads and to establish leadership and stimulate viral sharing This thing B2C Can Learn from B2B.
4. Nurturing Your Customers
B2B marketers are the best at doing this; they recognize that 45% of inquiries in a business category will go on to buy in the same category. This is what they call Rule 45. B2B marketers have thus created elaborate systems of outbound contacts with which they stay in touch with the customers until they are ready to buy the product. Although the B2C marketers do know this and enjoy prospect universes that are 10 times more than that of the B2B marketers. B2C marketers, instead of nurturing the same customer are tempted to move on to the next customer and generally treat every inquirer as their last. This thing B2C Can Learn from B2B.
These are a few tips that B2C Can Learn from B2B.
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