Ally Solutions Group- Delivering Measurable Outcomes

Ally Solutions Group - Tara Seager | The Enterprise World

“Change is the only constant.”

Although the modern business space has developed to be a more dynamic one, change is now not only a constant, but it is more intense. To promise high performance, organizations now need to change continuously, both at speed and scale. This is where change management consultants jump in, to make sure that the organization’s transition is seamless, effective and clear.

Featuring for The Enterprise World’s this issue of Most Trusted Business Consulting Service Providers – 2022 is Ally Solutions Group, a change management consultancy delivering measurable outcomes.

The Company- Ally Solutions Group

Ally Solutions Group is a Conscious Driven Business Transformation Consultancy. 

“Ally Solutions Group are committed to helping our clients change the way they work, lead, and perform.”

Ally provides deep capability in organizational effectiveness, change management, branding, communications, and learning consulting, for program, technology, and cultural change initiatives. Ally’s strength is in purposefully executing change and transformation solutions that deliver rapid people & process improvement results for a variety of global initiatives across various industries.

The Hurdles to Success-

“When Ally Solutions Group first started Ally, almost 18 years ago we had a dream. That dream entailed having customers who cared about how their people were adopting and learning new information.”, says Tara Seager, Managing Principal.  

Customers who understood that way too many things were happening (new technology, new systems, new ways of managing information) all at once, and much of it would not be utilized if people were overwhelmed. The team studied many different approaches and customized an approach that they felt was the best of the best.

The purpose of organizational change management (OCM) is to accelerate the speed at which people move through the change process so that anticipated business benefits are more quickly achieved. However, with so many competing priorities within organizations today, this acceleration process does not happen naturally, and it is usually the transition, not the change itself, that people resist.

“Ally Solutions Group knew that attaining real business results from a project implementation is much more than “going live”.”

That gaining maximum value from a project investment means, aligning purpose and changing the way people work to enable better performance. Most project teams focus on delivering the system or program, but when is the actual business value realized?  

At Ally, the team professes that it’s when people utilize, adopt, and become proficient with the change, only then can sustainable improvements be realized.  The team’s execution strategies around Change Leadership, Business Readiness and Implementation Effectiveness empower teams to deliver those business results.  

The Growth Quotient-

For the past 18 years, Ally’s elite team of nationally recognized consultants has designed customized and innovative organizational change solutions to overcome obstacles, identify unrecognized opportunities and solve complex business problems.

“Ally Solutions Group are dedicated to our client partnerships.”

Ally has worked with some of the largest Fortune 100 clients around the world helping them to implement large-scale business transformation projects of all types.  The one thing they have in common is that each and every initiative is personal to and customized for them. The result is a personalized definition of success.

The Products and Services-

Why do companies need a customized adoption approach when they are implementing something new in technology or business process?  The business landscape is smothered with information.  Think about it, it’s the same with people’s personal lives. Websites, News Sites, so many phone applications, for business, personal, connection, etc….so much information. 

“How, and more importantly, what do Ally Solutions Group take in and when?”

This is what Organizational Change Management (OCM) is all about. It digs into the information that you need to learn and pulls out the WIFM.  What’s in it for me? What do you need to know and why it’s important to you? 

A customized approach to this makes taking in new information easier.  Again, with the amount of information Ally Solutions Group are all faced with, the quicker people can take in new information, make sense of it, and become proficient in it, the quicker the project becomes a success.

Ally maps your framework to the project management approach to focus specifically on the people and business readiness challenges throughout the life cycle of the project. The team helps recognize that the greatest risk for implementation failure is on the human side of the equation, within both the project team and the user community.   

Their approach delivers the same type of rigor and robust capabilities typically reserved for the technical side of the project. Ally’s learning effectiveness combines innovative learning strategies with a customized engagement approach specific to each business area’s individual needs. 

Even though there are a number of firms in the market that offer the same kinds of services, what differentiates Ally from them is that they are laser-focused, not only on the clients’ goals, but on every step of the process. It’s not only about the destination but what got them there.

“This makes our service offerings more concentrated in our approach and the clients’ results.”

The Next Big Thing-

Ally’s client partnership program focuses on coaching and mentoring selected talent in the client’s organization to build their internal capabilities. Their Senior Consultants are highly skilled in Change Leadership, Business Readiness, and Implementation Effectiveness.   

“Our goal is that our clients working communities are more proficient, change resilient, and collaborative.”

“Whether working with an Ally consultant or more importantly, front-facing to their respective peers and customers, it is important to keep in mind that acceleration is a collaborative effort.”, says Tara Seager, Managing Principal.  

Pre-launch through post-go-live support, Ally is committed to project success.    

From the onset of the pandemic, there are many things to be aware of, not only about the clients but also about the changing working environments.

“As women leaders, Ally Solutions Group are powerful, gifted, nurturing, driven, and emotionally perceptive.”

The team at Ally steamrolls through the projects and to-do lists.

“We steamroll ahead through our projects and to-do lists.  We keep all of the balls in the air but there is a price to pay because we feel tired, pulled in too many directions, and seldom feel at peace.”, says Tara Seager, Managing Principal.

The problem with most leaders, especially women leaders is that they spend little to no time re-centering, refueling, and restoring themselves. Centering the mind can aid in better sleep, better focus on eating and wellness for a healthy balance, and even strengthening the chakras for stronger clarity and connectedness to everything around.

Ally has created a Women’s Leadership Series to learn more and experience true peace and wellness. 

This Women’s Leadership series is designed to offer restorative treatments, practices, and energy healing in a comfortable, nurturing environment. The intention is to connect like-minded businesswomen in small groups to foster deeper relationship building through shared experiences of mind ~ body ~ and spirit rejuvenation. 

“Ally Solutions Group include practical learning and exercises, but our goal is to introduce you to restorative wellness in a new, experiential way.”

Tara Seager- Leading the Way- 

Managing Principal

“We are only limited by the limits we place on ourselves.”

An entrepreneur is someone who can take nothing and make something. Being an entrepreneur feels like making up a great story of the way to do things right.

“My motto has always been “find a way…or make one”.   As women, Ally Solutions Group have an opportunity to show our sons and daughters that we have the hearts, minds, empathy, and strength, to accomplish anything in life.”, says Tara.

Tara is the Managing Partner of Ally Solutions Group, an Organizational Effectiveness consulting firm headquartered in Central New Jersey. For over 18 years, she has been working with Fortune 100 clients in the Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Retail, Financial Services, and Healthcare industries, building strategies that drive the “people side” of business and technology transformation through customized change management strategies, program/project management, communications design, and learning effectiveness.

For the past 18 years, Tara has also led the NJODN (New Jersey Organization Development Network). As President of the 1,200-member organization, she is responsible for building the framework and strategy for the future growth of the community.  She has been the Chair of the Annual Sharing Day Event, one of the largest and most visible OD conferences in the country, drawing 250+ attendees and participants, and she is responsible for building key alliances with other academic sister organizations to share knowledge and resources.

Tara is a member of Women for Women International, an incredible organization that believes strong women build strong nations.  They work directly with women in 8 war-torn countries offering support, tools, and access to life-changing skills to move from crisis and poverty to stability and economic self-sufficiency.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work-

“We have an awesome internal team of professionals that quite frankly, Ally would not be the dynamic organization that it is without them.”

Debbie Gencarelli-Chacon– Head of Talent Management-

Debbie brings a very intuitive, transparent approach to attracting the best talent.  She speaks the truth and honors working with organizations that truly align with that agreement. Leader who knows who they are and how they show up authentically will be the ones to attract like people.  Each organization has a unique culture.  Simply stated, it means the words in the clients’ mission statement should become the energy that fuels the way they attract employees.  This makes it the best recruiting retention tool. 

During her 11 years at Ally Solutions Group, she has been able to operate according to the core values she lives by.  She found that Tara Seager, Managing Partner, Patricia Tomayko, Head of Finance, and herself all shared an immediate connection of trust and transparency.   These are values that are often spoken of but rarely show up. 

She feels extremely grateful to be trusted to do what she loves alongside people that she respects and adores.  

“Knowing our clients so well makes it easier to align the best project teams to deliver amazing solutions.”, says Debbie.  

When asked about what she brings to Ally Solutions Group, she thinks it is a piece of this trinity that is committed to building an organization where we can be authentic, and approachable and deliver something unique to the employees and clients.   

Patricia Tomayko- Head of Finance-

The reason Patricia likes working for Ally is the positive work environment Ally Solutions Group have established. Tara encourages all to grow professionally by fully exploring an issue to develop a solution. She also gives the team the freedom to create a work schedule with the responsibility of meeting the deadlines. 

“I am very analytical and extremely detailed. I really enjoy gathering and organizing the accounting information and generating the reports needed to make great financial decisions for Ally Solutions Group.”, says Patricia.  

Patricia has been with the company for 18 years and the people she works with are now some of her closest friends.

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