Living in a vintage home has its charms. You get to experience its character and know about its history. However, most properties built before the 1990s have a not-so-charming element: asbestos. It was once a widely popular material used in building materials. Now, it’s globally recognized as a major health hazard.
The World Health Organization reports that over 200,000 deaths are caused by exposure to asbestos, and 70% of these deaths are due to work-related cancers. If asbestos has brought this grave harm to construction workers, how much more to homeowners who live in homes with asbestos? (1)
Thankfully, you don’t have to completely give up on your vintage home just yet. When asbestos is removed safely and properly, you can still live in your home without any health risks. This guide will show you the complete asbestos removal process from start to finish.
Here Are The 7 Steps Of Asbestos Removal Process From Start To Finish:
1. Identifying the Problem
The first challenge many homeowners face is simply knowing whether asbestos exists in their property. After all, this material doesn’t announce itself with a warning label! In Australia, it’s estimated that one in three homes built before 1990 has asbestos-containing materials. (2)
Ideally, start looking for fibro sheeting in bathrooms, laundries, and eaves. You should also check the insulation around hot water pipes. Most often, asbestos can be found in these areas. But keep in mind that you can’t identify asbestos just by looking. Those suspicious materials and areas should be properly tested by accredited professionals.
2. Planning for the Removal Operation

Once asbestos has been confirmed, it’s time to craft a solid removal operation plan before touching anything. It’s best to give the reins of the planning stage to licensed asbestos removal contractors.
Preferably, hire someone who’s based in Sutherland Shire or Syndey as they’re knowledgeable about the local regulations when performing a project like this. Sydney Asbestos is one option that fits the bill. You can check our website and learn more about our asbestos services, as well as credentials, experience, and costs.
These professionals can assess the situation, draft a removal plan, and retrieve all required paperwork and council permits. With them on your side, you can guarantee that every step complies with local regulations while keeping everyone involved safe and sound.
3. Preparing the Site Safely
Before removal day arrives, your hired experts will transform the work area (the affected area in your home) into something resembling a quarantine zone.
Typically, they’ll seal off the work area using thick plastic sheeting to create an impermeable barrier. Then, they’ll establish decontamination zones where they can safely remove protective equipment without contaminating clean areas. Expect that your furniture and belongings will be completely removed from the affected area as well.
Warning signs around the perimeter will also be placed to alert others to stay away for their safety. Most responsible removalists will even take their time to notify your neighbors about the upcoming asbestos removal project. By doing so, they’ll have the time to close their windows and remain indoors during the most intensive removal periods.
4. Executing the Removal Process

When removal day arrives, the asbestos removal process team will wear what looks like space suits, complete with protective features like respirators, disposable coveralls, and gloves. These garments are designed to avoid asbestos exposure. Then, they’ll start the removal process by wetting down the asbestos materials to prevent fiber release and reduce the risk of airborne contamination.
Up next, the workers will carefully remove the materials and ensure everything remains intact as much as possible. All the retrieved waste will be double-bagged in specially marked bags with appropriate hazard warnings.
On average, the whole asbestos removal process can take one to five days to complete. The timeline generally depends on how large the affected area is, the complexity of the project, and the weather conditions. (3)
5. Testing the Air Quality
The visible asbestos may be gone, but the job isn’t quite finished yet. Your hired asbestos removalists will still need to conduct thorough air monitoring to make sure no dangerous fiber remains.
For this phase, the workers will set up air monitoring equipment throughout the affected area to collect some samples. These will then undergo laboratory analysis wherein the technicians will count the fiber levels under powerful microscopes.
If the fiber levels fall below regulatory thresholds, you’ll be issued with the official clearance certificates. You can keep them for future home sales, as these will serve as your solid evidence that proper asbestos removal was performed.
6. Disposing of Hazardous Materials

Asbestos waste doesn’t go in the weekly council pickup or tossed in your regular bin. They need to be handled and disposed of properly to prevent any release of the fibers. Generally, licensed vehicles are assigned to transport the sealed waste to approved facilities specifically designed to safely contain asbestos materials. These facilities have special handling procedures and dedicated burial areas that prevent future disturbance.
7. Restoring the Space
With the danger removed and clearance given, you can now start restoring your space to normal or better than normal! You can proceed with installing new, safe materials to replace what was removed and repaint some walls or ceilings for a fresher, cleaner appearance.
Your furniture and belongings can also return to their original posts after cleaning up the entire area and removing the construction dust. In fact, you can also take this opportunity to modernize the previously asbestos-containing areas and improve the overall safety and appearance of your home.
Key Takeaway
And just like that, completing the asbestos removal process can give you a safer home, cleaner air, and peace of mind. While asbestos removal isn’t exactly a weekend DIY project, understanding the process takes the mystery out of it. By trusting experts and prioritizing safety, that hidden household danger can become nothing but a distant memory.