Assim Gupta – A fantastic mix of experience and talent.

Closeloop-fantastic mix of experience and talent | Assim Gupta | The Enterprise World

Software development is the name given to a group of computer science tasks involved in developing, deploying, and maintaining software. The set of instructions or programs that a computer follows is known as software. It makes computers programmable and is independent of hardware.

Here we would see the same sort of services provided by Closeloop to their clients with excellent services and an efficient work team. 

In this interview with Mr. Assim Gupta, Founder, and CEO of Closeloop, we shall know more about the company’s growth and journey through the hurdles and challenges. 

Leadership- Assim Gupta

1. What do you think are the responsibilities of an entrepreneur?

There is a misconception in the market that entrepreneurship is about charisma and glory. But honestly, it’s about hustling your way through societal conventions, business struggles, self-doubt, and many other things that aren’t visible from the outside world. During the initial days, an entrepreneur is responsible for everything, including hiring a team member, responding to customer queries, marketing a service or product, handling finances, etc.

Assim Gupta is a team member, a leader, a visionary, and someone the team relies upon. Assim Gupta is like a captain of the ship that’s responsible for sailing through the rough tides, storms, and unexpected troubles, ultimately anchoring the ship on the right (success) shores.

2. Please brief us about your professional experience.

Before stepping into the field of entrepreneurship, I worked as a software engineering professional and a product manager at leading technology companies such as Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Facebook, SGI, Essar, and VMWare. Starting a technology company was always on my mind, which made me indulge in a few startups, of which I managed to get a fairly decent exit from one of them and ultimately founded Closeloop Technologies with a team size of five members.

Currently, I am one of the panelists at PitchForce, a platform for early-age startups. I have also been a Band of Angels and Keiretsu Capital member for a few years.

3. What are the key achievements of your entrepreneurial journey?

Starting as a usual software engineer to leading teams at the industry’s behemoths and growing

Closeloop’s team from five to more than a hundred members now, I can say that I have achieved

something in life. Although, the greatest satisfaction or you can say the key achievement for me, is how my clients grow or how satisfied they are with our services and projects delivered. My ultimate achievement is when clients reward us with 5-star ratings on third-party review platforms. It not only drives us to work harder and achieve greater heights but also boosts the

morale of the entire squad. At Closeloop, we aim to stun the world with amazing IT solutions that can stand the test of time and help businesses advance better.

One of our success stories that stunned the world was when a Closeloop-developed app helped the business owner secure a whopping $1 million in funding. It is an online loan platform dealing in clean energy for US homeowners.

4. How do you look after your employees? What makes your team unique?

I’m fortunate to have self-motivated team members who believe in mutual growth and understand the importance of timely delivery. It is a fantastic mix of experience and talent.

We value people at Closeloop. Everyone is free to share ideas, get involved in discussions, and drop in their input. Everyone is heard, and everyone gets acknowledged for not only their critical

contributions but also for little things at work. We offer plenty of benefits to our employees, including medical and life insurance, paid vacations and trips, tax-free fuel benefits, relocation assistance, bonus, and more. We are doing everything possible to make Closeloop a company everyone wants to work for.

5. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs?

One of the best pieces of advice I can give to budding entrepreneurs is that money is not the ultimate goal; it’s only a by-product of your efforts, honesty at work, and passion for your goal. Rather than focusing on money-making, indulge in practices that inspire, solve real-world problems, and build innovative solutions to help businesses streamline and scale. Remember, if your clients grow, you grow!

The Company-

1. Tell us about the company.

Closeloop Technologies is a software consulting and development company headquartered in

California with development centers situated in Mohali & Jaipur, India. Founded a decade ago, the company serves businesses of all sizes and types, hailing from different sectors. The aim is to assist businesses worldwide to function better and more efficiently with our expert software

consulting and groundbreaking IT solutions. Our proactive and innovative yet comprehensive

approach to building software and apps keeps us ahead of the competition, which helps our clients to get the advanced version of every technique and tool that we deploy for software and application development.

2. What were the initial challenges you faced?

There have always been three major challenges for companies operating in the outsourcing

industry like ours – Trust, Transparency, and Hidden Charges. You need to go through them every time to take up a new project. Though they hold lesser weightage now in the initial stage of company establishment, they certainly did.

3. What is the reason behind your company’s long-standing success?

If I have to give one reason, then it will be the satisfaction quotient we provide to our clients. Plus, the relationship we maintain post-delivery of the project.

The Products/Services-

1. What are the products/services the company focuses on? How are your services different from those in the market?

Services we offer include cloud computing services with implementation, integration, migration,

and deployment and tools such as Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes, Google Cloud, and AWS, mobile (iOS & Android) and web app design and development services, eCommerce strategy, design, & development, and CRM and ERP development services (Salesforce, NetSuite, Zuora, and Zoho). While the services remain the same as offered by other companies in the market, the approach, the proactiveness of the team, communication and understanding, and the passion of the employees really make the difference.

2. How do your services help companies to leverage new technologies to benefit business?

The world of technology is evolving more briskly than anyone can imagine. It becomes crucial for companies like ours to stay updated with the latest technologies, tools, and techniques. We have an R & D team that keeps track of what’s trending and intimate the department's leaders to get aware and learn things that are important and viable and can help our clients upgrade their business.

3. How do you help companies increase business scalability and sustainability?

We have a dedicated model to identify scalability opportunities and sustainability quotients. C- level consulting comes into the frame here, which is also one of our differentiating factors that helps business owners identify their business’s true potential and work towards growth-enabled areas; becoming an enterprise from a startup.

4. How do you decide to take the company further regarding your products/services?

Here again, our R & D team comes into the picture that researches, analyzes, and decides what to include in our service offerings and what needs to be left out based on the market’s trends and normalities.

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