Piyus Kanti, CEO, Cloudstrats – Helping You Stay Ahead through Digital Transformation

Cloudstrats | Piyus Kanti - Digital Transformation | The Enterprise World


Ever since the pandemic, many organizations have had to re-evaluate their business. One of the primary reasons for this re-think is the lack of Digital Transformation services integrated into the business. A business needs digital transformation for many reasons, but crucially, the ‘fear of falling behind’ of the ever-evolving competition and being unable to fulfill customer expectations is the main one.

To keep up with this rapid evolution and to stay one step ahead of the competition, one must integrate various facets of digital transformation into their business. Technology is one of the major aspects of Digital Transformation. With the help of technology, organizations can work more efficiently. Technology is not just about adopting new tech, it is also about letting go of the stone-age processes to pave the path for innovation.

To keep your business ahead of the curve, Cloudstrats offers digital transformation services such as Automation, Analytics, and AI leveraging Cloud, Cybersecurity, and DevSecOps technologies. Cloudstrats is a global solutions, advisory, and managed Services Company, and has joined hands with over 200 customers globally on their success journey.

Headquartered in New York, Cloudstrat also has a global presence in India, the USA, Canada, UAE, and Europe. Every member of the company shares the same values and is a believer in the ‘Owner’s Mindset.’ 

Featuring for The Enterprise World’s this issue of The Most Influential Business Leaders in 2023 is Piyus Kanti, the CEO, leading this pack of talented people at Cloudstrat.

Shedding Light on Professional Journey

In addition to being the sole founder of Cloudstrats, Piyus is a serial technology entrepreneur, product evangelist, and investor. With over 20 years of experience, he builds innovative products in exponential technologies and cybersecurity domains.

The journey that led to this experience of over two decades includes various consulting engagements, working with Fortune 50 companies and top-tier investment banks. Piyus aspires to give back to society with innovative solutions that make everyone’s life easier while helping address existing global problem areas with replicable and scalable technology solutions.

As a critically acclaimed technology leader, Piyus has developed a ‘solution mindset,’ and a liking for technology. This mindset has enabled him to look at situations from a different perspective, one where he can resolve and showcase how that particular situation can be best tackled with technology.

Talking about Cloudstrat’s journey, Piyus elaborates that the company started as a digital provider, along with consulting. As the company grew, so did its partner ecosystem. Credibility played a vital role in the success of the firm. Once customers realized they can rely on Cloudstrat for all things digital transformation, Cloudstrat became unstoppable.

The philosophy of ‘customer-first’ has kept Cloudstrats boat of success sailing towards its destiny as a company recognized for impacting custom solutions that effectively address the biggest global challenges. The current focus of Cloudstrat is on four verticals Healthcare, BFSI, Energy and Oil, and Manufacturing, with the aim of transforming these sectors digitally.

Highest Accomplishments of Entrepreneurial Career 

According to Piyus, it takes a lot of courage, passion, and skill to build a business from the ground up, and anyone who does it should be proud of themselves.

Solving problems of businesses and people with the services of Cloudstrats has been an important accomplishment. 

“I feel the best reward has been building net worth, not only for the organization but also for the team.”

The core team is a strong asset and a backbone, so creating value for them as they do the same for the organization is a priority for an entrepreneur.

Adding to the achievements, Piyus says, introducing life-enhancing products for the customers along with creating new job opportunities has been key. The ability to identify your competitive advantage, be a problem solver, and provide services and products that people need and are willing to pay for, and the capacity to develop and launch marketing strategies that make a positive difference to build revenue for the venture, raising capital, and attracting customers also rank high in the achievement list.

Duties of Entrepreneurs

Explaining the responsibilities of an entrepreneur, Piyus says that you need to understand market trends, create a comprehensive business plan, secure funding, build and manage a talented team, develop marketing and sales strategies, ensure smooth operation, take risks, adapt to changes, this will help you achieve financial and strategic goals. 

Adding more duties, he says that one must have effective communication, motivation, leadership, and decision-making skills, as well as resilience, commitment, and a willingness to work hard and make sacrifices. The entrepreneur’s planning, innovation, and decision-making skills can be invaluable in a business. 

Any entrepreneur must be flexible, they should be able to think on their feet and innovate at the same time as they provide mentorship to their workforce. Creating a new digital strategy for new product development ROI, redefining its digital presence, and revamping its distribution approach are also important factors. To accelerate growth, one should constantly reinvent the organizational structure from time to time. Easy adaptability and agility within the organization will give you a big advantage over others.

Words of Wisdom for Future Entrepreneurs

According to Piyus, a budding entrepreneur must start with a well-researched and validated business idea that solves a real problem and has a viable market. They should conduct market research, build a network of support, create a comprehensive business plan, prioritize customers, and stay disciplined and persistent, explains Piyus. 

Explaining further, he says it’s essential to build a talented team, stay up to date with industry trends, and be prepared for the challenges that come with entrepreneurship. They should embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow while always staying focused on their goals.

Achieving Success isn’t easy, it requires hard work, determination, and the ability to adapt and overcome challenges, so entrepreneurs must be prepared for the journey and focused on their goals.

To achieve success, entrepreneurs must prioritize their customers’ needs, continuously innovate, improve their business, and stay up to date with the latest industry trends and emerging technologies. They should also lead a talented and motivated team, be open to pivoting their strategy if necessary, and stay disciplined and persistent. 

What is Cloudstrats?

Born in India, Cloudstrats is an Indian exponential technology product company that offers Artificial Intelligence platforms powered by Analytics & Automation. Their products help their customers use computer vision, speech, and text solutions to solve real-world problems. The Company’s innovations fuel the Indian dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat to accelerate population-scale digital transformation in India and the world. 

In addition, Cloudstrats is a platform that leverages Deep Learning, NLP & ML to assist government and enterprise entities to achieve their long-term sustainable development goals in several industries including Citizen Services, Public Safety, Education, Health, Agriculture, Transport, and more. Their marquee projects cover Command Control Centres, eGovernance, Grievance Redressal, Data Hubs, Fraud Detection, and Health systems. 

Cloudstrats has a customer-centric focus, and because of that, it deals with Enterprise and Government organizations, with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Analytics solutions powered by the Cloud, it has partnerships with all leading OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) to supply customers only source of accountability for their IT (Information Technology) infrastructure, known for their agility, timeliness, quality, and reliability, we focus on BFSI, Energy & Oil, Manufacturing and Healthcare verticals.

Products and Services 

Cloudstrats is a firm that offers customer-centric products that are tailor-made to their requirements, by understanding the problem statement and providing customized solutions, making their life easier, partnering through the journey, and maintaining long-term association with the customers. 

“We build solutions for the government’s ongoing projects like Smart cities, healthcare management centers, command control centers, fraud detection, smart governance, cyber security, and many more.”

Their technical expertise and ability to integrate innovative technologies with various OEMs in the market, especially Microsoft, enables them to provide Cloud services and facilitate consolidation, capacity on demand with robust compute; and other cloud resources, allowing their customers to confidently embark on their Digital Transformation journey.

Cloudstrats is known for its agility in delivering quality solutions, and its in-house tech capability is an added advantage, along with the ability to understand the customers’ business as well as they do, if not more, gives them the edge over its competition.

Blockades at the Beginning

As a startup, Cloudstrats has made significant progress in terms of the opportunities available and industry-relevant use cases to address, thanks to the Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s focus and support ecosystem. However, large industrial projects continue to be a challenge for the company. Its partner ecosystem and consortium participation helps them combat this, as multiple organizations work together to provide the required solution to prospective customers.

Caring for Employees and What Separates Them from Others

The employees are the key to success. The well-being of employees is always a top priority. The key to retaining and growing employees is communication. Punctual, trust-based relationships are essential in building a culture of trust and learning, says Piyus.

“Providing a vibrant, open, and relaxed working environment for the team is integral to who Cloudstrats are.”

Working on the latest technology in a professional space allows you to maintain a healthy work-life balance and stay ahead of the competition in the marketplace.

What makes the team unique is often a combination of best practices tailored to the specific needs and goals of the organization. Additionally, Cloudstrats promotes a strong company culture where a sense of belonging will foster among employees.

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