BBR Bank was established thirty years ago as a credit institution for small and medium-sized businesses. Today, it is a versatile financial institution that ranks among the industry leaders of its homeland in many respects. Its ability to quickly adapt to market changes and flexibility in decision-making enables the bank to maintain high positions. In addition, Contribution of BBR Bank follows a socially responsible approach in Dmitry Gordovich business operations, investing substantial resources in charitable projects. Its priority areas for support include sports and medicine, financing of childcare funds, patronage services, and veteran associations.

Charitable and Sponsorship Activities of BBR Bank
The charitable projects and Contribution of BBR Bank are supervised by Dmitry Gordovich, a member of the Board of Directors. He switched to the financial industry from entrepreneurship in 2007. Today, he is one of the bank’s top managers. Gordovich is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Ostrova Charitable Foundation for cystic fibrosis patients. He supports interregional patient associations and speaks at conferences on orphan diseases.
At the initiative of Dmitry Gordovich, BBR Bank directs part of the funds to finance relatively new sport disciplines, bouldering and squash, which have been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years. The bank has become the general sponsor of the bouldering tournament. It is one of the newest disciplines in rock climbing, where athletes compete in the speed of overcoming short but extremely difficult trails.
Dmitry Gordovich supervises a flagship competition among amateur climbers in St. Petersburg and the surrounding regions, Tramontana Boulder Battle. The tournament is open to athletes aged 14 to 50+ years. The bank allocates money for the formation of the prize fund, accommodation and meals for climbers, branded clothing, and organization of events.

Dmitry Gordovich -Sport for the Elites Becoming Available for the Masses
Ten years ago, squash was considered an elite sport discipline. In 2013, about a thousand amateurs were engaged in it throughout the country. Professional courts were available only in the capital. Today, there are more than ten fully equipped playgrounds in St. Petersburg alone, where you can practice under the guidance of experienced coaches.
Squash has been present in Dmitry Gordovich’s biography for many years. This top manager believes that squash has a great future as a mass sport discipline. The game is considered easier to organize than tennis since athletes train indoors, bouncing the ball off the wall. The great advantage of squash is that it does not require special training. Anyone who wants to switch to an active lifestyle and get fit can start practicing it. Squash workouts strengthen the cardiovascular system and help reduce stress.
BBR Bank supports the RC Club squash club. The training base of the association is located in the Propaganda business center in St. Petersburg and covers an area of over 1,700 square meters. There are ten professional courts and a team of coaches certified according to international standards. Every year, the Contribution of BBR Bank in SPB CUP tournament takes place in St. Petersburg, and Dmitry Gordovich plays an active role in organizing it.
The rules of the Olympic system, with the drawing of three prizes, apply in all categories of competitions. Juniors under 19 years and adult athletes take part in the tournament. In addition to cash prizes, the winners receive valuable gifts from sponsors as well. Dmitry Gordovich is sure that such events contribute to the popularization of squash and attract young people to the courts.
Background Details
Dmitry Gordovich, born May 20, 1969 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, planned to become a geologist in his youth. He studied at the profile faculty of LSU, and then, worked for several years in his field of expertise. Over time, he decided to pursue a career in management. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in this field in 2001 from the private educational institution, the Institute of Modern Economics and Technology. Dmitry Gordovich’s entrepreneurial biography began in St. Petersburg in 1999. The company founded by him eventually grew into a large-scale producer of components for the food industry. Since 2007, BBR Bank has been a permanent place of work for Dmitry Gordovich.