How to Get the Most from Every Customer Review?

How to Get the Most from Good Customer Review? 4 Ways | The Enterprise World

Receiving a good customer review of your business is a wonderful thing; it lets you know that you’re doing a great job and that things are running as you would expect them to. However, instead of basking in that feeling, capitalize on that review. There are all kinds of ways that you can squeeze the most possible out of every good customer review that you receive and this is our guide on how to achieve that.

1. Create a Testimonials Page

People like to know that they’re buying from a reputable brand and one of the first places that they’ll visit is your own website so that they can make an informed decision about giving you their custom. It’s obviously hugely important to have great copy on your website that explains in your own words why you do such an excellent job. However, sometimes it’s nice to let your customers do a little of the talking. If you get a particularly good customer review then ask if your customer would be happy for you to include it in your testimonials page. If they send along an image, even better!

2. Seek Out Professional Reviews

How to Get the Most from Good Customer Review? 4 Ways | The Enterprise World

Reviews from reputable sites are worth their weight in gold. A good review from an industry expert not only looks good to potential customers, but also snags you a space on a site that should be one of the top performers on search engines. For example, this article on the top online casinos includes links to each of the sites that it references, giving them credibility and making them easy to find for potential consumers. Seek out sites that specialize in reviewing businesses operating in your sector and ask them if they would consider reviewing you. They’ll usually be happy to oblige and it could offer you not just a glowing customer review but an SEO boost as well.

3. Share Your Success on Social Media

We share all kinds of things on our social media pages, so why not pop a review or two on there? One of the best ways to blow-up on social media is by being authentic with your customers. You can share the reviews alongside an image, or share them as just text, edited to look more visually appealing with an app like Canva. Potential customers will be pleased to see what real people think of your brand, plus it will save you a scheduling slot in your social media calendar.

4. Open a Google Business Account

Our final piece of advice is an incredibly important one: open a Google Business account. So many people go straight to Google when they’re looking for advice on where to spend their hard-earned cash. If you don’t have a Google Business account for your business then you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

How to Get the Most from Good Customer Review? 4 Ways | The Enterprise World

Good customer review and five-star ratings will help you to get ahead of the competition, so be sure to ask customers to leave a review if they were happy with your product or service. Plus, there’s no need to fear a bad review if you didn’t deserve it. Google has ways of deleting fake reviews, so as long as your business is performing well, your star rating will reflect that.

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