Unlocking the Addiction Treatment Industry: Exclusive Interview with Michael DeMasi, VP of Business Development at Centric Behavioral Health | The Enterprise World

In the domain of behavioural health, addiction is a complex area that individuals are constantly trying to tackle. There are cases of addiction treatment stand out as one of the most complex and pressing areas in this domain.

That is why the processes involved in running a business go beyond following medical requirements, it involves strategic planning forging alliances, and maintaining an edge in a competitive market.

Today, we have the honour of interviewing Mr. Michael DeMasi, the Vice President of Business Development at Centric Behavioral Health.

Michael DeMasi is well known in his field especially because of his vast level of experience and his constant commitment to the Centric Behavioral Health team. He is a determined individual who has been committed to ensuring the success of the company. In this session, we’ll be asking him several questions to understand the dynamics of the business aspect of addiction treatment. We’ll also be discussing some of the challenges they constantly face, strategies, and the ever-evolving nature of this sector.

Stay tuned as we learn the intricacies behind addiction treatment from a business perspective, learning from a successful individual like Mr. Michael DeMasi.

Question 1: What role does innovation play in enhancing addiction treatment methodologies, and how can CEOs foster a culture of innovation within their centres?

Answer: Innovation is an important instrument that can revolutionize any section, however, looking at the role it plays in addiction treatment, it is quite exciting.

At Centric, we are committed to delivering the best care that is why we strongly believe that we must always be at the forefront of novel approaches and methodologies.

Thankfully, we have a robust leadership team that is unique, in that many of us have had personal experience with addiction either directly or indirectly.

So, because of this personal understanding, has continued to fuel our passion to always find better and most effective solutions for all our treatment.

 We understand the need to be innovative if we really want to tackle this, so we constantly invest in top-notch research, collaborate with experts in the field, and always challenge traditional methodologies in favour of more holistic and effective ones.

Question 2: What marketing and branding strategies have proven to be effective for promoting an addiction treatment centre’s services while maintaining ethical standards?

Answer: In this industry, we understand that transparency is very important to gain trust. That is why our marketing strategies stand on four main pillars that we always abide by transparency, education, credibility and community engagement.

Let me break it down.

For Transparency, we ensure that our patients and their families understand every process we take for a treatment.

Education, we understand that it is not only our patients that need education, but also the larger society, as a result of this, we regularly host workshops and information sessions to tackle the stigmas surrounding addiction.

Looking at Credibility, our centre is built on the success stories of our patients and our commitment to evidence-based treatment.

Lastly, we are constantly engaging with the local community, in things like sponsoring events and participating in awareness drives. This helps us to solidify our place as not just a treatment centre, but a community partner.

Question 3: How can CEOs of addiction treatment centres build a strong and effective leadership team and have visions that align and contribute to the overall success of the centre?

Answer: Now, building an effective leadership team that can be committed to ensuring sustenance goes beyond just having some skill sets – it is about choosing the right people who have a shared purpose of vision. If there’s no alignment between the two, everything will turn into a giant confusion. At Centric, our approach has always been to get individuals who we know that beyond their professional expertise, they also share a deep commitment to our mission. The idea behind this is, that this is a shared journey whether it is coming from personal experiences or a strong belief in our cause— we have to ensure that all decisions we make are directed to ensure our patient’s health always comes first.

However, a good leadership team must be constantly charged through regular team-building exercises and leadership retreats, to make sure that there is no disconnect and everyone is committed to our core vision and values.

Question 4: What steps can CEOs take to ensure compliance with ethical standards and regulations while maintaining profitability and growth?

 Answer: One of the things we do at Centric is to always uphold the highest standards of ethical practice. It is not negotiable.

Because of this practice, we started by being committed to an extensive compliance framework that was carefully designed to meet and at the same time exceed industry regulations.

This is why we do not play around with hiring only the most outstanding professionals who not only excel in their field but are known to uphold a strong ethical compass.

As a result of this, it ensures that our team members always align with our values. And because we understand the importance of always improving the team, we have regular ethics training sessions to make sure that our staff maintains best practices and understands the evolving regulations, and real-world scenarios to test and reinforce ethical decision-making.

This extensive approach has been the reason we have been able to strike the right balance between growth and unwavering adherence to industry standards and regulations.

Question 5: What effective strategies can CEOs execute to create a supportive and empowering work culture for staff members in addiction treatment centers?

Answer: At Centric, we understand that the Centre will not be what it is today without our people. We recognise the impact of fostering a supportive work environment, which can have a tremendous effect on both staff morale and patient outcomes.

We have different strategies for creating a supportive environment. One of the ways we do this is through our mentorship programs, where seasoned professionals guide newer team members, ensuring knowledge transfer and professional growth.

We also encourage an open feedback culture through our regular town hall sessions and maintaining anonymous feedback channels.

These have been really helpful in helping us identify areas that need to improve and also celebrate successes and shared achievements.

Another thing we do is enforce continuous learning by providing regular training opportunities. From workshops on the latest treatment methodologies to soft skills training, we always make sure that our team remains at the pinnacle of their capabilities to deliver effective treatment to the patients.

Also Read: Getting Back to Basics for Interview Success

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