Guest Service 101: 3 Restaurant Hacks for Impressing Your Guests

Guest Service 101 - Best 3 Restaurant Hacks for Impressing Guests

Guest Service 101

If you’re in the restaurant business, then you know how important great guest service is to running a successful establishment. In fact, you could say that guest service is the most important aspect, aside from a great menu.

Across the United States, there are an estimated 1 million restaurants in operation as of 2022. And studies have shown that more than half of these operations will fail within the first five years of opening to the public. 

If you want to avoid becoming a part of this disheartening statistic, you have to know how to set yourself apart from the competition. 

Thankfully, there are a number of ways for you to grab a customer’s attention. And once you know the tricks to deliver great guest service, you’ll have no problem keeping a steady stream of regulars frequenting your restaurant.

Here, we’ll explore 3 powerful hacks of Guest Service for impressing your guests, no matter how long you’ve been in business.

1. Guest Engagement 

Aside from having exuberant and well-trained staff that enjoy pleasing people from all walks of life, you have to go above and beyond if you want the act of running a restaurant to be an enjoyable and successful endeavor.

Guest engagement is what makes your customers want to come back again and again. But if you don’t give them a reason to, then you might begin to notice more empty chairs.

The secret to guest engagement is simply the act of taking an interest in them, and what they like. And in the simplest fashion, just having a server or bartender interact with your guests on a personal level will begin this engagement.

A few examples of great guest engagement strategies are having personalized bar plaques or placing a guest’s name above his or her favorite booth. Have personalized to-go cups, or have a “guest of the month” recipe contest where you feature his or her own recipe on your menu for a limited time. 

The options are endless. But the more you take an interest in your Guest Service, the more you’ll see their faces in your restaurant. 

2. Personalize Your Drinks and Dishes 

Everyone loves special attention. And believe it or not, just by using a person’s name when speaking to them gives them a sense of comfort and trust. 

If you want to wow your guests at the bar, or at a table, you should personalize his or her drinks or dishes with something special. And understanding your guest’s personal interests is the key to facilitating this experience.

For example, if your guest is an avid golfer, the next time they order their regular cocktail, throw in a party toothpick shaped like a golf tee, or something similar. Additionally, if your guest is a Grateful Dead fan, you can have the kitchen design a sugar skull on an appetizer plate just for them. 

Your faithful guests deserve rewards for their continued service. And taking measures that make them smile will only keep them coming back for more.

3. Weekly Giveaways 

Holding a weekly giveaway or special events that guests can look forward to are always great ideas not only for guest engagement but for bringing in new guests as well. And giveaways don’t need to be too elaborate to be effective.

For example, you could give away a bar tab up to 50 dollars on Friday nights, or you could raffle prizes for sporting events such as football or baseball games that might include a free appetizer or a comped dinner for a limited time.

Remember, when it comes to guest engagement, you want to offer the best experience possible while also offering something of value. And giveaways are perfect for meeting this goal. in Guest Service.

Your guests are your ultimate key to success in the restaurant business. So no matter what your business goals are for the future, if you intend to meet these goals, engaging with your guests is the only way that you’re going to be successful.

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