Sambhav Jain: A Trailblazer Democratizing the Web3 Exploration

Intract | Sambhav Jain: A Trailblazer Democratizing the Web3 Exploration | The Enterprise World

Leading a business in the ever-competitive 21st century is not everyone’s cup of tea. With changing industry dynamics, customer demands are changing. The increasing influence of technology is also playing a crucial role in this shift. To survive and thrive in these circumstances, business leaders have to be proactive. They need to be constantly on their toes to keep an eye on what’s happening today and envision what is the trend of tomorrow. While some leaders succumb to this pressure, a few take these challenges as opportunities and come out victorious with the right strategies. Sambhav Jain (CEO of Intract) is among the latter, who has been successfully leading the company with his astute vision. 

The Enterprise World recently had an opportunity to indulge in a conversation with Sambhav Jain, where he shed light on his journey as well as the services and solutions offered by the company. Here are some snippets from the intriguing conversation:

1. Please brief us on your journey to becoming a business leader.

I graduated from IIT Delhi which is one of the top technical institutes in the world. My childhood background in a business family facing technological disruption taught me the crucial role of innovation in business success. This coupled with my experience of working as an investor at Blackstone which is the world’s largest private equity firm, gave me the right blend of technical acumen and access to crypto capital. My journey was profoundly influenced by my involvement in scaling a company to a monumental IPO, where my contributions were recognized on the NASDAQ tower in Times Square (picture shared). Inspired to chart my own path, I leveraged my finance and crypto experience, and, together with co-founders bringing tech and community-building expertise, embarked on the Intract journey to simplify and democratize web3 exploration.

2. What was the inspiration behind starting the company?

The inspiration for Intract was born from a fusion of personal and professional experiences. Witnessing firsthand the complexities and pitfalls of the web3 space, illuminated the dire need for a platform that made this frontier accessible and rewarding for mainstream users. Our collective expertise in technology, finance, and community building provided the perfect foundation to tackle this challenge.

3. What is the mission and vision of Intract?

Intract’s mission is to scale web3 to the next billion users by transforming how they discover and engage with new projects. Our vision extends beyond current paradigms, aspiring to a future where users gain tangible value from their online activity, breaking the monopoly of tech giants over user data and profits. This ethos of empowerment and equity drives every decision and action within our team.

4. What were the biggest challenges you faced as a leader?

Navigating the competitive landscape of web3 while maintaining innovation and user trust has been challenging. Staying ahead of replicas and ensuring our value proposition remains unparalleled requires constant innovation and a commitment to excellence. Our team’s agility, focus on quality, and dedication to our vision have been instrumental in overcoming these hurdles.

5. Please shed some light on the key milestones or achievements throughout your journey.

Since its inception, Intract has achieved remarkable growth, securing a $3M seed round, partnering with over 1,000 companies like Binance and MetaMask, and attracting 10M+ active users. Our platform has facilitated over $1B in volume, underscored by successful campaigns like the one with Linea, which alone attracted over 2M users. These milestones affirm our growing influence in the web3 space. Intract is one of the only web3 companies to have achieved profitability.

6. What is the USP that differentiates the company’s offerings from the competitors?

Despite the emergence of competitors, Intract’s steadfast commitment to innovation and providing unmatched value to our B2B partners and B2C users sets us apart. Our team’s expertise and relentless pursuit of excellence ensure that we remain the preferred platform for web3 discovery and engagement.

7. Please tell us the important lessons you learned as a leader.

The journey has reinforced the importance of resilience, the power of a united team, and the need for continuous learning. These insights have shaped a leadership style that is inclusive, forward-thinking, and adaptive, always prioritizing the long-term vision over short-term gains.

8. How do you foster innovation and creativity within the team?

Intract champions a culture where innovation is the norm. Even as we scaled to a large team, we ensured every new member who joins the team is a 10/10 who fits well within the culture and values that have helped propel Intract to its success today. We’ve created an environment where new ideas flourish, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the web3 revolution.

9. Please brief us on the CSR initiatives undertaken by the company. 

We’re committed to leveraging our platform for social good, ensuring our operations are sustainable, and supporting projects with positive social impacts. We have firsthand heard so many stories from our users all across the globe of how Intract has helped them achieve financial independence.

10. How do you determine the future direction of the company?

Intract is poised for exponential growth, aiming to solidify our position as the web3 discovery service of choice, akin to the network effects of Google but with built-in incentivization mechanisms. Our focus on community building and strategic partnerships will drive our expansion, aiming to make web3 accessible to billions more.

11. Whom do you look up to as an inspiration and why?

Leaders like Balaji Srinivasan and Vitalik Buterin, who have charted the course for a decentralized internet, inspire me. Their blend of visionary thinking and pragmatic execution in building the web3 ecosystem reflects the path Intract aspires to follow.

12. Please share a piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs in your industry.

Embrace the web3 ethos of decentralization and user empowerment. The journey is fraught with challenges, but with conviction and a focus on impactful innovation, you can drive significant change.

13. How do you maintain a perfect work-life balance?

Balancing the demands of leading a rapidly growing startup with personal well-being is crucial. I prioritize time management, meditation practices, and staying physically active to maintain balance and focus.

14. What kept you motivated through triumphs and challenges?

The belief in web3’s potential to redefine online engagement and our significant milestones keep me motivated. Seeing our platform bring real value to users and partners alike fuels my passion for this journey.

15. What legacy do you aspire to leave behind? 

I aspire to leave a legacy of innovation and a blueprint for using technology to empower individuals. Envisioning Intract’s role in shaping the future of web3, we aim to be remembered as pioneers who brought the next billion users into the fold of an equitable and decentralized online world.

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