Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich and Tacticum Investments

Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich and Tacticum Investments | The Enterprise World


Born in 1970 into a family of lawyers in the Republic of Moldova. Mutavchi Arkadiy grew up in Ungheni, a town on the border with Romania, through which customs activities in the USSR were conducted. The future businessman would graduate here from high school in 1987.


After four years of study, Mutavchi received a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2001. This was the first higher education the future Tacticum Investments shareholder would obtain.

After earning his first degree, Mutavchi continued to study law at the Presidential Academy. Three years later in June 2004, Arkadiy Ivanovich Mutavchi would successfully defend his Ph.D. dissertation. His dissertation was devoted to the concept of federalism.

In 2006, Arkadiy Mutavchi enrolled again in the Presidential Academy to study economics. Four years later, the entrepreneur would graduate from the academy.

First Job

Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich secured his first employment in a fish factory located in Ungheni at 14. He balanced his academics with his job.

After completing his military service in 1990, Mutavchi got a job at  Sijata, a trading firm. This company imported and exported a wide range of goods. Mutavchi Arkadiy worked here for about 1.5 years. During this period, he managed to build his first capital for future investments.

Mutavchi Arkadiy’s Move to the Capital

After the Soviet Union’s collapse, the future entrepreneur left for Moscow. Mutavchi came to the capital of the Russian Federation in 1992 and explored his skills as a manager, an entrepreneur and an investor. As an example, he worked in management positions at Stalservice and Metal-Impex until 1998.

At the same time in 1992, Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich started his own business projects. At first, he founded the enterprise Safety together with his business partner, and then the firm Rus.

The Russian Federation saw the emergence of a securities investment infrastructure in the early 1990s, and in 1994 Arkadiy Ivanovich Mutavchi joined the stock market. Mutavchi Arkadiy frequently made investments in startup businesses.

Many companies increased their market cap rapidly in the 1990s due to the lack of competition and the nascent Russian financial markets. This made it possible for the prospective Tacticum Investments shareholder to greatly increase his capital in just five years.

Between 1998 and 2000, Arkadiy Mutavchi launched two efficiently-run companies. One of them sold large quantities of rolled metal for the construction industry. The other produced various petroleum products through partner organizations. By 2002, Mutavchi had sold his stakes in both companies at a profit.

Establishment of Tacticum Group

Arkadiy Mutavchi acquired Trigrad, an investment entity , in 2015. This capital investment organization invested money in companies from different sectors of the economy. Under Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich’s management, Trigrad bought shares of companies from the tech, healthcare, and real estate sectors.

Up until 2017, the entrepreneur remained the company’s beneficiary until 2017. Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich gained sufficient experience during this period to start Tacticum, a capital investment firm.

Through this institutional investor, Arkadiy Mutavchi’s main asset, Long Term Investments (later renamed to Tacticum Investments), would be subsequently acquired.

History of Long-Term Investments

The Moscow-based management company Long Term Investments established investment company Long Term Investments Luxembourg (LTIL) in 2014.

In 2017, Long Term Investments was acquired by the investment holding company WHPA. WHPA assumed control of Long Term Investments Luxembourg and its holdings, which included stock in the Italian manufacturing firm Pirelli. When buying the company, the WHPA management had expected Pirelli shares to grow after their listing on the stock exchange.

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In the fall of 2017, Pirelli equities were listed on the Italian Stock Exchange (ISE). During a re-IPO, WHPA sold a portion of its ownership in Pirelli.

Sale of LTIL to Mutavchi Arkadiy and Tacticum Investments

Pirelli’s market value started falling rapidly from January 2018. At its peak, the price of 1 share of the company at that time was €7.87. However, by the end of summer 2019, the stock price had fallen to €4.5 per share.

WHPA management’s confidence in the medium-term success of its equity portfolio investment, which included Pirelli shares, was undermined. The holding firm that held the equities portfolio was heavily indebted at the same time. This served as the foundation for Long Term Investments Luxembourg’s sale. In early 2020, the Tacticum Group, headed by Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich, acquired the business.

The businessman made that decision based on the fact that most shares in the company’s portfolio were trading on the European stock exchange market below their fundamental value, and Arkadiy Mutavchi predicted an imminent recovery.

This led the investor to buy LTIL, which had Pirelli shares in its investment portfolio. Mutavchi’s strategy assumed that the manufacturer’s shares would rise with the general market.

The business owner began reorganizing Long Term Investments’ operations after purchasing it. Mutavchi Arkadiy modified the company’s investment strategy, goals, and risk management methodology in 2020. In addition, the company underwent a rebranding. Long Term Investments Luxembourg changed name to Tacticum Investments.

The COVID-19 pandemic sprang up after the firm had been purchased. As a result, Pirelli shares continued to fall in value. To mitigate risks, Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich sold some assets and brought onboard new investors. This helped the company to survive the global economic crisis that was triggered by the pandemic. Subsequently, the company would later close its positions in the securities of the tire manufacturer in 2023.

Activities of Tacticum Investments S.A.

Tacticum Investments S.A. has been operating in the market for a long time. The company has assembled an experienced team of experts to execute various investment tasks. The main activities of Tacticum Investments are:

  • Direct investments. Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich’s firm invests in promising projects from both the manufacturing and service sectors. It then helps them develop through its own know-how and a wide network of industry partners. When the market cap of the purchased asset grows, Tacticum Investments S.A. sells its stake in it, thus ensuring a return on invested capital.
  • Portfolio investments. Tacticum Investments makes investments in the securities of various companies. Analysts from Mutavchi Arkadiy’s organization choose investment assets by carefully examining their financial standing and taking current market and industry trends into consideration.
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Tacticum Investments S.A. is also into investment consulting. The list of services provided by Mutavchi Arkadiy Ivanovich’s company includes:

  • Scouting. The firm helps clients find attractive investment instruments. Analysts from Tacticum Investments research current market conditions and suggest the best assets to invest in.
  • Investment analysis. Mutavchi’s company helps to evaluate risks and potential returns, and then provides an overall assessment of the financial viability of projects.
  • Consulting on strategies and deal structure. Tacticum Investments develops recommendations on optimal deal structuring to reduce financial and operational risks.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) support. Mutavchi Arkadiy’s company provides support at every stage, from market research to closing a deal.
  • Capital Raising. Tacticum Investments assists various companies in raising funds. This service includes preparing investment proposals and working with investors.

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