RIGHTSURE, INC. – The Right Insurance

RIGHTSURE, INC. - The Right Insurance Jeffery Arnold

People often feel insurance is an unnecessary expense, especially if they have never submitted a claim to their insurance company nor experienced a catastrophic loss. However, just as one unforeseen medical emergency can eradicate years of savings, one severe weather incident can destroy a home forcing the residents’ displacement while trying to rebuild and replace all that was lost.

Because these events can and do happen to people without cause, it is always important to invest in insurance. Considering the evolution of technology, and the number of companies that have made purchasing insurance as easy as it gets, obtaining the right insurance is also imperative. 

Featuring for The Enterprise World’s issue of The Most Admired Companies to Watch Out is RIGHTSURE, INC., your partner for all things insurance. 

The Company- 

RIGHTSURE, INC. is a leading-edge technology company, built to help people with everything related to insurance. The company conducts insurance by blending Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, Mobile Apps – including the ones that they created – and the Multivariate Rating Technology, all to save individuals money and time. 

Founded in 1997 RIGHTSURE, INC. is headquartered in Arizona and proudly serves clients across 43 states. 

“We are honored to be the most-awarded insurance firm of this decade.” Jeff Arnold, founder, and CEO.”

RIGHTSURE, INC. operates as an independent insurance agency, Insurtech, and aggregator – thereby affording consumers quality and control of their insurance. The team makes sure that the platform is continuously focused on the client’s experience, which relies upon their Famously Friendly Humans’ ability to execute and exceed every policyholder’s expectations.

Overcoming the Challenges-

Not every challenge that comes our way leaves us with just one lesson to learn. Some challenges persist as a reminder that the best is yet to come. Such was the case with RIGHTSURE, INC. They started the company to eliminate one big hurdle: how to be different and better in a very crowded, somewhat antiquated, and often solely price-driven space. Today, even after years of achievements and successes, it is a challenge that remains. 

It acts as a constant mirror of where they have come as a team, and what is yet to come. 

“Our success and real value to our clients cannot be solely predicated on our ability to offer a cheaper policy or carrier year after year.”

The company is thus set out on a mission to change the entire insurance ecosystem and with it end the infamous practice of rate shopping, done by most insurance firms. 

The Growth Quotient- 

One of RIGHTSURE, INC.’S key breakthroughs was the invention of RightRater a 90-second auto insurance tool used by car dealerships across the US to provide instant auto insurance options to car buyers. The RightRater app, launched five years ago, is now used by over 300 auto dealers and 60,000 policyholders across the country – generating nearly $100 million in premiums. 

The Products and Services- 

“We insure everything from pets to jets.”

The insurance products themselves aren’t all that disparate from others. However, the service in which the product is sold and maintained is what sets RIGHTSURE, INC. apart. Depending on the customers’ time and communication preferences, RIGHTSURE, INC.’S services are offered via chatbot, website, in-person, and by their Famously Friendly Humans who answer the phones. RIGHTSURE, INC. offers a unique blend between traditional and Insurtech; automated and personal; old-fashioned and modern. 

The Next Big Thing- 

Looking towards a new era, RIGHTSURE, INC. designed a model around the idea of their customers never again experiencing another rate increase from the insurance company. This led them to launch their Discount Discovery Platform. With this, they aim to not become just another quoting tool, but rather a platform where customers get answers to all their insurance questions. 

RIGHTSURE, INC.’S RATEGUARD app finds all available discounts and provides instant access to all of a customer’s policies – even those NOT written through the agency – and manages such all for FREE. This breakthrough of theirs manages all policies in a single online portal, alerts customers to renewals, searches for all available discounts, and connects policyholders with coverage specialists for any desired policy reviews. 

Jeff Arnold- Leading the Way- 


The president of RIGHTSURE, INC., Jeff Arnold, has an interesting backstory. Jeff grew up in a rural and impoverished area of Kentucky. He started working at age 12 under the hot sun on a tobacco farm, then proudly served in the United States Army and even performed comedy as a starving actor in Hollywood before landing in insurance. While some people see insurance as boring, Jeff sees it as an industry of opportunity, if one is willing to put in the work. He founded his first agency, Western Pacific Insurance Brokerage, in Tucson, Ariz. in 1988, building it the old-fashioned way — knocking on doors and cold-calling hundreds of prospects. He’s also a great listener. 

As he likes to say

“I’m the dumbest person in any conference room.” 

Of course, it’s that humility and willingness to learn from others that sets him apart.

He’s not a fast talker or a stereotypical deal-maker. In his spare time, he serves as a school board chairman; takes children on inner-city missions to feed the homeless; and builds houses for villagers in Mexico and Africa. As the son of a preacher, Jeff likes to say, “I’m grounded in goodness.” His strongest motivation is delivering the best customer experience, and he knows for sure that if you get the customer experience right, revenue will follow. As a business leader, Jeff’s philosophy is: 

“Hire the right people and get out of their way.”

He also strives to clearly communicate his vision and to gain team consensus at every step. Colleagues describe Jeff’s style as down-to-earth, practical, real, trustworthy, and believable.

Jeff is passionate about discovering the right opportunity at the right time. How can insurance and financial service firms crack the code and deliver the right product and service mix for this booming audience? 

His company is active in several joint ventures with online aggregators, comparison websites, and insurance portals. And Jeff is always looking for unconventional ways to succeed in the very traditional industry known as insurance.

Jeff’s Exceptional Team- 

“We have the very best folks on our team, and each department happens to head by a female. I’ve not come across a female-forward management team in the insurance-insurtech space, and there’s no denying that this fact contributes to our culture.”

All of these female division heads have decades of experience in the insurance industry, all have multiple years in the organization, and all are self-motivated. The managers value re-recruitment of the staff, empower folks to be their best, show appreciation for good hard work done, and positively coach through performance opportunities to keep the employees motivated and excited to be here.

The team makes constant strides to keep RIGHTSURE, INC. a fun and rewarding place to work. They invest a lot in the team members and recognize the company wouldn’t succeed without all of the friendly humans. They volunteer in community betterment activities together, have socials outside of work, afford any education if of use and interest, give RIGHTSURE, INC. gear and clothing to wear for work, and offer in or out-of-office working abilities, benefits, meals, gift cards and anything else they can identify as a benefit for the valued staff.

Does Competition Bring Out The Best- Jeff Says- 

“Depends on what constitutes the best or goal of the competition. If an organization is engaged by competing in an enterprise that financially or otherwise preys on consumers, then obviously no – it does not engender the best.

However, if competition induces a company to debias, SWAT every aspect/product/service it offers, routinely examine fiscal practices, and challenge an organization’s operation prism, all geared toward offering an enhanced product or service to the consumer…then yes, it can bring out the best all day long.”

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