Bingo is a game that has been around for decades, but many people were surprised when it was re-invented this century as an incredibly popular online game.
This wasn’t due to simple luck, as the game’s rise to online popularity is at least partially thanks to the four Ps of marketing.
Here is the Marketing Strategy for Bingo Helped It Reach New Markets:
1. The Price Has to Be Right
Bingo has always been the type of game that offered people an enjoyable social experience at little cost. However, for online bingo to work it had to offer the main benefits of the game that people already knew about, without making it any more difficult or expensive.
Online bingo games are offered at a variety of prices, and you can even play free bingo online at certain times of the day. These no-cost games are offered in special rooms, while other rooms have low-cost games, although others are aimed at players who are comfortable paying more for their tickets and aiming for potentially bigger prizes.
2. The Need for a Suitable Product
The second P in Marketing Strategy for Bingo, which is known as the marketing mix, is the product. To put it simply, online bingo had to closely emulate the game that most of us were already familiar with and, if possible, improve the player experience in some way.
This has been done by making the games as realistic as possible, with a completely random outcome and social element. In addition, the variety of games now offered means that players can look around until they find a theme or type of bingo game that suits them, with a wide selection of 75-ball, 80-ball, and 90-ball versions all available.
3. The Importance of the Place
The third of the Ps needed in this approach to marketing is the place. This has to be right for the customers who might be interested in it, and perhaps one of the biggest fears, when bingo went online, was that players simply wouldn’t want to play it at home.
This turned out to not be the case at all, as new and existing players flocked to these internet sites to play the games. Part of the reason for this was the convenience factor, as bingo became the latest in a long line of everyday activities that made the switch without losing any of its appeals.
4. The Promotion Needed to Tie It All Together
Finally, the way that a product is promoted is also appropriate, tying together all of the previous points to show people that this is something that makes sense for them. This has been another important part of the process, with heavily-advertised special deals for new players making it easy for them to get started without any fuss or delay.
This example of the 4 Ps of marketing in action shows us how a product can be transformed and the audience expanded through the application of a classic marketing strategy for Bingo that has been proven to work in many different industries over the years.