US President Trump to Join Indian PM Modi in an Event at Houston

US President Trump to Join Indian PM Modi

It is going to be the third major address by PM Modi in America after 2014 and first in his second term of being Indian prime minister.

One of the biggest events in the US by Indian American community is about to happen in Houston, the sixth most populous city in Northern America. As per the white house, US President Donald Trump will join with Narendra Modi. After the G7 summit, India-US relations became stronger than before. In addition to that, personal relations between Mr. Trump and Mr. Modi were shown up with friendly gestures in a combined press conference.

Indian PM Modi will address the Indian American community in a special event called Howdy Modi! Howdy is a local common word for How do you do? It is going to be a big cultural show by the Indian American Community on 22nd September during six days visit of Indian PM Modi.

It is going to be the third major address by Mr. Modi in America after 2014 and the first in his second term of being the Indian prime minister. We all have witnessed a massive overwhelming response by US-based Indians as well as Americans in the last visits of Mr. Modi. This shows a great relationship between these two nations which helps in boosting impacts on trade, culture, and tourism in both nations.

The Houston event is organized by Texas India Forum which is to be held on 22nd September at NRG football stadium. In the region of Houston around 05, 00, 000 Indian American Community lives.

The entry for this event is completely free. Prior registration for the event is compulsory and the registration process is already started up and more than 39,000 people have signed up. Many people are on a waiting list.

Indian Prime Minister tweeted about the joining of Mr. Trump with him in an event.

India is the fourth largest trading partner of Houston after Brazil, China, and Mexico. It’s going to be an eye-catching event as Indian PM Modi and Trump are known for their friendly relations first than the national. Indian – American relations in the sector of trade, knowledge, IT are going to be stronger than before after this event as per the expert’s opinion.

On a six-day long US tour, Indian PM Modi is about to visit New York for the UN general assembly session and furthermore.         

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