What Is Security Awareness Training? 7 Practices For Cyber Resilience 

What Is Security Awareness Training? | The Enterprise World

It’s all over the news and everybody’s lips: cybersecurity-related threats are getting more complex and they’re continuing to evolve as the days pass by. In fact, nobody is safe – individuals, governments, organizations, and businesses of all sizes are at risk of cybersecurity hacking and attacks.  

Luckily, those who are vulnerable can take steps to protect themselves from relentless cybersecurity-related attacks. For organizations, a primary step they can take is to carry out security awareness training. What is it? Read on to learn more.  

What Is Security Awareness Training 

Cybersecurity experts providing IT services at Network 1 and so on all agree that no organization is perfect. There are vulnerabilities present. Nonetheless, they can easily be identified and fixed to avoid facing the negative consequences of cybersecurity attacks. They can include bugs, infrastructure inadequacies, and the like.  

Aside from those mentioned earlier, cybersecurity practitioners believe that the single most dangerous vulnerability of an organization is its people. In fact, an ill-informed, naive, and so on personnel is all a hacker needs to easily allow for a cyberattack, say a phishing attack, to happen. 

Luckily, that can easily be remedied by carrying out a security awareness training session. What is security awareness training? Security awareness training sessions cure the number one faux pas that cause human error – the lack of awareness and proper know-how. 

Most security awareness training begins with a solid foundation in the basics of cybersecurity. Participants are made to understand what cybersecurity means, why it is important, and how breaches can impact the organization.  

Next, security awareness training educates personnel about the different cybersecurity threats out there and how to identify and address them, transforming your workforce into the first line of defense against malicious cyberattacks. 

Do keep in mind that security training is only just a part of an organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy. It should be coupled with continued support from management, additional training sessions, regular monitoring and retooling, and the like. Factoring all of those altogether can lead to cyber resilience – an aspiration that companies must thrive to achieve with their teams and security infrastructure and methods.  

What Is Security Awareness Training? | The Enterprise World

7 Practices For Cyber Resilience 

What is meant by cyber resilience? According to cybersecurity practitioners, cyber resilience is being able to continue on with operations and deliver intended results and outcomes amidst the presence of an intended or ongoing cyber attack.  

To help companies like yours to slowly but surely foster cyber resilience, make sure that you follow the different practices below, coupled with regular security awareness training sessions with your team members. 

1. Know What Phishing Attacks Are 

One of the most common threats to an organization’s cybersecurity is phishing. 

What is a phishing attempt? It’s a type of cybersecurity attack that is meant to trick people to reveal important information, ranging from passwords to social security details and so on. This is done by malicious emails or texts that are crafted to fool their recipients.  

Nonetheless, effective security training teaches employees how to recognize phishing emails and messages that may appear legitimate but are designed to extract confidential information. 

What Is Security Awareness Training? | The Enterprise World

2. Promote Sound Password Practices 

Strong passwords are a cornerstone of good cybersecurity. Security training should stress the significance of crafting robust, unique passwords for each account and using password managers to keep track of them. To add, team personnel should be encouraged to change passwords regularly and avoid using easily guessable passwords for a much robust cybersecurity.  

3. Add Another Layer Of Security With Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 

Did you know that MFA adds an extra layer of security to fend off cybersecurity attacks? It does that by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource. 

Your company’s cybersecurity training should include the importance of MFA, how it works, and how to use it effectively. By adopting MFA, organizations like yours can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access. 

4. Download Software Updates Whenever They Are Available 

Cybersecurity training must emphasize the importance of regularly updating software and systems whenever patches are made available. These updates often include fixes for security vulnerabilities that, if left unaddressed, could be exploited by cybersecurity hackers. Personnel should understand how to update their systems and the significance of doing so promptly. 

5. Make Sure That Work And Personal Devices Are Safe And Secure 

With the rise of remote work, securing personal and mobile devices has become increasingly important. Teams should be trained on how to secure their work devices by utilizing strong passwords, enabling device encryption, and many more. 

6. Have A System To Handle The Reporting And Identification Of Cybersecurity Incidents 

Experts agree that an effective security awareness program teaches employees how to identify signs of a security breach and whom to contact. Reporting incidents promptly can significantly reduce the damage caused by cyber attacks.  

As a company owner, you can make cybersecurity attacks reporting much easier by setting up a formal system team players can utilize. Besides that, you can make your team members feel empowered and obligated to report any suspicious activity without fear of repercussions with a formal reporting mechanism in place. 

7. Preach For Safe Web Browsing 

Safe web browsing habits are essential for preventing cyber threats. Security training should cover the risks associated with downloading files from unverified sources on the internet and so on.  

Additionally, you can require your teams to use tools like a virtual private network (VPN) to further erect a defensive wall against cybersecurity attacks on the web. 

To Conclude 

In conclusion, security awareness training isn’t just about ticking a box on compliance checklists; it’s about building a resilient organization where every employee is equipped and motivated to protect against cyber threats.  

By integrating these seven practices into your security training program, you create an environment where cyber resilience is part of the organizational fabric, benefiting not just the company, but also its employees, customers, and stakeholders. Remember, in the realm of cybersecurity, an informed and vigilant workforce is your best defense.

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