8 Surprising Facts about Apple!

8 Surprising Facts about Apple!

Apple is the largest Technological Company. In this article you can see some Facts about Apple

Brands and luxury goods have always had a great effect on people’s lifestyles and perceptions. Many goods and services are often considered as a status symbol or a sign of a rich or lavish lifestyle.

To make such a brand seems like an impossible task, but few companies have made sure that their services/products are nothing less than a piece of paradise, here on earth. When talking about such big names that have carved an image in our minds like a beacon or pinnacle of certain products/services, some names have taken immovable places.

One of these names is Apple. What started as a company, led by a visionary man named Steve Jobs, became a breakthrough, a revolutionary brand that has rules and is reigning the league for the smartphone industry. 

Apple offer laptops, smartphones, and other products that are taken nothing less than a luxury due to their heavy price tags, which seems justified for a unique and unparalleled user experience. 

Here are 8 surprising facts about Apple:

1. Apple is bigger than some countries!

The company’s market cap is greater than the GDP of 25 countries! FOr instance, the revenues generated by Apple are more than Ecuador, Iraq, and many more countries.

2. Apple has over 150,000 employees! (Source: statista)

According to statistics, The company had over 150,000 employees around the world in 2021.
And there is no stopping the company, with its products picking up momentum in developing countries like India, boosting its growth.

3. Apple is valued at over $2 trillion. (Source: businessofapps)

The company started its journey with desktop computers, which it was originally known for. It is their shift to graphical user interface (GUI), and their success with the first Macintosh, that propelled their growth.

It was owing to the exceptional talent and vision of Steve Jobs, that had a major role in The company’s success. After he resigned in 1985, there was a considerable decline, but today, Apple’s growth is unparalleled and indomitable.

4. The first company logo depicted Issac Newton under an apple tree!

The first logo of Apple was drawn by Ronald Wayne (the third co-founder of the brand). The logo depicted Isaac Newton under an apple tree. Wayne soon left the company, and the logo turned into the iconic half-eaten apple that we see now.

When asked why the apple was half-eaten, the designer, Rob Janoff said that he did it for scale – so the logo would be easily distinguishable from a cherry.

5. Do you know that every Apple ad shows 9:41 a.m?

Do you know that every Apple ad displays the same time on the iPhone, i.e., 09:41 a.m? The significance of this time is that Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone at this time in 2007.

6. Apple is considered the most valuable brand in the world!

Some of the world’s most valuable brands are Apple, Google, Microsoft & Amazon, but, Apple is considered as one of the most valuable technology companies in the world. According to Forbes, Apple has overtaken Google as the most valued brand, and people consider Apple as the most sophisticated tech provider in the market.

7. Apple was the first company to reach $700 billion in 2015.

Apple was the first company to reach a valuation of $700 billion, according to Forbes. Today, the current market valuation of The company stands at more than $2 trillion.

8. The iPod was not the brainchild of Apple!

The creator of the iPod first pitched the idea to Philips and RealNetworks. Failing to see the potential, the companies declined the offer, and later went to Apple, which became a breakthrough and revolutionary product in the industry!

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