Datsy.io – Transforming Businesses with Optimal Digital Solutions

Datsy.io – Transforming Businesses

Datsy.io – Transforming Businesses

In this era of digitization, online presence has become a critical success lever for businesses at all levels. In the vast market competition, Tier1 players invest heavily in autonomous intelligent systems across the business lifecycle, which provides them with benefits at scale. On the other side, Tier 2/3 players cannot afford such heavy focus on intelligent backend processes due to the time, effort and cost involved. This widens the gap between the Tier1 digital businesses and the rest of the market.

To create level-play technology access and enable SMBs with automated autonomous systems, a team of four Mr. Logesh, Mr. Prakash, Ms. Deepika, and Mr. Suresh, bootstrapped Thales Data Learning in 2017. In less span, Datsy has succeeded to make a unique position in the market with its comprehensive offerings.

In a talk with Mr. Logesh, Founder and Director at Datsy & Team, he shared his journey throughout and what Thales Data Learning offers to customers

Brief us about Datsy.io

The initial seeds for Thales Data Learning’s sowed in Dec 2017 and formally became a private limited company during March 2019 and in less than three months we had our MVP, a flagship product of Datsy, “ Datsy – Suggest” launched into the market. Datsy is an AI / ML focussed SaaS-based provider, catering to the needs of small-business market segments across multiple domains varying from BFSI, eCommerce, OTT, Healthcare, Logistics, Hospitality, Education, etc.

Datsy has established connected with various Industry affiliations and had established its presence in the growing SaaS ecosystem out of India

What were the initial challenges you faced? 

Datsy being a start-up with only a handful of motivated individuals, to continue only to be an AI / ML product focussed company was the biggest initial hurdle. We faced multiple issues around containing costs, given that we are still a bootstrapped organization, it mattered a lot. Keeping up our motivation levels despite multiple rejections from customers and investors was also the biggest challenge. Eventually, we figured it out to be a question of product-market fit and we started gaining traction once we got that right.

Which was that point that triggered the growth of the company?        

Being an early-stage start-up, the engagement and relationship we have with multiple industry bodies have put us in the right spotlight for Datsy’s growth. We attribute our growth credits to support initiatives from “TiE-Chennai” and “SaaSBOOMi”. Our engagement with them has helped us a lot in ensuring we get the right guidance, consultation, funding in a single anchor line. Our initial feedback from prospects and potential investors along with inputs from industry veterans has shaped us a lot in becoming what we are today.

How have the company graphs changed since the foundation? Can you share a few statistics?

If one looks at our development graphs as an organization, it would upward trend. The efforts that were involved earlier were focused only on building products and algorithms. Platforms like “SaaSBOOMi” and “TiE-Chennai” have given us the directions & vision of what we should be doing to function as a proper SaaS organization. We have pivoted a lot since inception on our offerings and models. Our deal pipeline has gone up by 3X in the last 12 months timeframe     

What is the reason behind your company’s long-standing success?

I would not want to say we’ve attained complete success as it’s a continuous pursuant state of mindset. However, what keeps us moving forward in this direction is our attitude as a team to exhibit perseverance and determination to climb up in our entrepreneurial journey

What are the products/services the company focuses on? How are your services different from those in the market?

AI & ML have been a buzzword and a costly affair affordable only to big giants. Whereas for sustained economic growth and diversity a lot of small and medium businesses have to thrive on this challenge. Datsy enables it through its multidimensional SaaS offering, which otherwise would be a costly offering to SMB markets. We bring AI & ML on the SaaS model to build an inclusive technology enablement landscape. This means, it’s no more a game for Goliaths but also to the Davids

How do you decide to take the company a step further in terms of your products/services?

Our roadmap offering includes multiple product lines to bring in AI as an affordable SaaS product for midmarket and SMB customers. This includes AI-driven value delivery across the end-to-end business lifecycle of the customer. Our product lines will include AI capabilities delivered on a SaaS model spanning across Recommendations, Predictions, Classifiers, etc packaged to deliver business value to the customer. We provide professional services and consulting as offerings, which in turn enables our product adoption. We’re also actively sourcing funds to spark growth in this direction.

Is there any new addition to the list of products/services? Anything exciting you would like to share?

We are venturing into self-service models for all segments, enterprise, mid-market, and SMB, and would go live sooner.

Can you please brief us about your professional experience?

Our founding team is coming from Global Tier 1 organizations and has more than 50 Man years of Professional experience put together across multiple domains from Banking, Insurance, and ECommerce, OTT, Publishing, and Data Science.

What are the key achievements of your entrepreneurial journey?

A year-long entrepreneurial journey has been exciting with lots of hope, encouragement, and respect which is earned. As we speak today there are a lot of industry veterans and intellectuals who have been good references to what Datsy has grown up too.

How do you look after your employees? What makes your team unique?

Life at Datsy is always an enthralling ride and the best thing that motivates us is the fact that we’re running a technology that is touching millions now and shaping up the future of this world.  This mindset is something that is unique to our team

Is there any special experience with your clients you would like to highlight?

Every customer engagement and their use cases are unique. This excites us as we explore the world of data, which paves ways for positioningDatsy’s capabilities into new offerings in every single instance. We are super excited to see the business values delivered through each of our technical product components. Eg., What would start as a recommendation engine would decipher us to pursue customer engagement. What starts as a prediction algorithm pushes us into telematics for vehicles.

Whose business story do you find the most inspiring?

There are a lot, however, the most admired is “KissFlow” and the story of Suresh Sambandam, raising from a down-town to the pinnacle of new-age IT is the most inspiring one. Another inspiration is from “Freshworks” Girish, “Chargebee” Krish and the list goes on. The key common denominator among these individuals is they became what they are today in the same “Time” context of where we stand. These success stories add a lot of confidence and drive us towards finding the method-to-madness also provide a lot of hope on success forward.

Constant vigilance- a need or a strategy? Please share your views.

More than a need or a strategy, it is going to become a part of life. Looking at China on how they curtailed Covid, the need for such monitoring is only going to grow as we move as a country with a broader mission. This is where artificial intelligence comes in to make things easier instead of seeing it as vigilance on us.

According to you, how has AI become part of our day to day life?

AI has occupied significant portions of our life with many of us noticing it. Any binge-watchers/ Google surfers / School goers and millennials who are honking at smartphones should be able to easily notice that. It has come to us as predictions, facial recognition, recommendations, text-to-speech conversions, and chatbots. All going in the right direction towards the evolution of humans

A much closer AI world would be like deep neural networks connected to accomplish a task you can think of and surrogate doing the work for you in the future.

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