As the world of business is progressing to innovate and provide cutting edge products and services, providing more options at a lower cost and making a sustainable quality of life impact. Not many companies are taking the initiative to help the people go about their daily lives, especially for the senior population. People of seniority are given many benefits and services, but the most important being in-house personal services.
Not only do we owe our senior population for their services towards making mankind reach this stage where we can innovate futuristic technologies, products, etc. but also to their knowledge and wisdom that has been passed on to us, to bring a change to the world as we know it. Companies are working towards providing in-house services to our seniors, but only a handful come close to being the best in their services, support, and values.
In Home Personal Services (IHPS) is one such leading senior care service provider. They are not only dedicated to helping the seniors, no matter how small or big the role they play in their lives, but they are also sincere and relentless in their efforts to bring the best to their clients. They are highly regarded by their clients as one of the best in the field, with their caregivers/team being truly compassionate, understanding, and extensively trained.
In Home Personal Services truly is a company of values, virtues, but also very successful in the business senses, making them one of the best senior care franchises to open in 2021.
The Company, the Journey
In Home Personal Services was started in 2004 with a vision to build a better senior care business model that impacted the lives of everyone involved positively. The team of In Home Personal Services has worked relentlessly to turn their vision into a reality, showcasing their extremely useful and supportive services, promising nothing but the best because it has always been more than a business to them; it has been their mission.
All businesses face challenges during their initial stages, some wither, some break apart, but a selected few withstand every challenge and become successful, carving their names as successful and visionaries of tomorrow. IHPS feels happy to have faced their fair share of ups and downs because in doing so they looked at every angle to take a challenge and turn it into an opportunity. To flip what was an obstacle in the operation and turn it to their advantage.
They have faced many such challenges, none more so than the recent Covid pandemic. There too they persevered, overcame, and grew as a business, a team, and a family.
Services offered by IHPS, and New Additions
As a non-medical senior care provider, they have 3 core service models all delivering safe, affordable, compassionate, and worry-free care to the aging adult population. Their services are designed with the intent to be flexible, cost-effective, and of course bridge the care needs of those that trust them with their lifestyle and desire for independence.
As a franchise system, they have an abundance of differentiators that have made them a leading franchise investment opportunity within the senior care industry. These advantages they hold today have been tested, proven, and continue to be developed, because they are never going to stop being innovative, forward-thinking, or working to develop a better system to deliver care when it is the mission of the brand to make an impact where it counts.
They have a whole new online training portal that extends to all 50 states and has some rather unique content they developed themselves. They also built an advantage through strategic partnerships and a whole new approach to training, care, and support for those with Alzheimer’s. They have new exclusive opportunities as a brand that no other competitor currently possesses, and they are excited to launch a whole new service model with their very own proprietary technology currently in the final stages of development.
While they would love to do more than provide a teaser into what is to come all they can say is “stay tuned” because the remainder of 2021 and well into 2023 is going to be an exciting time for them at In Home Personal Services!
The difference between their services and that of their competitors does not stand in the superiority of IHPS, their delivery, and standards, but it remains embedded into the company’s vision and mission, which showcases itself in everything they do, they never stop improving and innovating. Their clients are always their top priority, and everything right from their queries, service, to their feedback, is taken with great importance and used extensively to improve and innovate. These are some of the factors that define their unique approach and dominant position in the market as one of the best senior care franchises and service providers.
Factors that make IHPS a Class Apart and Strengthen their Long-Standing Success
From what was a single client earning a meager $5.00 per day on the service has grown to a multi-million dollar in annual revenue empire that has developed and built a system of unique strategies and a franchise system to replicate all across the United States and beyond.
Day one triggered their growth because they came into this already wanting to be different in a positive way. Those early successes led to new milestones that created new achievements and they built a brand and a business model alongside a massively talented team of dedicated professionals that many are still doing the good work and continuing the mission which is deep-rooted in the values, history, and foundation of In Home Personal Services .
IHPS has a team of people that care. They care about the company’s mission, the client, their families, the impact they make every day in the lives of others. More importantly, they care that they deliver the trusted care to those that may be viewed as vulnerable, but never viewed as anything less than valued members of our community. This makes them best suited and capable to do their jobs, not like a job but more like a moral duty, a debt that has to be paid to the elderly for their contribution to our world, and making it reach where it stands now.

Leadership at In Home Personal Services
A unique company such as In Home Personal Services requires a leader who not only fulfils the qualities of a successful businessman but also is a man of compassion, a man of dignity, but most of all, a man of principles and honor. In Home Personal Services began in January 2004, under the unrivalled and extraordinary leadership of Michael A. Collura, President of IHPS. Michael is working with his Mother to provide quality care to seniors who wish to remain in the comfort of their own homes.
Michael and his mother understood early on the challenges facing many seniors and their families when it came to aging and the desire to maintain a safe and independent lifestyle in the comfort of one’s familiar surroundings.
In Home Personal Service was formed with the belief that home care should be tailored to meet the individual needs of every client. It has remained their mission, to ensure the client and their family receive the highest level of quality care.
A true pleasure and joy, no matter the hardship, the sacrifice or challenge the team and Michael has seen, they will continue to thrive. Not because they need to, but because they truly love what they do, and they want to be here doing it. Knowing what they do and how it impacts the lives of others is an honor and privilege that has brought immeasurable joy to Michael’s life.
Many challenges were faced along the way including new laws and regulations for standards of quality care introduced by State authorities in 2008. Michael and the IHPS team were already operating well above these new standards, proving their mission was a success as they had not only met the standards of quality care issued by the regulatory authorities, they had exceeded them.
Today, Michael continues his mission and In Home Personal Services has grown not just in its native State of Illinois, but throughout the United States.
The best thing that we have, and the best part of what we have done, and the best way to describe a proven system, is in the people we have actually helped.
Michael Collura, President of In Home Personal Services
The Team of In Home Personal Services and how they carry the mission forward.
For starters, they care. The team of IHPS cares about what they do. For clarity, the team looks after Michael and after the brand, not the other way around. Their value is without question and while leadership will work to provide challenge and opportunity, it is the team that drives the company forward and makes IHPS who they are. They are the strength in their reputation, and they are every reason for the success of IHPS. Also, leadership does everything possible to ensure they can continue to do what it is that makes them so valuable.
In Home Personal Services takes its services and company ahead by being innovative. They don’t see “problems”, they see “opportunity”. Today, they have several new service type improvements all in place as a franchise system that have never been done before, certainly not quite like how they see it. These innovations in senior care will bring an additional quality of life and improved livelihood to their client base and their families. They are developing these today and continue to look forward.
Michael’s Thoughts on the Responsibilities of an Entrepreneur.
Integrity. More than just to yourself but to all. Leadership as a whole will fail at some point, that is why the integrity to recognize this fact and develop those around you to be properly trained, empowered, and ready to step in is so vital to the growth and success of any brand. Entrepreneurs all have that “fire”, the desire to be one’s “own boss”.
But those that thrive and succeed see that the truth in entrepreneurship is in developing others and stoking the same fire within them to be more, to be better, and to bring these same opportunities to others. Entrepreneurs are the heart and soul of the US economy because they make ready the next round of entrepreneurs from within their ranks when done properly.
Stop. Listen. Learn. Adapt. The only “failure” is in not overcoming the obstacles in front of you. Michael says ‘I have been knocked down and I will be again’. But getting back up and tackling the challenge is more than just going around it. It is about facing the issue, finding a solution rather than turning that into something you can use as an opportunity. Failure is a future opportunity waiting for an entrepreneur to figure out.
Michael’s views on constant vigilance as a need or a strategy, and his take on the rat race in the market.
No matter the role he plays whether it be leader, executive, entrepreneur, or care provider. Vigilance has been a powerful resource and necessary component of success and life. If he were to give up, that would be a true failure!
The “race” is for all those running the same path. Think of a racetrack. They are all going in the same direction. Michael, he carves his own path. So instead of “racing”, he focuses on innovation, growth, and forward-thinking. Michael states he is not bogged down by watching everyone else. He works down his path so they can glimpse over at him to see what he is doing.