Revenue growth has always been one of the toughest jobs and part of any organization or company. It is simple to understand but the applications in marketing and sales have many implications and intricate details that require a lot of focus and attention. Marketing and sales have a very pivotal role in the functioning and efficiency of any company or institution. Marketing generates leads, sales turns those leads into revenue, but revenue growth also demands building a customer base, generating awareness for the products and services and creating the overall strategies that create a disruptive, compelling and emotional story that positions the company in the market.
Square 2 has led a revolution in the industry with its latest advancements in techniques and methodologies. They have advanced revenue generation from an art to a science with the use of AI and other advanced software. Square 2 has undoubtedly become a leading competitor and a reputed name in the domain of marketing, sales execution, and revenue growth by helping companies and businesses to grow and achieve their goals with the use of their expertise and experience in this field. They provide highly efficient and complete solutions to every problem and that a company may require.
The Company, the Story
Square 2 has always stood behind a set of core values that helped them position themself with their clients. No Fluff – they always tell their clients what they should do, they strongly feel that giving them the right advice, even if it’s an unpopular opinion is their job. Every Client Is A Raving Fan – they work hard to make their clients more than happy but fans and advocates. If we do right by them, they’ll do right by us. Remarkable or Nothing – they want their clients to be remarkable in their space and they want their agency to be remarkable. This is the secret sauce in marketing, if your business isn’t remarkable, its invisible.
They work hard to help their clients build remarkable businesses. Always Teaching and Always Learning – generating revenue requires learning new skills and trying new tools, they’re constantly learning how to do more for their clients, and they spend just as much time educating clients on the why’s and how’s behind their work, so they get smarter from working with them. Practice What You Preach – they don’t want to charge their clients to learn new tricks. They use Square 2 as a lab and test, experiment, and trial almost everything they offer before offering it to clients. If they can get it to generate leads for the agency, it will likely work even better for clients.
Be Bold And Might Forces Will Follow.
Basil King, Painter & Poet
Square 2 is a full-service revenue growth agency designed to help clients build revenue generation machines to grow their companies. They help businesses understand the changing buyer journey and how revenue is directly related to marketing, sales and customer service execution. More specifically, they help clients with strategy, tactics, analytics and technology to produce month-over-month revenue growth in a scalable, predictable and repeatable way, so their business grows.
They use their Cyclonic Buyer Journey model to help clients map their prospects’ buyer journeys to the right marketing, sales, and customer service tactics. They use their AI-powered recommendation engine software called MAXG to drive a more scientific set of recommendations for our clients.
They are the only agency to provide Accelerated Engagements, where clients are assigned a dedicated team working only with one client at any time. This allows them to deliver six months of work in just 30 days and allows them to accelerate results for their clients from months to weeks or even days.
They only work with a limited number of clients at a time allowing them to deploy their senior team of highly experienced experts to work with their clients uniquely, no junior account people here, and they continually work with clients to optimize program performance so business outcomes define the success of our engagements.

Square 2 has always had a lab. In the lab, they regularly run experiments on the agency in the hopes of uncovering new and innovative ways to improve performance for clients. They test new technology and software. They test new tactics. They run experiments to help them learn how to optimize existing tactics and all these learnings end up in their operational guidance for clients.
For example, they tested account-based marketing on their agency before they started offering this service to clients. They are currently testing intent data (algorithms that provide signaling data offsite for prospects that might be interested based on a profile but who have not yet visited their website). They’re running experiments with chat and ungated content.
They are also in the process of testing campaign-oriented content offers and podcasting as part of an ABM campaign approach. They regularly have several tests running and clients gain the benefit of live testing instead of an agency learning at the cost of their clients.
They help clients in four distinct areas and their services fit into each of those areas. They help them with strategy, who they want to target, what stories they need to tell, how those stories differentiate them from the competition, what business outcomes to expect and how to align their investment with those expectations. If any of those are missing, you have an incomplete strategy.
They help them with tactics. These are common among many agencies. Website, email, video, content marketing, account-based marketing, search, paid search, social, paid social ads, and almost any other digital marketing tactic you could think of. They also help their clients close the leads they help them generate. They call this closed-loop, click to close. This means they help them with sales process design, sales tools, sales analytics, sales operations, and other sales execution-related support.
Finally, they help them make sure that they’re turning customers into advocates and create referral programs, review tracking programs, reference reels and more to leverage happy customers in both marketing and sales execution programs.
They set up the company’s analytics. Revenue generation today is a science, so they need to collect data, analyze data, but most importantly use data to uncover insights and then turn those insights into action plans that drive additional performance. This is one of the most important aspects of their work with clients. They do this as part of their engagement and they do this as a standalone service, where they help clients uncover these data-driven insights and then guide their internal teams on execution.
Finally, they also help with technology. They’ll review and audit existing systems. Recommend new technology, help with the purchase, implementation, training and ongoing optimization ensuring that any investment in technology is producing solid results, month over month.
A word from the CEO
Square 2 has been in the able and expert hands of CEO, Mike Lieberman who is also the Chief Revenue Scientist at Square 2. He believes that an entrepreneur is responsible for growing their company, giving the people who work there a career trajectory that aligns with their growth expectations. This means continuing to add new and ongoing value to clients, also innovating and helping to move your industry forward.
In the simplest terms, it means helping people achieve their goals. But doing it in a way that is exciting, engaging, differentiating and more successful than your peers. If you don’t have that competitive approach in your character, you might be more of a business owner, than an actual entrepreneur. He thinks stamina is an under-recognized and important element to being a successful entrepreneur. You can never give up, no matter what is thrown at you. They can knock you down, but they can’t keep you down. You have to keep getting up and getting up until you get what you want and get to where you’re trying to go.
His career started in corporate America with stints at Dun & Bradstreet, Rosenbluth International, Xerox, Enbridge and Synygy. All these roles taught him the importance of connecting marketing to sales and not allowing marketing to live in a silo disconnected from the revenue generation effort all companies need to excel at.
After 12 years in traditional marketing roles at bigger companies, Eric Keiles and he started Square 2 with one single mission in mind. Help people who didn’t understand marketing to execute it more effectively so their businesses would grow faster. Eighteen years into Square 2 (founded in 2003) they’re still doing the same thing today. They want to introduce CEOs to a better way to grow their companies and they’re happy to do it for them, coach them to do it, or train their teams to do it on their own.
Mike has always been a lifelong learner as he feels one can learn a lot from others which can be applied to personal as well as professional life. A few people that Mike follows who have impacted the business dramatically are Seth Godin and his ideas in The Purple Cow, specifically the idea of being remarkable. Jeff Sutherland and his ideas from the book ‘The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time’, impacted our approach to delivering agency services. Barry Deutch and his book, ‘You’re Not The Person I Hired’, helped him transform their hiring process and they’ve been using these hiring practices for the past 10 years.
Everyone has set standards in life and people that they look up to and admire, be it in their professional life or personal, they always motivate and inspire us to achieve our goals and aim higher. Mike has always admired Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Tony Hsieh. These people all innovated their industries and did it with a conscious capitalism approach. He likes that they’re using their successes and platform to do good for others too.

Achievements as a company, as a CEO
There have been a lot of key achievements. Becoming HubSpot’s largest partner was exciting. Starting a few spinoff companies, one that coaches agency owners, one that is a software company to analyze marketing data and provide recommendations to marketers and just watching Square 2 grow over time. This journey has always been fun and it never felt like a job. Mike thinks that’s a sign you’re doing something right.
Looking after team members is a big part of his job. He regularly checks in on them and holds regular sessions to see how they are doing both professionally and personally. This is something he’s been doing more frequently during the recent pandemic. He wants them to know he cares about them as people and as Square 2 team members.
As a company they invest and focus time on the company’s culture and Core Values. They recognize people based on those core values and they talk about them every week at a company-wide all-hands session on Fridays. This session, more like a Kelly and Ryan talk show, allows them to recognize performance, share client successes, keep their culture fresh and share information with everyone in a fun way, every single week.
You have to keep getting up and getting up until you get what you want and get to where you’re trying to go.
Mike Liberman, CEO
What makes them unique as a team is that they’re a senior team of people that have been together for a long time. The average tenure from the team is 8 years. This allows them to work efficiently together, be honest with each other and shows that they share the same passion and the same values for their client’s businesses and their own business as well. They think of each other as partners, not employees.