Tardid Technologies – An Innovative AI Company.

Niladri Dutta | CEO | Tardid Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Artificial Intelligence is the most needful thing that helps to boost up productivity that reflects the growth of the business. With deploying the right AI technology, businesses can save time as well as money, outputs from cognitive technology helps businesses to make faster decisions.

Tardid Technologies is a unique organization based in Bangalore, which gains insights from academia, researchers, industry, and domain experts to tackle today’s and tomorrow’s challenges effectively. The Tardid Technologies think-tank group provides companies, academia, and government entities, the opportunity to know how Artificial Intelligence Technology and Brainbox can enhance their success.

Behind the massive growth of Tardid Technologies, the master brain is Mr. Niladri Dutta, CEO. Tardid ensures Process OEMs can get the first-hand experience of innovative intelligent prototypes of their machines.

Tardid Technologies

Tardid Technologies is an Artificial Intelligence Product Company, which is continuously changing the way, everyone perceived Artificial Intelligence. TARDID built BRAINBOX, is an Industry Specific Artificial Intelligence Platform for Shipping, Aviation, Railways, Wind Farms, Oil & Gas (upstream & midstream), Original Equipment Manufacturers and Government Entities. Brainbox helps enterprises to proactively understand assets (machine & structure) health conditions & performance by leveraging Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing to reduce unplanned downtime, compensations, demurrages. It further helps in improving decision making and return-on-investment by 10 times.

At Tardid Technologies, they strive to be one of the premier organizations were top researchers and domain experts would like to work, further, they promote women in IT and science, and help drive India’s Innovation Agenda.

At Tardid Technologies, Business Meets the Future, And Innovation Meets the Market

The Initial Challenges

The initial challenges were many starting with:

• Keeping the company bootstrapped until the product was ready,

• Educating the customers of the benefits of AI in heavy industries, how it can make a difference to their unplanned downtime

• Getting investment in an R&D company from Indian investors

• Headhunting for the right talent to create the right team

• Keeping the cost to a minimum

• And most importantly to keep the patience & motivation when things didn’t  go as planned

Triggering Point for the growth of the Company

Completing and demonstrating that structural health & machine health can be predicted by an autonomous system. They did this for a naval vessel which is one of the most complex systems in a difficult operating environment. Tardid Technologies had no looking back from thereon.

The unrelated hard work of the entire team is the only reason for their long-standing success. The belief of Tardid’s investors gave them the courage to push themselves further in the journey of building a robust and very unique AI platform. Tardid’s vision and razor-sharp focus of taking the team together in converting ideas from drawing board to reality kept them humble and allowed to achieve the success which they are witnessing today.

The Quality Offerings

Tardid Technologies from day one has focussed on providing an Artificial Intelligence Platform, specifically, for the Heavy Industries. They have two distinct segments of offerings: Structural Health & Machine Health Management of Industrial assets ranging from Ships, Cement Mills, Oil & Gas pipelines, motors, pumps, LPG cylinders, etc.

In today’s world, almost every other company is working in the space of AI but what makes Tardid Technologies stand out is how they use Physics aware models to solve real problems involving the assets’ health. Tardid Technologies provides a prescriptive maintenance decision support system using scientific knowledge-based.

In simple terms, Tardid Technologies is helping the industries to transition from systematic casual analysis (read human intuition based outcomes) to a Scientific knowledge-based approach, which ensures the decision taken is precise and the best option available.

At Tardid Technologies, they have made a product that is vertical and horizontally scalable. They have stayed focused on offerings of AI-based SHM & MHM, however, they have been exploring various use cases for the same. Tardid Technologies started with one industry and have been gradually exploring other industries one at a time.

About Entrepreneurship

As an Entrepreneur, the most important responsibility one has, to ensure to be able to pay salaries on time to our employees. Mr. Dutta says this as their team joined with faith and belief in the idea and most of them at much lower salaries than what they can get in other companies. Money may not be the best motivator but not having to worry about money come in the account on-time month on month ensures they can mentally give their best towards the organization. Entrepreneurship is a demanding space; it is all about balancing the responsibilities on the tight rope of dreams.

Vigilance is a must need. Vigilance isn’t intrusion of privacy; it is about being proactively aware of any untoward situation. We can avoid major catastrophes if one is vigilant. From Tardid’s perspective, if we are vigilant towards our industrial assets, we can avoid unplanned downtime, it will help towards Health, Safety and Environmental compliance and most importantly it can save lives of both humans and machines

The professional experience

Mr. Dutta has been in the industry for over the past 25 years. He was involved in the development and deployment of telecom protocol stacks in the USA during my start of a career. He eventually moved into OSS BSS Stacks for transactional business for Telecom Industry, helping companies build products as per the global market demands and needs. Over the years he graduated to business leadership positions, handling both technology/product developments and market development globally.

The Key Achievements

As an Entrepreneur, He feels his best achievement is that he has been able to develop a very strong and committed team, who are dedicated, trustworthy, dependable and most importantly willing to take their responsibilities towards the organization as their ownership. A team that is like a very big family, working towards a common goal of achieving excellence beyond comparison. Tardid Technologies has also achieved, its share of recognition from various organizations, some of the key ones are listed as under:

  • ABP News & Brand Excellence “Excellence in Engineering, Research & Development Science 2019”
  • ABP News & Brand Excellence “Emerging Brand Award 2019”
  • Certificate of Recognition, Tardid Technologies Pvt Ltd, has been selected as FINALIST for presentation & POC Demonstration of proposed innovation for the Defence India Start-up Challenge 2 titled, “Detection of Anomaly in Aircraft Air Trajectory”
  • OSHAI HSE&E Innovative Start-up Product Gold Award, OSHAI
  • Finalist Open Innovation Contest, NTT Data 7.0
  • Top 25 EmergeTech Company, Vizag FinTech Fest 2018
  • Part of Aerospace & Defense Organizations in India under Trailblazers 2019 which unveiled at AeroIndia 2019

The Team

Employees are the biggest asset of Tardid Technologies. It is a humble organization with no frills as bigger counterparts, but they do take care of employees by enabling them with knowledge and experience in a very niche area.

On the first day of joining, they promise their employees that they don’t guarantee them lifetime employment with Tardid but will make them employable for the rest of their lifetime, if they choose to grow out of Tardid in future.

Tardid’s team is truly unique, where most of the members are Ph.D. and M. Tech, who has joined them out of their passion for Technology. Almost all team members are headhunted and are given the task in their area of interest. Mr. Dutta said, “one of our key members left his comfortable job in Norway to pursue his passion with Tardid. The energy of our team keeps us pushing ourselves even further to achieve better and bigger success for Tardid.”

Client Experiences

Mr. Dutta Says that “For Tardid, every client has been unique and an experience in itself, however, I would like to highlight our experience with the defense. The first time we were on the asset, it felt intimidating by the sheer size of the asset and complexity involved in providing the desired results. We knew if we could meet the military standard, the commercial line of business becomes smooth thereon. Thus with a lot of courage, we started working. On successful completion, the entire landscape changed for us. We had managed to get success with one of the most difficult customers in the most tiring environment, it gave us a belief, that yes we can and there has been no looking back since then.”

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we

created them.” – Albert Einstein

The Rat Race in The Market

Tardid chooses to be in a place where the rat race hasn’t started yet. So there are many AI focussed companies but very few are focusing on the heavy industries, moreover, even if someone starts today, it takes a while in these industries to provide a solution. Surely, in few years Tardid will have “me-too” companies claiming to be similar to what they are today, but Tardid believes that there will be space for everyone. So Tardid keeps themselves focussed on what they have to achieve, and let others bother about the race to catch them up.

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